2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
"use strict" ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
exports . basicDelta = exports . FileApi = void 0 ;
const Logger _1 = require ( "./Logger" ) ;
const shim _1 = require ( "./shim" ) ;
const BaseItem _1 = require ( "./models/BaseItem" ) ;
const time _1 = require ( "./time" ) ;
2020-11-05 16:58:23 +00:00
const { isHidden } = require ( './path-utils' ) ;
const JoplinError = require ( './JoplinError' ) ;
const ArrayUtils = require ( './ArrayUtils' ) ;
2019-09-27 18:12:28 +00:00
const { sprintf } = require ( 'sprintf-js' ) ;
2020-09-09 11:39:13 +01:00
const Mutex = require ( 'async-mutex' ) . Mutex ;
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
const logger = Logger _1 . default . create ( 'FileApi' ) ;
2018-02-07 19:46:07 +00:00
function requestCanBeRepeated ( error ) {
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
const errorCode = typeof error === 'object' && error . code ? error . code : null ;
// The target is explicitely rejecting the item so repeating wouldn't make a difference.
if ( errorCode === 'rejectedByTarget' )
return false ;
// We don't repeat failSafe errors because it's an indication of an issue at the
// server-level issue which usually cannot be fixed by repeating the request.
// Also we print the previous requests and responses to the log in this case,
// so not repeating means there will be less noise in the log.
if ( errorCode === 'failSafe' )
return false ;
return true ;
2018-02-07 19:46:07 +00:00
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
function tryAndRepeat ( fn , count ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let retryCount = 0 ;
// Don't use internal fetch retry mechanim since we
// are already retrying here.
const shimFetchMaxRetryPrevious = shim _1 . default . fetchMaxRetrySet ( 0 ) ;
const defer = ( ) => {
shim _1 . default . fetchMaxRetrySet ( shimFetchMaxRetryPrevious ) ;
} ;
while ( true ) {
try {
const result = yield fn ( ) ;
defer ( ) ;
return result ;
catch ( error ) {
if ( retryCount >= count || ! requestCanBeRepeated ( error ) ) {
defer ( ) ;
throw error ;
retryCount ++ ;
yield time _1 . default . sleep ( 1 + retryCount * 3 ) ;
} ) ;
2018-02-07 19:46:07 +00:00
2017-06-11 22:11:14 +01:00
class FileApi {
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
constructor ( baseDir , driver ) {
this . logger _ = new Logger _1 . default ( ) ;
this . syncTargetId _ = null ;
this . tempDirName _ = null ;
this . requestRepeatCount _ = null ; // For testing purpose only - normally this value should come from the driver
this . remoteDateOffset _ = 0 ;
this . remoteDateNextCheckTime _ = 0 ;
this . remoteDateMutex _ = new Mutex ( ) ;
this . initialized _ = false ;
this . baseDir _ = baseDir ;
this . driver _ = driver ;
this . driver _ . fileApi _ = this ;
initialize ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( this . initialized _ )
return ;
this . initialized _ = true ;
if ( this . driver _ . initialize )
return this . driver _ . initialize ( this . fullPath ( '' ) ) ;
} ) ;
fetchRemoteDateOffset _ ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const tempFile = ` ${ this . tempDirName ( ) } /timeCheck ${ Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * 1000000 ) } .txt ` ;
const startTime = Date . now ( ) ;
yield this . put ( tempFile , 'timeCheck' ) ;
// Normally it should be possible to read the file back immediately but
// just in case, read it in a loop.
const loopStartTime = Date . now ( ) ;
let stat = null ;
while ( Date . now ( ) - loopStartTime < 5000 ) {
stat = yield this . stat ( tempFile ) ;
if ( stat )
break ;
yield time _1 . default . msleep ( 200 ) ;
if ( ! stat )
throw new Error ( 'Timed out trying to get sync target clock time' ) ;
void this . delete ( tempFile ) ; // No need to await for this call
const endTime = Date . now ( ) ;
const expectedTime = Math . round ( ( endTime + startTime ) / 2 ) ;
return stat . updated _time - expectedTime ;
} ) ;
// Approximates the current time on the sync target. It caches the time offset to
// improve performance.
