2024-08-08 20:53:43 +02:00
import KeychainServiceDriverBase from './KeychainServiceDriverBase' ;
import shim from '../../shim' ;
import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger' ;
import KvStore from '../KvStore' ;
import Setting from '../../models/Setting' ;
2024-10-17 23:49:50 +02:00
const logger = Logger . create ( 'KeychainServiceDriver.electron' ) ;
2024-08-08 20:53:43 +02:00
const canUseSafeStorage = ( ) = > {
return ! ! shim . electronBridge ? . ( ) ? . safeStorage ? . isEncryptionAvailable ( ) ;
} ;
const kvStorePrefix = 'KeychainServiceDriver.secureStore.' ;
export default class KeychainServiceDriver extends KeychainServiceDriverBase {
public override readonly driverId = 'electron-safeStorage' ;
public constructor ( appId : string , clientId : string ) {
super ( appId , clientId ) ;
if ( canUseSafeStorage ( ) && shim . isLinux ( ) ) {
logger . info ( 'KeychainService Linux backend: ' , shim . electronBridge ( ) ? . safeStorage ? . getSelectedStorageBackend ( ) ) ;
public async supported() {
return canUseSafeStorage ( ) ;
public async setPassword ( name : string , password : string ) : Promise < boolean > {
if ( canUseSafeStorage ( ) ) {
logger . debug ( 'Saving password with electron safe storage. ID: ' , name ) ;
const encrypted = await shim . electronBridge ( ) . safeStorage . encryptString ( password ) ;
await KvStore . instance ( ) . setValue ( ` ${ kvStorePrefix } ${ name } ` , encrypted ) ;
} else {
// Unsupported.
return false ;
return true ;
public async password ( name : string ) : Promise < string > {
let result : string | null = null ;
if ( canUseSafeStorage ( ) ) {
const data = await KvStore . instance ( ) . value < string > ( ` ${ kvStorePrefix } ${ name } ` ) ;
if ( data !== null ) {
try {
result = await shim . electronBridge ( ) . safeStorage . decryptString ( data ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
logger . warn ( 'Decryption of a setting failed. Corrupted data or new keychain password? Error:' , e ) ;
if ( shim . isLinux ( ) && Setting . value ( 'env' ) === 'dev' ) {
logger . warn ( 'If running Joplin in development mode with NodeJS installed from the Snap store, consider retrying with NodeJS installed from a different source.' ) ;
return result ;
public async deletePassword ( name : string ) : Promise < void > {
if ( canUseSafeStorage ( ) ) {
logger . debug ( 'Trying to delete encrypted password with id ' , name ) ;
await KvStore . instance ( ) . deleteValue ( ` ${ kvStorePrefix } ${ name } ` ) ;