mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-17 20:48:11 +02:00

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import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
import Tag from '../../models/Tag';
export interface Options {
folderCount?: number;
noteCount?: number;
tagCount?: number;
tagsPerNote?: number;
silent?: number;
clearDatabase?: boolean;
function randomIndex(array: any[]): number {
return Math.round(Math.random() * (array.length - 1));
function randomIndexes(arrayLength: number, count: number): number[] {
const arr = [];
while (arr.length < count) {
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayLength);
if (arr.indexOf(r) === -1) arr.push(r);
return arr;
function randomElements(array: any[], count: number): any[] {
const indexes = randomIndexes(array.length, count);
const output = [];
for (const index of indexes) {
return output;
function randomElement(array: any[]): any {
const idx = randomIndex(array);
return array[idx];
// Use the constants below to define how many folders, notes and tags
// should be created.
export default async function populateDatabase(db: any, options: Options = null) {
options = {
folderCount: 0,
noteCount: 0,
tagCount: 0,
tagsPerNote: 0,
clearDatabase: false,
if (options.clearDatabase) await db.clearForTesting();
const createdFolderIds: string[] = [];
const createdNoteIds: string[] = [];
const createdTagIds: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < options.folderCount; i++) {
const folder: any = {
title: `folder${i}`,
const isRoot = Math.random() <= 0.1 || i === 0;
if (!isRoot) {
const parentIndex = randomIndex(createdFolderIds);
folder.parent_id = createdFolderIds[parentIndex];
const savedFolder = await Folder.save(folder);
if (!options.silent) console.info(`Folders: ${i} / ${options.folderCount}`);
let tagBatch = [];
for (let i = 0; i < options.tagCount; i++) {
const tagTitle = randomElement(wordList); // `tag${i}`
tagBatch.push(Tag.save({ title: tagTitle }, { dispatchUpdateAction: false }).then((savedTag: any) => {
if (!options.silent) console.info(`Tags: ${i} / ${options.tagCount}`);
if (tagBatch.length > 1000) {
await Promise.all(tagBatch);
tagBatch = [];
if (tagBatch.length) {
await Promise.all(tagBatch);
tagBatch = [];
let noteBatch = [];
for (let i = 0; i < options.noteCount; i++) {
const note: any = { title: `note${i}`, body: `This is note num. ${i}` };
const parentIndex = randomIndex(createdFolderIds);
note.parent_id = createdFolderIds[parentIndex];
noteBatch.push(Note.save(note, { dispatchUpdateAction: false }).then((savedNote: any) => {
console.info(`Notes: ${i} / ${options.noteCount}`);
if (noteBatch.length > 1000) {
await Promise.all(noteBatch);
noteBatch = [];
if (noteBatch.length) {
await Promise.all(noteBatch);
noteBatch = [];
if (options.tagsPerNote) {
let noteTagBatch = [];
for (const noteId of createdNoteIds) {
const tagIds = randomElements(createdTagIds, options.tagsPerNote);
noteTagBatch.push(Tag.setNoteTagsByIds(noteId, tagIds));
if (noteTagBatch.length > 1000) {
await Promise.all(noteTagBatch);
noteTagBatch = [];
if (noteTagBatch.length) {
await Promise.all(noteTagBatch);
noteTagBatch = [];