remoteDate ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const shouldSyncTime = ( ) => {
return ! this . remoteDateNextCheckTime _ || Date . now ( ) > this . remoteDateNextCheckTime _ ;
} ;
if ( shouldSyncTime ( ) ) {
const release = yield this . remoteDateMutex _ . acquire ( ) ;
try {
// Another call might have refreshed the time while we were waiting for the mutex,
// so check again if we need to refresh.
if ( shouldSyncTime ( ) ) {
this . remoteDateOffset _ = yield this . fetchRemoteDateOffset _ ( ) ;
// The sync target clock should rarely change but the device one might,
// so we need to refresh relatively frequently.
this . remoteDateNextCheckTime _ = Date . now ( ) + 10 * 60 * 1000 ;
catch ( error ) {
logger . warn ( 'Could not retrieve remote date - defaulting to device date:' , error ) ;
this . remoteDateOffset _ = 0 ;
this . remoteDateNextCheckTime _ = Date . now ( ) + 60 * 1000 ;
finally {
release ( ) ;
return new Date ( Date . now ( ) + this . remoteDateOffset _ ) ;
} ) ;
// Ideally all requests repeating should be done at the FileApi level to remove duplicate code in the drivers, but
// historically some drivers (eg. OneDrive) are already handling request repeating, so this is optional, per driver,
// and it defaults to no repeating.
requestRepeatCount ( ) {
if ( this . requestRepeatCount _ !== null )
return this . requestRepeatCount _ ;
if ( this . driver _ . requestRepeatCount )
return this . driver _ . requestRepeatCount ( ) ;
return 0 ;
lastRequests ( ) {
return this . driver _ . lastRequests ? this . driver _ . lastRequests ( ) : [ ] ;
clearLastRequests ( ) {
if ( this . driver _ . clearLastRequests )
this . driver _ . clearLastRequests ( ) ;
baseDir ( ) {
return typeof this . baseDir _ === 'function' ? this . baseDir _ ( ) : this . baseDir _ ;
tempDirName ( ) {
if ( this . tempDirName _ === null )
throw Error ( 'Temp dir not set!' ) ;
return this . tempDirName _ ;
setTempDirName ( v ) {
this . tempDirName _ = v ;
fsDriver ( ) {
return shim _1 . default . fsDriver ( ) ;
driver ( ) {
return this . driver _ ;
setSyncTargetId ( v ) {
this . syncTargetId _ = v ;
syncTargetId ( ) {
if ( this . syncTargetId _ === null )
throw new Error ( 'syncTargetId has not been set!!' ) ;
return this . syncTargetId _ ;
setLogger ( l ) {
if ( ! l )
l = new Logger _1 . default ( ) ;
this . logger _ = l ;
logger ( ) {
return this . logger _ ;
fullPath ( path ) {
const output = [ ] ;
if ( this . baseDir ( ) )
output . push ( this . baseDir ( ) ) ;
if ( path )
output . push ( path ) ;
return output . join ( '/' ) ;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
list ( path = '' , options = null ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( ! options )
options = { } ;
if ( ! ( 'includeHidden' in options ) )
options . includeHidden = false ;
if ( ! ( 'context' in options ) )
options . context = null ;
if ( ! ( 'includeDirs' in options ) )
options . includeDirs = true ;
if ( ! ( 'syncItemsOnly' in options ) )
options . syncItemsOnly = false ;
logger . debug ( ` list ${ this . baseDir ( ) } ` ) ;
const result = yield tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . list ( this . fullPath ( path ) , options ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
if ( ! options . includeHidden ) {
const temp = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < result . items . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! isHidden ( result . items [ i ] . path ) )
temp . push ( result . items [ i ] ) ;
result . items = temp ;
if ( ! options . includeDirs ) {
result . items = result . items . filter ( ( f ) => ! f . isDir ) ;
if ( options . syncItemsOnly ) {
result . items = result . items . filter ( ( f ) => ! f . isDir && BaseItem _1 . default . isSystemPath ( f . path ) ) ;
return result ;
} ) ;
// Deprectated
setTimestamp ( path , timestampMs ) {
logger . debug ( ` setTimestamp ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . setTimestamp ( this . fullPath ( path ) , timestampMs ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
// return this.driver_.setTimestamp(this.fullPath(path), timestampMs);
