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2021-01-28 11:37:28 -05:00
{"OK":"Baik","Cancel":"Batal","The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.":"Aplikasi akan ditutup. Silakan luncurkan ulang untuk menyelesaikan prosesnya.","Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.":"Ketik judul catatan atau bagian di isinya untuk temukan catatan yang dicari. Atau ketik # diikuti dengan nama label, atau @ diikuti dengan nama buku catatan. Atau ketik : untuk mencari perintah.","Goto Anything...":"Pergi ke apa saja...","Exporting to \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait...":"Mengekspor ke \"%s\" sebagai format \"%s\". Mohon tunggu...","Could not export notes: %s":"Tidak dapat mengekspor catatan: %s","Current version is up-to-date.":"Versi saat ini adalah versi terbaru.","%s (pre-release)":"%s (prarilis)","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"Pembaruan tersedia, apakah Anda mau mengunduhnya sekarang?","Your version: %s":"Versi Anda: %s","New version: %s":"Versi baru: %s","Download":"Unduh","Full Release Notes":"Catatan Rilis Lengkap","The note \"%s\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \"%s\".":"Catatan \"%s\" telah berhasil dipulihkan ke buku catatan \"%s\".","This note has no history":"Catatan ini tidak memiliki riwayat","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Tautan atau pesan yang tidak didukung: %s","Restore":"Pulihkan","Click \"%s\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \"%s\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.":"Klik \"%s\" untuk memulihkan catatan. Catatan akan disalin dalam buku catatan bernama \"%s\". Versi catatan saat ini tidak akan diganti atau dimodifikasi.","Back":"Kembali","Remove":"Hapus","Delete notebook \"%s\"?\n\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Hapus buku catatan \"%s\"?\n\nSemua catatan dan sub-buku catatan dalam buku catatan ini juga akan dihapus.","Delete":"Hapus","Remove tag \"%s\" from all notes?":"Hapus label \"%s\" dari semua catatan?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Hapus pencarian ini dari bilah samping?","Export":"Ekspor","All notes":"Semua catatan","Synchronise":"Sinkronisasi %s","Notebooks":"Buku catatan","Tags":"Label","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Mendekripsi item: %d/%d","Fetching resources: %d/%d":"Mengambil sumber daya: %d/%d","Sidebar":"Bilah samping","Focus":"Fokus","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"Silakan pilih di mana status sinkronisasi seharusnya diekspor","Retry All":"Coba lagi semua","Retry":"Coba lagi","strong text":"teks yang ditekankan lebih kuat (strong text)","emphasised text":"teks yang ditekankan (emphasized text)","Insert Hyperlink":"Masukkan Tautan","List item":"Item daftar","Layout":"Tata letak","This note has no content. Click on \"%s\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"Catatan ini tidak memiliki konten. Klik \"%s\" untuk beralih ke editor dan mengedit catatan.","Cut":"Potong","Copy":"Salin","Paste":"Tempel","Checkbox list":"Kotak centang","Edit":"Ubah","Attach file":"Lampirkan berkas","Insert Date Time":"Masukkan Waktu dan Tanggal","Drop notes or files here":"Taruh catatan atau file di sini","Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.":"Silakan tunggu sampai semua lampiran sudah diunduh dan didekripsi. Anda juga bisa beralih ke %s untuk mengedit catatan.","There was an error downloading this attachment:":"Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunduh lampiran ini:","This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet":"Lampiran ini belum diunduh atau belum didekripsi","Open...":"Buka...","Save as...":"Simpan sebagai...","Reveal file in folder":"Buka file di berkas","Copy path to clipboard":"Salin jalur ke papan klip","Copy Link Address":"Salin Alamat Tautan","to-do":"tugas","note":"catatan","Creating new %s...":"Membuat %s baru...","This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.":"Editor Rich Text ini punya beberapa keterbatasan d