const wordList = ['a', 'ability', 'able', 'about', 'above', 'accept', 'according', 'account', 'across', 'act', 'action', 'activity', 'actually', 'add', 'address', 'administration', 'admit', 'adult', 'affect', 'after', 'again', 'against', 'age', 'agency', 'agent', 'ago', 'agree', 'agreement', 'ahead', 'air', 'all', 'allow', 'almost', 'alone', 'along', 'already', 'also', 'although', 'always', 'American', 'among', 'amount', 'analysis', 'and', 'animal', 'another', 'answer', 'any', 'anyone', 'anything', 'appear', 'apply', 'approach', 'area', 'argue', 'arm', 'around', 'arrive', 'art', 'article', 'artist', 'as', 'ask', 'assume', 'at', 'attack', 'attention', 'attorney', 'audience', 'author', 'authority', 'available', 'avoid', 'away', 'baby', 'back', 'bad', 'bag', 'ball', 'bank', 'bar', 'base', 'be', 'beat', 'beautiful', 'because', 'become', 'bed', 'before', 'begin', 'behavior', 'behind', 'believe', 'benefit', 'best', 'better', 'between', 'beyond', 'big', 'bill', 'billion', 'bit', 'black', 'blood', 'blue', 'board', 'body', 'book', 'born', 'both', 'box', 'boy', 'break', 'bring', 'brother', 'budget', 'build', 'building', 'business', 'but', 'buy', 'by', 'call', 'camera', 'campaign', 'can', 'cancer', 'candidate', 'capital', 'car', 'card', 'care', 'career', 'carry', 'case', 'catch', 'cause', 'cell', 'center', 'central', 'century', 'certain', 'certainly', 'chair', 'challenge', 'chance', 'change', 'character', 'charge', 'check', 'child', 'choice', 'choose', 'church', 'citizen', 'city', 'civil', 'claim', 'class', 'clear', 'clearly', 'close', 'coach', 'cold', 'collection', 'college', 'color', 'come', 'commercial', 'common', 'community', 'company', 'compare', 'computer', 'concern', 'condition', 'conference', 'Congress', 'consider', 'consumer', 'contain', 'continue', 'control', 'cost', 'could', 'country', 'couple', 'course', 'court', 'cover', 'create', 'crime', 'cultural', 'culture', 'cup', 'current', 'customer', 'cut', 'dark', 'data', 'daughter', 'day', 'dead', 'deal', 'death', 'debate', 'decade', 'decide', 'decision', 'deep', 'defense', 'degree', 'Democrat', 'democratic', 'describe', 'design', 'despite', 'detail', 'determine', 'develop', 'development', 'die', 'difference', 'different', 'difficult', 'dinner', 'direction', 'director', 'discover', 'discuss', 'discussion', 'disease', 'do', 'doctor', 'dog', 'door', 'down', 'draw', 'dream', 'drive', 'drop', 'drug', 'during', 'each', 'early', 'east', 'easy', 'eat', 'economic', 'economy', 'edge', 'education', 'effect', 'effort', 'eight', 'either', 'election', 'else', 'employee', 'end', 'energy', 'enjoy', 'enough', 'enter', 'entire', 'environment', 'environmental', 'especially', 'establish', 'even', 'evening', 'event', 'ever', 'every', 'everybody', 'everyone', 'everything', 'evidence', 'exactly', 'example', 'executive', 'exist', 'expect', 'experience', 'expert', 'explain', 'eye', 'face', 'fact', 'factor', 'fail', 'fall', 'family', 'far', 'fast', 'father', 'fear', 'federal', 'feel', 'feeling', 'few', 'field', 'fight', 'figure', 'fill', 'film', 'final', 'finally', 'financial', 'find', 'fine', 'finger', 'finish', 'fire', 'firm', 'first', 'fish', 'five', 'floor', 'fly', 'focus', 'follow', 'food', 'foot', 'for', 'force', 'foreign', 'forget', 'form', 'former', 'forward', 'four', 'free', 'friend', 'from', 'front', 'full', 'fund', 'future', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'general', 'generation', 'get', 'girl', 'give', 'glass', 'go', 'goal', 'good', 'government', 'great', 'green', 'ground', 'group', 'grow', 'growth', 'guess', 'gun', 'guy', 'hair', 'half', 'hand', 'hang', 'happen', 'happy', 'hard', 'have', 'he', 'head', 'health', 'hear', 'heart', 'heat', 'heavy', 'help', 'her', 'here', 'herself', 'high', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'history', 'hit', 'hold', 'home', 'hope', 'hospital', 'hot', 'hotel', 'hour', 'house', 'how', 'however', 'huge', 'human', 'hundred', 'husband', 'I', 'idea', 'identify', 'if', 'image', 'imagine', 'impact', 'important', 'improve', 'in', 'include', 'including', 'increase', 'indeed', 'indicate', 'individual', 'industry', 'information', 'inside', 'instead', 'institution', 'interest', 'interes