2020-05-02 16:41:07 +01:00
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
export function cursorPositionToTextOffset(cursorPos: any, body: string) {
if (!body) return 0;
const noteLines = body.split('\n');
let pos = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < noteLines.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) pos++; // Need to add the newline that's been removed in the split() call above
if (i === cursorPos.row) {
pos += cursorPos.column;
} else {
pos += noteLines[i].length;
return pos;
export function currentTextOffset(editor: any, body: string) {
return cursorPositionToTextOffset(editor.getCursorPosition(), body);
export function rangeToTextOffsets(range: any, body: string) {
return {
start: cursorPositionToTextOffset(range.start, body),
end: cursorPositionToTextOffset(range.end, body),
export function textOffsetSelection(selectionRange: any, body: string) {
return selectionRange && body ? rangeToTextOffsets(selectionRange, body) : null;
export function selectedText(selectionRange: any, body: string) {
const selection = textOffsetSelection(selectionRange, body);
if (!selection || selection.start === selection.end) return '';
return body.substr(selection.start, selection.end - selection.start);
2020-05-20 00:58:35 +01:00
function selectionRangesEqual(s1:any, s2:any) {
if (s1 === s2) return true;
if (!s1 && !s2) return true;
if (s1 && !s2) return false;
if (!s1 && s2) return false;
if (s1.start.row !== s2.start.row) return false;
if (s1.start.column !== s2.start.column) return false;
if (s1.end.row !== s2.end.row) return false;
if (s1.end.column !== s2.end.column) return false;
return true;
2020-05-02 16:41:07 +01:00
export function useSelectionRange(editor: any) {
const [selectionRange, setSelectionRange] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
function updateSelection() {
const ranges = editor.getSelection().getAllRanges();
const firstRange = ranges && ranges.length ? ranges[0] : null;
2020-05-20 00:58:35 +01:00
// Ace Editor might sometimes send multiple "changeSelection" events
// with the same selection range, which triggers unecessary updates
// and even infinite rendering loops. So before setting it on the state
// we deep compare the previous and new selection.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/3200
setSelectionRange(prev => {
if (selectionRangesEqual(prev, firstRange)) return prev;
return firstRange;
2020-05-02 16:41:07 +01:00
// if (process.platform === 'linux') {
// const textRange = this.textOffsetSelection();
// if (textRange.start != textRange.end) {
// clipboard.writeText(this.state.note.body.slice(
// Math.min(textRange.start, textRange.end),
// Math.max(textRange.end, textRange.start)), 'selection');
// }
// }
function onSelectionChange() {
function onFocus() {
editor.getSession().selection.on('changeSelection', onSelectionChange);
editor.on('focus', onFocus);
return () => {
editor.getSession().selection.off('changeSelection', onSelectionChange);
editor.off('focus', onFocus);
}, [editor]);
return selectionRange;
export function textOffsetToCursorPosition(offset: number, body: string) {
const lines = body.split('\n');
let row = 0;
let currentOffset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (currentOffset + line.length >= offset) {
return {
row: row,
column: offset - currentOffset,
currentOffset += line.length + 1;
return null;
function lineAtRow(body: string, row: number) {
if (!body) return '';
const lines = body.split('\n');
if (row < 0 || row >= lines.length) return '';
return lines[row];
export function selectionRangeCurrentLine(selectionRange: any, body: string) {
if (!selectionRange) return '';
return lineAtRow(body, selectionRange.start.row);
export function selectionRangePreviousLine(selectionRange: any, body: string) {
if (!selectionRange) return '';
return lineAtRow(body, selectionRange.start.row - 1);
export function lineLeftSpaces(line: string) {
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
if ([' ', '\t'].indexOf(line[i]) >= 0) {
output += line[i];
} else {
return output;
export function usePrevious(value: any): any {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
export function useScrollHandler(editor: any, webviewRef: any, onScroll: Function) {
const editorMaxScrollTop_ = useRef(0);
const restoreScrollTop_ = useRef<any>(null);
const ignoreNextEditorScrollEvent_ = useRef(false);
const scrollTimeoutId_ = useRef<any>(null);
// TODO: Below is not needed anymore????
// this.editorMaxScrollTop_ = 0;
// // HACK: To go around a bug in Ace editor, we first set the scroll position to 1
// // and then (in the renderer callback) to the value we actually need. The first
// // operation helps clear the scroll position cache. See:
// //
// this.editorSetScrollTop(1);
// this.restoreScrollTop_ = 0;
const editorSetScrollTop = useCallback((v) => {
if (!editor) return;
}, [editor]);
// Complicated but reliable method to get editor content height
// https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2046
const onAfterEditorRender = useCallback(() => {
const r = editor.renderer;
editorMaxScrollTop_.current = Math.max(0, r.layerConfig.maxHeight - r.$size.scrollerHeight);
if (restoreScrollTop_.current !== null) {
restoreScrollTop_.current = null;
}, [editor, editorSetScrollTop]);
const scheduleOnScroll = useCallback((event: any) => {
if (scrollTimeoutId_.current) {
scrollTimeoutId_.current = null;
scrollTimeoutId_.current = setTimeout(() => {
scrollTimeoutId_.current = null;
}, 10);
}, [onScroll]);
const setEditorPercentScroll = useCallback((p: number) => {
ignoreNextEditorScrollEvent_.current = true;
editorSetScrollTop(p * editorMaxScrollTop_.current);
scheduleOnScroll({ percent: p });
}, [editorSetScrollTop, scheduleOnScroll]);
const setViewerPercentScroll = useCallback((p: number) => {
if (webviewRef.current) {
webviewRef.current.wrappedInstance.send('setPercentScroll', p);
scheduleOnScroll({ percent: p });
}, [scheduleOnScroll]);
const editor_scroll = useCallback(() => {
if (ignoreNextEditorScrollEvent_.current) {
ignoreNextEditorScrollEvent_.current = false;
const m = editorMaxScrollTop_.current;
const percent = m ? editor.getSession().getScrollTop() / m : 0;
}, [editor, setViewerPercentScroll]);
const resetScroll = useCallback(() => {
if (!editor) return;
// Ace Editor caches scroll values, which makes
// it hard to reset the scroll position, so we
// need to use this hack.
// https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2195
editor.session.$scrollTop = -1;
editor.session.$scrollLeft = -1;
editor.renderer.scrollTop = -1;
editor.renderer.scrollLeft = -1;
editor.renderer.scrollBarV.scrollTop = -1;
editor.renderer.scrollBarH.scrollLeft = -1;
}, [editorSetScrollTop, editor]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
editor.renderer.on('afterRender', onAfterEditorRender);
return () => {
editor.renderer.off('afterRender', onAfterEditorRender);
}, [editor]);
return { resetScroll, setEditorPercentScroll, setViewerPercentScroll, editor_scroll };
2020-05-07 18:08:03 +01:00
export function useRootWidth(dependencies:any) {
const { rootRef } = dependencies;
const [rootWidth, setRootWidth] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
if (!rootRef.current) return;
2020-05-20 00:58:35 +01:00
if (rootWidth !== rootRef.current.offsetWidth) setRootWidth(rootRef.current.offsetWidth);
2020-05-07 18:08:03 +01:00
return rootWidth;