- All the applications share the same library, which, for historical reasons, is in ReactNativeClient/lib. This library is copied to the relevant directories when builing each app.
- The translations are built by running CliClient/build-translation.sh. For this reasons, it's generally better to get the CLI app to build first so that everything is setup correctly.
If there's an error `while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`, run `sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4`
That will create the executable file in the `dist` directory.
From `/ElectronClient` you can also run `run.sh` to run the app for testing.
From `/CliClient`, run `npm install` then run `run.sh`. If you get an error about `xgettext`, comment out the command `node build-translation.js --silent` in build.sh