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2021-01-28 11:37:28 -05:00
{"OK":"OK","Cancel":"Utzi","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Esteka edo mezu ez dago onartua: %s","Back":"Atzera","Delete":"Ezabatu","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Kendu bilaketa hori ohar guztietatik?","Synchronise":"Sinkronizatu","Notebooks":"Koadernoak","Tags":"Etiketak","Layout":"Diseinua","Cut":"Moztu","Copy":"Kopiatu","Paste":"Itsatsi","Edit":"Editatu","Attach file":"Erantsi fitxategia","ID":"ID","Created":"Sortua","Updated":"Eguneratua","Disabled":"Desgaituta","Import":"Inportatu","Quit":"Irten","Website and documentation":"Web orria eta dokumentazioa (en)","Options":"Aukerak","Save":"Gorde","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"Zenbait item ezin dira sinkronizatu.","View them now":"Ikusi hori orain","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Zenbait item ezin dira deszifratu.","Set the password":"Ezarri pasahitza","Rename":"Berrizendatu","Rename notebook:":"Berrizendatu koadernoa:","New to-do":"Zeregin berria","Set alarm":"Ezarri alarma","Set alarm:":"Ezarri alarma:","New note":"Ohar berria","New notebook":"Koaderno berria","Notebook title:":"Koadernoaren izenburua: ","Add or remove tags:":"Gehitu edo ezabatu etiketak:","Synchronisation Status":"Sinkronizazioaren egoera","About Joplin":"Joplin-i buruz","New notebook \"%s\" will be created and file \"%s\" will be imported into it":"\"%s\" koaderno berria sortuko da eta \"%s\" Fitxategia inportatuko da bertara","Found: %d.":"Aurkitua: %d","Created: %d.":"Sortuta: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Eguneratuta: %d.","Skipped: %d.":"Saltatuta: %d.","Resources: %d.":"Baliabideak: %d.","Tagged: %d.":"Etiketatuta: %d.","The notes have been imported: %s":"Oharrak inportatu dira: %s","Switch between note and to-do type":"Aldatu oharra eta zeregin eren artean.","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentifikazioa ez da egin osorik (ez du token-ik hartu).","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"Zifratua desgaitzeak esan nahi du zure ohar eta eranskin *guztiak* berriro deszifratuta sinkronizatuko eta bidaliko direla sinkronizazio helburura. Segitu nahi duzu?","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Zifratua gaitzeak esan nahi du zure ohar eta eranskin *guztiak* zifratuta sinkronizatuko eta bidaliko direla sinkronizazio helburura. Ez galdu pasahitza, bera izango baita datuak deszifratzeko bide *bakarra*! Zifratua baimentzeko, mesedez, aurretik sartu zure pasahitza.","Disable encryption":"Zifratzea desgaitu","Enable encryption":"Zifratua gaitu","Master Keys":"Pasahitz nagusia","Active":"Aktibo","Source":"Iturburua","Password":"Pasahitza","Password OK":"Pasahitza ondo","Status":"Egoera","Encryption is:":"Zifratua da:","Enabled":"Gaituta","OneDrive Login":"Logeatu OneDriven","Clear":"Garbitu","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \"New note\".":"Hemen ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat \"Ohar berria\" sakatuta.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \"New notebook\".":"Momentuz ez dago koadernorik. Sortu bat \"Koaderno berria\" sakatuta.","Search in all the notes":"Bilatu ohar guztietan","Untitled":"Titulu gabekoa","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Errorea editorean oharra zabaltzean: %s","Delete these notes?":"Oharrok ezabatu?","Configuration":"Konfigurazioa","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat (+) botoian klik eginaz.","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Koadernoa ezin gorde daiteke: %s","Edit notebook":"Editatu koadernoa","Login with OneDrive":"Login with OneDrive","Master Key %s":"Pasahitz Nagusia %s","Created: %s":"Sortuta: %s","Password:":"Pasahitza:","Password cannot be empty":"Pasahitza ezin utz daiteke hutsik","Enable":"Gaituta","Encryption Config":"Zifratze Ezarpenak","Encryption is: