2024-04-20 15:23:07 +02:00
import React = require ( 'react' ) ;
import { useMemo , useState , useCallback , CSSProperties , useEffect , useRef } from 'react' ;
import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale' ;
import { SettingItemSubType } from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting' ;
import { focus } from '@joplin/lib/utils/focusHandler' ;
interface Props {
type : string ;
style : CSSProperties ;
value : string ;
availableFonts : string [ ] ;
2024-08-02 15:49:15 +02:00
inputId : string ;
2024-04-20 15:23:07 +02:00
onChange : ( font : string ) = > void ;
subtype : string ;
const FontSearch = ( props : Props ) = > {
const { type , style , value , availableFonts , onChange , subtype } = props ;
const [ filteredAvailableFonts , setFilteredAvailableFonts ] = useState ( availableFonts ) ;
const [ inputText , setInputText ] = useState ( value ) ;
const [ showList , setShowList ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ isListHovered , setIsListHovered ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ isFontSelected , setIsFontSelected ] = useState ( value !== '' ) ;
const [ visibleFonts , setVisibleFonts ] = useState < string [ ] > ( [ ] ) ;
const [ isMonoBoxChecked , setIsMonoBoxChecked ] = useState ( false ) ;
const isLoadingFonts = filteredAvailableFonts . length === 0 ;
const fontInputRef = useRef < HTMLInputElement > ( null ) ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( subtype === SettingItemSubType . MonospaceFontFamily ) {
setIsMonoBoxChecked ( true ) ;
} , [ subtype ] ) ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! isMonoBoxChecked ) return setFilteredAvailableFonts ( availableFonts ) ;
const localMonospacedFonts = availableFonts . filter ( ( font : string ) = >
monospaceKeywords . some ( ( word : string ) = > font . toLowerCase ( ) . includes ( word ) ) ||
knownMonospacedFonts . includes ( font . toLowerCase ( ) ) ,
) ;
setFilteredAvailableFonts ( localMonospacedFonts ) ;
} , [ isMonoBoxChecked , availableFonts ] ) ;
const displayedFonts = useMemo ( ( ) = > {
if ( isFontSelected ) return filteredAvailableFonts ;
return filteredAvailableFonts . filter ( ( font : string ) = >
font . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( inputText . toLowerCase ( ) ) ,
) ;
} , [ filteredAvailableFonts , inputText , isFontSelected ] ) ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
setVisibleFonts ( displayedFonts . slice ( 0 , 20 ) ) ;
} , [ displayedFonts ] ) ;
// Lazy loading
const handleListScroll : React.UIEventHandler < HTMLDivElement > = useCallback ( ( event ) = > {
const scrollTop = ( event . target as HTMLDivElement ) . scrollTop ;
const scrollHeight = ( event . target as HTMLDivElement ) . scrollHeight ;
const clientHeight = ( event . target as HTMLDivElement ) . clientHeight ;
// Check if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the container
// A small buffer of 20 pixels is subtracted from the total scrollHeight to ensure new content starts loading slightly before the user reaches the absolute bottom, providing a smoother experience.
if ( scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - 20 ) {
// Load the next 20 fonts
const remainingFonts = displayedFonts . slice ( visibleFonts . length , visibleFonts . length + 20 ) ;
setVisibleFonts ( [ . . . visibleFonts , . . . remainingFonts ] ) ;
} , [ displayedFonts , visibleFonts ] ) ;
const handleTextChange : React.ChangeEventHandler < HTMLInputElement > = useCallback ( ( event ) = > {
setIsFontSelected ( false ) ;
setInputText ( event . target . value ) ;
onChange ( event . target . value ) ;
} , [ onChange ] ) ;
const handleFocus : React.FocusEventHandler < HTMLInputElement > = useCallback ( ( ) = > setShowList ( true ) , [ ] ) ;
const handleBlur : React.FocusEventHandler < HTMLInputElement > = useCallback ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! isListHovered ) {
setShowList ( false ) ;
} , [ isListHovered ] ) ;
const handleFontClick : React.MouseEventHandler < HTMLDivElement > = useCallback ( ( event ) = > {
const font = ( event . target as HTMLDivElement ) . innerText ;
setInputText ( font ) ;
setShowList ( false ) ;
onChange ( font ) ;
setIsFontSelected ( true ) ;
} , [ onChange ] ) ;
const handleListHover : React.MouseEventHandler < HTMLDivElement > = useCallback ( ( ) = > setIsListHovered ( true ) , [ ] ) ;
const handleListLeave : React.MouseEventHandler < HTMLDivElement > = useCallback ( ( ) = > setIsListHovered ( false ) , [ ] ) ;
const handleMonoBoxCheck : React.ChangeEventHandler < HTMLInputElement > = useCallback ( ( ) = > {
setIsMonoBoxChecked ( ! isMonoBoxChecked ) ;
focus ( 'FontSearch::fontInputRef' , fontInputRef . current ) ;
} , [ isMonoBoxChecked ] ) ;
return (
< >
< input
type = { type }
style = { style }
value = { inputText }
onChange = { handleTextChange }
onFocus = { handleFocus }
onBlur = { handleBlur }
spellCheck = { false }
2024-08-02 15:49:15 +02:00
id = { props . inputId }
2024-04-20 15:23:07 +02:00
ref = { fontInputRef }
/ >
< div
className = { 'font-search-list' }
style = { { display : showList ? 'block' : 'none' } }
onMouseEnter = { handleListHover }
onMouseLeave = { handleListLeave }
onScroll = { handleListScroll }
isLoadingFonts ? < div > { _ ( 'Loading...' ) } < / div > :
< >
< div className = 'monospace-checkbox' >
< input
type = 'checkbox'
checked = { isMonoBoxChecked }
onChange = { handleMonoBoxCheck }
id = { ` show-monospace-fonts_ ${ subtype } ` }
/ >
< label htmlFor = { ` show-monospace-fonts_ ${ subtype } ` } > { _ ( 'Show monospace fonts only.' ) } < / label >
< / div >
visibleFonts . map ( ( font : string ) = >
< div
key = { font }
style = { { fontFamily : ` " ${ font } " ` } }
onClick = { handleFontClick }
className = 'font-search-item'
{ font }
< / div > ,
< / >
< / div >
< / >
) ;
} ;
export default FontSearch ;
// Known monospaced fonts from wikipedia
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_monospaced_typefaces
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Monospaced_typefaces
// Make sure to add the fonts in lower case
// cSpell:disable
const knownMonospacedFonts = [
'andalé mono' ,
'anonymous pro' ,
'bitstream vera sans mono' ,
'cascadia code' ,
'century schoolbook monospace' ,
'comic mono' ,
'computer modern mono/typewriter' ,
'consolas' ,
'courier' ,
'courier final draft' ,
'courier new' ,
'courier prime' ,
'courier screenplay' ,
'cousine' ,
'dejavu sans mono' ,
'droid sans mono' ,
'envy code r' ,
'everson mono' ,
'fantasque sans mono' ,
'fira code' ,
'fira mono' ,
'fixed' ,
'fixedsys' ,
'freemono' ,
'go mono' ,
'hack' ,
'hyperfont' ,
'ibm courier' ,
'ibm plex mono' ,
'inconsolata' ,
'input' ,
'iosevka' ,
'jetbrains mono' ,
'juliamono' ,
'letter gothic' ,
'liberation mono' ,
'lucida console' ,
'menlo' ,
'monaco' ,
'monofur' ,
'monospace (unicode)' ,
'nimbus mono l' ,
'nk57 monospace' ,
'noto mono' ,
'ocr-a' ,
'ocr-b' ,
'operator mono' ,
'overpass mono' ,
'oxygen mono' ,
'pragmatapro' ,
'profont' ,
'pt mono' ,
'recursive mono' ,
'roboto mono' ,
'sf mono' ,
'source code pro' ,
'spleen' ,
'terminal' ,
'terminus' ,
'tex gyre cursor' ,
'ubuntu mono' ,
'victor mono' ,
'wumpus mono' ,
] ;
const monospaceKeywords = [
'mono' ,
'code' ,
'courier' ,
'console' ,
'source code' ,
'terminal' ,
'fixed' ,
] ;