2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
import * as fs from 'fs-extra' ;
import { insertContentIntoFile , rootDir } from '../tool-utils' ;
import { pressCarouselItems } from './utils/pressCarousel' ;
import { getMarkdownIt , loadMustachePartials , markdownToPageHtml , renderMustache } from './utils/render' ;
2021-07-23 20:34:30 +01:00
import { Env , PlanPageParams , Sponsors , TemplateParams } from './utils/types' ;
import { getPlans , StripePublicConfig } from '@joplin/lib/utils/joplinCloud' ;
2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
const dirname = require ( 'path' ) . dirname ;
const glob = require ( 'glob' ) ;
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const env = Env . Prod ;
2021-07-10 11:29:18 +01:00
const buildTime = Date . now ( ) ;
2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
const websiteAssetDir = ` ${ rootDir } /Assets/WebsiteAssets ` ;
const mainTemplateHtml = fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ websiteAssetDir } /templates/main-new.mustache ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const frontTemplateHtml = fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ websiteAssetDir } /templates/front.mustache ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const plansTemplateHtml = fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ websiteAssetDir } /templates/plans.mustache ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const stripeConfigs : Record < Env , StripePublicConfig > = JSON . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ rootDir } /packages/server/stripeConfig.json ` , 'utf8' ) ) ;
const partialDir = ` ${ websiteAssetDir } /templates/partials ` ;
const stripeConfig = stripeConfigs [ env ] ;
let tocMd_ : string = null ;
let tocHtml_ : string = null ;
const tocRegex_ = /<!-- TOC -->([^]*)<!-- TOC -->/ ;
function tocMd() {
if ( tocMd_ ) return tocMd_ ;
const md = fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ rootDir } /README.md ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const toc = md . match ( tocRegex_ ) ;
tocMd_ = toc [ 1 ] ;
return tocMd_ ;
const donateLinksRegex_ = /<!-- DONATELINKS -->([^]*)<!-- DONATELINKS -->/ ;
async function getDonateLinks() {
const md = await fs . readFile ( ` ${ rootDir } /README.md ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const matches = md . match ( donateLinksRegex_ ) ;
if ( ! matches ) throw new Error ( 'Cannot fetch donate links' ) ;
return ` <div class="donate-links"> \ n \ n ${ matches [ 1 ] . trim ( ) } \ n \ n</div> ` ;
function replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks ( md : string ) {
// let output = md.replace(/https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/master\/readme\/(.*?)\/index\.md(#[^\s)]+|)/g, 'https://joplinapp.org/$1');
return md
. replace ( /https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/dev\/readme\/(.*?)\.md(#[^\s)]+|)/g , '/$1/$2' )
. replace ( /https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/dev\/README\.md(#[^\s)]+|)/g , '/help/$1' ) ;
function tocHtml() {
if ( tocHtml_ ) return tocHtml_ ;
const markdownIt = getMarkdownIt ( ) ;
let md = tocMd ( ) ;
md = md . replace ( /# Table of contents/ , '' ) ;
md = replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks ( md ) ;
tocHtml_ = markdownIt . render ( md ) ;
tocHtml_ = ` <div> ${ tocHtml_ } </div> ` ;
return tocHtml_ ;
function defaultTemplateParams ( ) : TemplateParams {
const baseUrl = '' ;
return {
env ,
baseUrl : baseUrl ,
imageBaseUrl : ` ${ baseUrl } /images ` ,
cssBaseUrl : ` ${ baseUrl } /css ` ,
jsBaseUrl : ` ${ baseUrl } /js ` ,
tocHtml : tocHtml ( ) ,
yyyy : ( new Date ( ) ) . getFullYear ( ) . toString ( ) ,
templateHtml : mainTemplateHtml ,
forumUrl : 'https://discourse.joplinapp.org/' ,
showToc : true ,
showImproveThisDoc : true ,
2021-07-19 10:58:21 +01:00
showJoplinCloudLinks : true ,
2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
navbar : {
isFrontPage : false ,
} ,