mkdir ( path ) {
logger . debug ( ` mkdir ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . mkdir ( this . fullPath ( path ) ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
stat ( path ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
logger . debug ( ` stat ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
const output = yield tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . stat ( this . fullPath ( path ) ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
if ( ! output )
return output ;
output . path = path ;
return output ;
// return this.driver_.stat(this.fullPath(path)).then((output) => {
// if (!output) return output;
// output.path = path;
// return output;
// });
} ) ;
// Returns UTF-8 encoded string by default, or a Response if `options.target = 'file'`
get ( path , options = null ) {
if ( ! options )
options = { } ;
if ( ! options . encoding )
options . encoding = 'utf8' ;
logger . debug ( ` get ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . get ( this . fullPath ( path ) , options ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
put ( path , content , options = null ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
logger . debug ( ` put ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` , options ) ;
if ( options && options . source === 'file' ) {
if ( ! ( yield this . fsDriver ( ) . exists ( options . path ) ) )
throw new JoplinError ( ` File not found: ${ options . path } ` , 'fileNotFound' ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . put ( this . fullPath ( path ) , content , options ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
delete ( path ) {
logger . debug ( ` delete ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . delete ( this . fullPath ( path ) ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
// Deprectated
move ( oldPath , newPath ) {
logger . debug ( ` move ${ this . fullPath ( oldPath ) } => ${ this . fullPath ( newPath ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . move ( this . fullPath ( oldPath ) , this . fullPath ( newPath ) ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
// Deprectated
format ( ) {
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . format ( ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
clearRoot ( ) {
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . clearRoot ( this . baseDir ( ) ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
delta ( path , options = null ) {
logger . debug ( ` delta ${ this . fullPath ( path ) } ` ) ;
return tryAndRepeat ( ( ) => this . driver _ . delta ( this . fullPath ( path ) , options ) , this . requestRepeatCount ( ) ) ;
2017-06-11 22:11:14 +01:00
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
exports . FileApi = FileApi ;
2018-01-21 19:45:32 +00:00
function basicDeltaContextFromOptions _ ( options ) {
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
const output = {
timestamp : 0 ,
filesAtTimestamp : [ ] ,
statsCache : null ,
statIdsCache : null ,
deletedItemsProcessed : false ,
} ;
if ( ! options || ! options . context )
return output ;
const d = new Date ( options . context . timestamp ) ;
output . timestamp = isNaN ( d . getTime ( ) ) ? 0 : options . context . timestamp ;
output . filesAtTimestamp = Array . isArray ( options . context . filesAtTimestamp ) ? options . context . filesAtTimestamp . slice ( ) : [ ] ;
output . statsCache = options . context && options . context . statsCache ? options . context . statsCache : null ;
output . statIdsCache = options . context && options . context . statIdsCache ? options . context . statIdsCache : null ;
output . deletedItemsProcessed = options . context && 'deletedItemsProcessed' in options . context ? options . context . deletedItemsProcessed : false ;
return output ;
2018-01-21 19:45:32 +00:00
// This is the basic delta algorithm, which can be used in case the cloud service does not have
2018-01-25 19:01:14 +00:00
// a built-in delta API. OneDrive and Dropbox have one for example, but Nextcloud and obviously
2018-01-21 19:45:32 +00:00
// the file system do not.
