2021-08-23 18:47:07 +01:00
import EncryptionService from '../../services/e2ee/EncryptionService' ;
2021-08-07 12:22:37 +01:00
import { _ } from '../../locale' ;
import BaseItem from '../../models/BaseItem' ;
import Setting from '../../models/Setting' ;
import MasterKey from '../../models/MasterKey' ;
import { reg } from '../../registry.js' ;
import shim from '../../shim' ;
2021-08-17 12:03:19 +01:00
import { MasterKeyEntity } from '../../services/e2ee/types' ;
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import time from '../../time' ;
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import { masterKeyEnabled , setMasterKeyEnabled } from '../../services/synchronizer/syncInfoUtils' ;
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2021-08-12 16:54:10 +01:00
class Shared {
private refreshStatsIID_ : any ;
public initialize ( comp : any , props : any ) {
comp . state = {
passwordChecks : { } ,
stats : {
encrypted : null ,
total : null ,
} ,
passwords : Object.assign ( { } , props . passwords ) ,
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showDisabledMasterKeys : false ,
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} ;
comp . isMounted_ = false ;
this . refreshStatsIID_ = null ;
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public async refreshStats ( comp : any ) {
const stats = await BaseItem . encryptedItemsStats ( ) ;
comp . setState ( {
stats : stats ,
} ) ;
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public async toggleShowDisabledMasterKeys ( comp : any ) {
comp . setState ( { showDisabledMasterKeys : ! comp . state . showDisabledMasterKeys } ) ;
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public async reencryptData() {
const ok = confirm ( _ ( 'Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.' ) ) ;
if ( ! ok ) return ;
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await BaseItem . forceSyncAll ( ) ;
void reg . waitForSyncFinishedThenSync ( ) ;
Setting . setValue ( 'encryption.shouldReencrypt' , Setting . SHOULD_REENCRYPT_NO ) ;
alert ( _ ( 'Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.' ) ) ;
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public dontReencryptData() {
Setting . setValue ( 'encryption.shouldReencrypt' , Setting . SHOULD_REENCRYPT_NO ) ;
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public async upgradeMasterKey ( comp : any , masterKey : MasterKeyEntity ) {
const passwordCheck = comp . state . passwordChecks [ masterKey . id ] ;
if ( ! passwordCheck ) {
alert ( _ ( 'Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.' ) ) ;
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return ;
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try {
const password = comp . state . passwords [ masterKey . id ] ;
const newMasterKey = await EncryptionService . instance ( ) . upgradeMasterKey ( masterKey , password ) ;
await MasterKey . save ( newMasterKey ) ;
void reg . waitForSyncFinishedThenSync ( ) ;
alert ( _ ( 'The master key has been upgraded successfully!' ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
alert ( _ ( 'Could not upgrade master key: %s' , error . message ) ) ;
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public componentDidMount ( comp : any ) {
this . componentDidUpdate ( comp ) ;
void this . refreshStats ( comp ) ;
if ( this . refreshStatsIID_ ) {
shim . clearInterval ( this . refreshStatsIID_ ) ;
this . refreshStatsIID_ = null ;
this . refreshStatsIID_ = shim . setInterval ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! comp . isMounted_ ) {
shim . clearInterval ( this . refreshStatsIID_ ) ;
this . refreshStatsIID_ = null ;
return ;
void this . refreshStats ( comp ) ;
} , 3000 ) ;
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public componentDidUpdate ( comp : any , prevProps : any = null ) {
if ( prevProps && comp . props . passwords !== prevProps . passwords ) {
comp . setState ( { passwords : Object.assign ( { } , comp . props . passwords ) } ) ;
if ( ! prevProps || comp . props . masterKeys !== prevProps . masterKeys || comp . props . passwords !== prevProps . passwords ) {
comp . checkPasswords ( ) ;
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public componentWillUnmount() {
if ( this . refreshStatsIID_ ) {
shim . clearInterval ( this . refreshStatsIID_ ) ;
this . refreshStatsIID_ = null ;
public async checkPasswords ( comp : any ) {
const passwordChecks = Object . assign ( { } , comp . state . passwordChecks ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < comp . props . masterKeys . length ; i ++ ) {
const mk = comp . props . masterKeys [ i ] ;
const password = comp . state . passwords [ mk . id ] ;
const ok = password ? await EncryptionService . instance ( ) . checkMasterKeyPassword ( mk , password ) : false ;
passwordChecks [ mk . id ] = ok ;
comp . setState ( { passwordChecks : passwordChecks } ) ;
public decryptedStatText ( comp : any ) {
const stats = comp . state . stats ;
const doneCount = stats . encrypted !== null ? stats . total - stats . encrypted : '-' ;
const totalCount = stats . total !== null ? stats . total : '-' ;
const result = _ ( 'Decrypted items: %s / %s' , doneCount , totalCount ) ;
return result ;
public onSavePasswordClick ( comp : any , mk : MasterKeyEntity ) {
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const password = comp . state . passwords [ mk . id ] ;
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if ( ! password ) {
Setting . deleteObjectValue ( 'encryption.passwordCache' , mk . id ) ;
} else {
Setting . setObjectValue ( 'encryption.passwordCache' , mk . id , password ) ;
comp . checkPasswords ( ) ;
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public onPasswordChange ( comp : any , mk : MasterKeyEntity , password : string ) {
const passwords = Object . assign ( { } , comp . state . passwords ) ;
passwords [ mk . id ] = password ;
comp . setState ( { passwords : passwords } ) ;
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public onToggleEnabledClick ( _comp : any , mk : MasterKeyEntity ) {
setMasterKeyEnabled ( mk . id , ! masterKeyEnabled ( mk ) ) ;
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public enableEncryptionConfirmationMessages ( masterKey : MasterKeyEntity ) {
const msg = [ _ ( 'Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.' ) ] ;
if ( masterKey ) msg . push ( _ ( 'Encryption will be enabled using the master key created on %s' , time . unixMsToLocalDateTime ( masterKey . created_time ) ) ) ;
return msg ;
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const shared = new Shared ( ) ;
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export default shared ;