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2020-11-05 16:58:23 +00:00
import shim from './shim';
import { _ } from './locale';
const { rtrimSlashes } = require('./path-utils.js');
2020-11-05 16:58:23 +00:00
const JoplinError = require('./JoplinError');
const { stringify } = require('query-string');
interface Options {
baseUrl(): string;
username(): string;
password(): string;
enum ExecOptionsResponseFormat {
Json = 'json',
Text = 'text',
enum ExecOptionsTarget {
String = 'string',
File = 'file',
interface ExecOptions {
responseFormat?: ExecOptionsResponseFormat;
target?: ExecOptionsTarget;
path?: string;
source?: string;
export default class JoplinServerApi {
private options_: Options;
private session_: any;
private debugRequests_: boolean = false;
public constructor(options: Options) {
this.options_ = options;
private baseUrl() {
return rtrimSlashes(this.options_.baseUrl());
private async session() {
// TODO: handle invalid session
if (this.session_) return this.session_;
this.session_ = await this.exec('POST', 'api/sessions', null, {
email: this.options_.username(),
password: this.options_.password(),
return this.session_;
private async sessionId() {
const session = await this.session();
return session ? session.id : '';
public async shareFile(pathOrId: string) {
return this.exec('POST', 'api/shares', null, {
file_id: pathOrId,
type: 1, // ShareType.Link
public static connectionErrorMessage(error: any) {
const msg = error && error.message ? error.message : 'Unknown error';
return _('Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\n\n%s', msg);
public shareUrl(share: any): string {
return `${this.baseUrl()}/shares/${share.id}`;
private requestToCurl_(url: string, options: any) {
const output = [];
if (options.method) output.push(`-X ${options.method}`);
if (options.headers) {
for (const n in options.headers) {
if (!options.headers.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
output.push(`${'-H ' + '"'}${n}: ${options.headers[n]}"`);
if (options.body) output.push(`${'--data ' + '\''}${JSON.stringify(options.body)}'`);
return output.join(' ');
public async exec(method: string, path: string = '', query: Record<string, any> = null, body: any = null, headers: any = null, options: ExecOptions = null) {
if (headers === null) headers = {};
if (options === null) options = {};
if (!options.responseFormat) options.responseFormat = ExecOptionsResponseFormat.Json;
if (!options.target) options.target = ExecOptionsTarget.String;
let sessionId = '';
if (path !== 'api/sessions' && !sessionId) {
sessionId = await this.sessionId();
if (sessionId) headers['X-API-AUTH'] = sessionId;
const fetchOptions: any = {};
fetchOptions.headers = headers;
fetchOptions.method = method;
if (options.path) fetchOptions.path = options.path;
if (body) {
if (typeof body === 'object') {
fetchOptions.body = JSON.stringify(body);
fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
} else {
fetchOptions.body = body;
fetchOptions.headers['Content-Length'] = `${shim.stringByteLength(fetchOptions.body)}`;
let url = `${this.baseUrl()}/${path}`;
if (query) {
url += url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&';
url += stringify(query);
let response: any = null;
if (this.debugRequests_) {
console.info('Joplin API Call', `${method} ${url}`, headers, options);
console.info(this.requestToCurl_(url, fetchOptions));
if (options.source == 'file' && (method == 'POST' || method == 'PUT')) {
if (fetchOptions.path) {
const fileStat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(fetchOptions.path);
if (fileStat) fetchOptions.headers['Content-Length'] = `${fileStat.size}`;
response = await shim.uploadBlob(url, fetchOptions);
} else if (options.target == 'string') {
if (typeof body === 'string') fetchOptions.headers['Content-Length'] = `${shim.stringByteLength(body)}`;
response = await shim.fetch(url, fetchOptions);
} else {
// file
response = await shim.fetchBlob(url, fetchOptions);
const responseText = await response.text();
// console.info('Joplin API Response', responseText);
// Creates an error object with as much data as possible as it will appear in the log, which will make debugging easier
const newError = (message: string, code: number = 0) => {
// Gives a shorter response for error messages. Useful for cases where a full HTML page is accidentally loaded instead of
// JSON. That way the error message will still show there's a problem but without filling up the log or screen.
const shortResponseText = (`${responseText}`).substr(0, 1024);
return new JoplinError(`${method} ${path}: ${message} (${code}): ${shortResponseText}`, code);
let responseJson_: any = null;
const loadResponseJson = async () => {
if (!responseText) return null;
if (responseJson_) return responseJson_;
responseJson_ = JSON.parse(responseText);
if (!responseJson_) throw newError('Cannot parse JSON response', response.status);
return responseJson_;
if (!response.ok) {
if (options.target === 'file') throw newError('fetchBlob error', response.status);
let json = null;
try {
json = await loadResponseJson();
} catch (error) {
// Just send back the plain text in newErro()
if (json && json.error) {
throw newError(`${json.error}`, json.code ? json.code : response.status);
throw newError('Unknown error', response.status);
if (options.responseFormat === 'text') return responseText;
const output = await loadResponseJson();
return output;