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
function basicDelta ( path , getDirStatFn , options ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const outputLimit = 50 ;
const itemIds = yield options . allItemIdsHandler ( ) ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( itemIds ) )
throw new Error ( 'Delta API not supported - local IDs must be provided' ) ;
const logger = options && options . logger ? options . logger : new Logger _1 . default ( ) ;
const context = basicDeltaContextFromOptions _ ( options ) ;
if ( context . timestamp > Date . now ( ) ) {
logger . warn ( ` BasicDelta: Context timestamp is greater than current time: ${ context . timestamp } ` ) ;
logger . warn ( 'BasicDelta: Sync will continue but it is likely that nothing will be synced' ) ;
const newContext = {
timestamp : context . timestamp ,
filesAtTimestamp : context . filesAtTimestamp . slice ( ) ,
statsCache : context . statsCache ,
statIdsCache : context . statIdsCache ,
deletedItemsProcessed : context . deletedItemsProcessed ,
} ;
// Stats are cached until all items have been processed (until hasMore is false)
if ( newContext . statsCache === null ) {
newContext . statsCache = yield getDirStatFn ( path ) ;
newContext . statsCache . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . updated _time - b . updated _time ;
} ) ;
newContext . statIdsCache = newContext . statsCache . filter ( ( item ) => BaseItem _1 . default . isSystemPath ( item . path ) ) . map ( ( item ) => BaseItem _1 . default . pathToId ( item . path ) ) ;
newContext . statIdsCache . sort ( ) ; // Items must be sorted to use binary search below
let output = [ ] ;
const updateReport = {
timestamp : context . timestamp ,
older : 0 ,
newer : 0 ,
equal : 0 ,
} ;
// Find out which files have been changed since the last time. Note that we keep
// both the timestamp of the most recent change, *and* the items that exactly match
// this timestamp. This to handle cases where an item is modified while this delta
// function is running. For example:
// t0: Item 1 is changed
// t0: Sync items - run delta function
// t0: While delta() is running, modify Item 2
// Since item 2 was modified within the same millisecond, it would be skipped in the
// next sync if we relied exclusively on a timestamp.
for ( let i = 0 ; i < newContext . statsCache . length ; i ++ ) {
const stat = newContext . statsCache [ i ] ;
if ( stat . isDir )
continue ;
if ( stat . updated _time < context . timestamp ) {
updateReport . older ++ ;
continue ;
// Special case for items that exactly match the timestamp
if ( stat . updated _time === context . timestamp ) {
if ( context . filesAtTimestamp . indexOf ( stat . path ) >= 0 ) {
updateReport . equal ++ ;
continue ;
if ( stat . updated _time > newContext . timestamp ) {
newContext . timestamp = stat . updated _time ;
newContext . filesAtTimestamp = [ ] ;
updateReport . newer ++ ;
newContext . filesAtTimestamp . push ( stat . path ) ;
output . push ( stat ) ;
if ( output . length >= outputLimit )
break ;
logger . info ( ` BasicDelta: Report: ${ JSON . stringify ( updateReport ) } ` ) ;
if ( ! newContext . deletedItemsProcessed ) {
// Find out which items have been deleted on the sync target by comparing the items
// we have to the items on the target.
// Note that when deleted items are processed it might result in the output having
// more items than outputLimit. This is acceptable since delete operations are cheap.
const deletedItems = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < itemIds . length ; i ++ ) {
const itemId = itemIds [ i ] ;
if ( ArrayUtils . binarySearch ( newContext . statIdsCache , itemId ) < 0 ) {
deletedItems . push ( {
path : BaseItem _1 . default . systemPath ( itemId ) ,
isDeleted : true ,
} ) ;
const percentDeleted = itemIds . length ? deletedItems . length / itemIds . length : 0 ;
// If more than 90% of the notes are going to be deleted, it's most likely a
// configuration error or bug. For example, if the user moves their Nextcloud
// directory, or if a network drive gets disconnected and returns an empty dir
// instead of an error. In that case, we don't wipe out the user data, unless
// they have switched off the fail-safe.
if ( options . wipeOutFailSafe && percentDeleted >= 0.90 )
throw new JoplinError ( sprintf ( 'Fail-safe: Sync was interrupted because %d%% of the data (%d items) is about to be deleted. To override this behaviour disable the fail-safe in the sync settings.' , Math . round ( percentDeleted * 100 ) , deletedItems . length ) , 'failSafe' ) ;
output = output . concat ( deletedItems ) ;
newContext . deletedItemsProcessed = true ;
const hasMore = output . length >= outputLimit ;
if ( ! hasMore ) {
// Clear temporary info from context. It's especially important to remove deletedItemsProcessed
// so that they are processed again on the next sync.
newContext . statsCache = null ;
newContext . statIdsCache = null ;
delete newContext . deletedItemsProcessed ;
return {
hasMore : hasMore ,
context : newContext ,
items : output ,
} ;
} ) ;
2018-01-21 19:45:32 +00:00
2021-01-29 18:45:11 +00:00
exports . basicDelta = basicDelta ;
//# sourceMappingURL=file-api.js.map