The manifest file is a JSON file that describes various properties of the plugin. If you use the Yeoman generator, it should be automatically generated based on the answers you've provided. The supported properties are:
`manifest_version` | number | **Yes** | For now should always be "1".
`name` | string | **Yes** | Name of the plugin. Should be a user-friendly string, as it will be displayed in the UI.
`version` | string | **Yes** | Version number such as "1.0.0".
`app_min_version` | string | **Yes** | Minimum version of Joplin that the plugin is compatible with. In general it should be whatever version you are using to develop the plugin.
`description` | string | No | Detailed description of the plugin.
`icons` | Icons | No | If [Icons](#Icons) is not supplied, a standard extension icon will be used by default. You should supply at least a main icon, ideally 48x48 px in size. This is the icon that will be used in various plugin pages. You may, however, supply icons of any size and Joplin will attempt to find the best icon to display in different components. Only PNG icons are allowed.