2021-07-10 11:29:18 +01:00
buildTime ,
2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
} ;
function renderPageToHtml ( md : string , targetPath : string , templateParams : TemplateParams ) {
// Remove the header because it's going to be added back as HTML
md = md . replace ( /# Joplin\n/ , '' ) ;
templateParams = {
. . . defaultTemplateParams ( ) ,
. . . templateParams ,
} ;
const title = [ ] ;
if ( ! templateParams . title ) {
title . push ( 'Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities' ) ;
} else {
title . push ( templateParams . title ) ;
title . push ( 'Joplin' ) ;
md = replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks ( md ) ;
if ( templateParams . donateLinksMd ) {
md = ` ${ templateParams . donateLinksMd } \ n \ n ${ md } ` ;
templateParams . pageTitle = title . join ( ' | ' ) ;
const html = templateParams . contentHtml ? renderMustache ( templateParams . contentHtml , templateParams ) : markdownToPageHtml ( md , templateParams ) ;
const folderPath = dirname ( targetPath ) ;
fs . mkdirpSync ( folderPath ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( targetPath , html ) ;
async function readmeFileTitle ( sourcePath : string ) {
const md = await fs . readFile ( sourcePath , 'utf8' ) ;
const r = md . match ( /(^|\n)# (.*)/ ) ;
if ( ! r ) {
throw new Error ( ` Could not determine title for Markdown file: ${ sourcePath } ` ) ;
} else {
return r [ 2 ] ;
function renderFileToHtml ( sourcePath : string , targetPath : string , templateParams : TemplateParams ) {
const md = fs . readFileSync ( sourcePath , 'utf8' ) ;
return renderPageToHtml ( md , targetPath , templateParams ) ;
function makeHomePageMd() {
let md = fs . readFileSync ( ` ${ rootDir } /README.md ` , 'utf8' ) ;
md = md . replace ( tocRegex_ , '' ) ;
// HACK: GitHub needs the \| or the inline code won't be displayed correctly inside the table,
// while MarkdownIt doesn't and will in fact display the \. So we remove it here.
md = md . replace ( /\\\| bash/g , '| bash' ) ;
return md ;
async function createDownloadButtonsHtml ( readmeMd : string ) : Promise < Record < string , string > > {
const output : Record < string , string > = { } ;
output [ 'windows' ] = readmeMd . match ( /(<a href=.*?Joplin-Setup-.*?<\/a>)/ ) [ 0 ] ;
output [ 'macOs' ] = readmeMd . match ( /(<a href=.*?Joplin-.*\.dmg.*?<\/a>)/ ) [ 0 ] ;
output [ 'linux' ] = readmeMd . match ( /(<a href=.*?Joplin-.*\.AppImage.*?<\/a>)/ ) [ 0 ] ;
output [ 'android' ] = readmeMd . match ( /(<a href='https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details\?id=net\.cozic\.joplin.*?<\/a>)/ ) [ 0 ] ;
output [ 'ios' ] = readmeMd . match ( /(<a href='https:\/\/itunes\.apple\.com\/us\/app\/joplin\/id1315599797.*?<\/a>)/ ) [ 0 ] ;
for ( const [ k , v ] of Object . entries ( output ) ) {
if ( ! v ) throw new Error ( ` Could not get download element for: ${ k } ` ) ;
return output ;
// <a href='https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/download/v2.1.8/Joplin-Setup-2.1.8.exe'><img alt='Get it on Windows' width="134px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeWindows.png'/></a>
// <a href='https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/download/v2.1.8/Joplin-2.1.8.dmg'><img alt='Get it on macOS' width="134px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeMacOS.png'/></a>
// <a href='https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/download/v2.1.8/Joplin-2.1.8.AppImage'><img alt='Get it on Linux' width="134px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeLinux.png'/></a>
// <a href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cozic.joplin&utm_source=GitHub&utm_campaign=README&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1'><img alt='Get it on Google Play' height="40px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeAndroid.png'/></a>
// <a href='https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/joplin/id1315599797'><img alt='Get it on the App Store' height="40px" src='https://joplinapp.org/images/BadgeIOS.png'/></a>
async function updateDownloadPage ( downloadButtonsHtml : Record < string , string > ) {
const desktopButtonsHtml = [
downloadButtonsHtml [ 'windows' ] ,
downloadButtonsHtml [ 'macOs' ] ,
downloadButtonsHtml [ 'linux' ] ,
] ;
const mobileButtonsHtml = [
downloadButtonsHtml [ 'android' ] ,
downloadButtonsHtml [ 'ios' ] ,
] ;
await insertContentIntoFile ( ` ${ rootDir } /readme/download.md ` , '<!-- DESKTOP-DOWNLOAD-LINKS -->' , '<!-- DESKTOP-DOWNLOAD-LINKS -->' , desktopButtonsHtml . join ( ' ' ) ) ;
await insertContentIntoFile ( ` ${ rootDir } /readme/download.md ` , '<!-- MOBILE-DOWNLOAD-LINKS -->' , '<!-- MOBILE-DOWNLOAD-LINKS -->' , mobileButtonsHtml . join ( ' ' ) ) ;
async function loadSponsors ( ) : Promise < Sponsors > {
const sponsorsPath = ` ${ rootDir } /packages/tools/sponsors.json ` ;
return JSON . parse ( await fs . readFile ( sponsorsPath , 'utf8' ) ) ;
async function main() {
await fs . remove ( ` ${ rootDir } /docs ` ) ;
await fs . copy ( websiteAssetDir , ` ${ rootDir } /docs ` ) ;
const sponsors = await loadSponsors ( ) ;
const partials = await loadMustachePartials ( partialDir ) ;
const readmeMd = makeHomePageMd ( ) ;
const downloadButtonsHtml = await createDownloadButtonsHtml ( readmeMd ) ;
await updateDownloadPage ( downloadButtonsHtml ) ;
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
renderPageToHtml ( readmeMd , ` ${ rootDir } /docs/help/index.html ` , { sourceMarkdownFile : 'README.md' , partials , sponsors } ) ;
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
renderPageToHtml ( '' , ` ${ rootDir } /docs/index.html ` , {
templateHtml : frontTemplateHtml ,
partials ,
pressCarouselRegular : {
id : 'carouselRegular' ,
items : pressCarouselItems ( ) ,
} ,
pressCarouselMobile : {
id : 'carouselMobile' ,
items : pressCarouselItems ( ) ,
} ,
sponsors ,
navbar : {
isFrontPage : true ,
} ,
2021-07-12 10:37:58 +01:00
showToc : false ,
2021-07-10 11:16:13 +01:00
} ) ;
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
const planPageFaqMd = await fs . readFile ( ` ${ rootDir } /readme/faq_joplin_cloud.md ` , 'utf8' ) ;
const planPageFaqHtml = getMarkdownIt ( ) . render ( planPageFaqMd , { } ) ;
const planPageParams : PlanPageParams = {
. . . defaultTemplateParams ( ) ,
partials ,
templateHtml : plansTemplateHtml ,
plans : getPlans ( stripeConfig ) ,
faqHtml : planPageFaqHtml ,
stripeConfig ,
} ;
const planPageContentHtml = renderMustache ( '' , planPageParams ) ;
renderPageToHtml ( '' , ` ${ rootDir } /docs/plans/index.html ` , {
. . . defaultTemplateParams ( ) ,
pageName : 'plans' ,
partials ,
showToc : false ,
showImproveThisDoc : false ,
contentHtml : planPageContentHtml ,
title : 'Joplin Cloud Plans' ,
} ) ;
// =============================================================
// All other pages are generated dynamically from the
// Markdown files under /readme
// =============================================================
const mdFiles = glob . sync ( ` ${ rootDir } /readme/**/*.md ` ) . map ( ( f : string ) = > f . substr ( rootDir . length + 1 ) ) ;
const sources = [ ] ;
const donateLinksMd = await getDonateLinks ( ) ;
for ( const mdFile of mdFiles ) {
const title = await readmeFileTitle ( ` ${ rootDir } / ${ mdFile } ` ) ;
const targetFilePath = ` ${ mdFile . replace ( /\.md/ , '' ) . replace ( /readme\// , 'docs/' ) } /index.html ` ;
sources . push ( [ mdFile , targetFilePath , {
title : title ,
donateLinksMd : mdFile === 'readme/donate.md' ? '' : donateLinksMd ,
showToc : mdFile !== 'readme/download.md' ,
} ] ) ;
for ( const source of sources ) {
source [ 2 ] . sourceMarkdownFile = source [ 0 ] ;
source [ 2 ] . sourceMarkdownName = path . basename ( source [ 0 ] , path . extname ( source [ 0 ] ) ) ;
renderFileToHtml ( ` ${ rootDir } / ${ source [ 0 ] } ` , ` ${ rootDir } / ${ source [ 1 ] } ` , {
. . . source [ 2 ] ,
templateHtml : mainTemplateHtml ,
partials ,
} ) ;
main ( ) . catch ( ( error ) = > {
console . error ( error ) ;
} ) ;