2021-05-21 15:17:21 +02:00
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, prefer-const */
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
2023-10-02 10:41:30 +01:00
const { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, sleep, switchClient, msleep } = require('../../testing/test-utils.js');
2021-05-21 15:17:21 +02:00
const SearchEngine = require('../../services/searchengine/SearchEngine').default;
const Note = require('../../models/Note').default;
2023-10-25 14:41:05 +01:00
const Folder = require('../../models/Folder').default;
2021-05-21 15:17:21 +02:00
const ItemChange = require('../../models/ItemChange').default;
const Setting = require('../../models/Setting').default;
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
let engine = null;
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
const IDF = (N, n) => Math.max(Math.log((N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)), 0);
const frequency = (word, string) => {
const re = new RegExp(`\\b(${word})\\b`, 'g');
return (string.match(re) || []).length;
const calculateScore = (searchString, notes) => {
const K1 = 1.2;
const B = 0.75;
const freqTitle = notes.map(note => frequency(searchString, note.title));
const notesWithWord = freqTitle.filter(count => count !== 0).length;
const numTokens = notes.map(note => note.title.split(' ').length);
const avgTokens = Math.round(numTokens.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / notes.length);
2020-10-09 16:51:11 -04:00
const msSinceEpoch = Math.round(new Date().getTime());
const msPerDay = 86400000;
const weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate = (row) => {
// BM25 weights typically range 0-10, and last updated date should weight similarly, though prioritizing recency logarithmically.
// An alpha of 200 ensures matches in the last week will show up front (11.59) and often so for matches within 2 weeks (5.99),
// but is much less of a factor at 30 days (2.84) or very little after 90 days (0.95), focusing mostly on content at that point.
if (!row.user_updated_time) {
return 0;
const alpha = 200;
const daysSinceLastUpdate = (msSinceEpoch - row.user_updated_time) / msPerDay;
return alpha * Math.log(1 + 1 / Math.max(daysSinceLastUpdate, 0.5));
let titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate = new Array(notes.length).fill(-1);
2022-07-23 11:33:12 +02:00
if (avgTokens !== 0) {
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
2020-10-09 16:51:11 -04:00
titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i] = IDF(notes.length, notesWithWord) * ((freqTitle[i] * (K1 + 1)) / (freqTitle[i] + K1 * (1 - B + B * (numTokens[i] / avgTokens))));
titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i] += weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate(notes[i]);
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
const scores = [];
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
2020-10-09 16:51:11 -04:00
if (freqTitle[i]) scores.push(titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i]);
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
return scores;
2023-02-20 12:02:29 -03:00
describe('services_SearchEngine', () => {
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
2022-11-15 10:23:50 +00:00
beforeEach(async () => {
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await switchClient(1);
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
engine = new SearchEngine();
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should keep the content and FTS table in sync', (async () => {
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
let rows, n1, n2, n3;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'a' });
n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'b' });
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('a');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
await Note.delete(n1.id);
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('a');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('b');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, title: 'c' });
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('b');
rows = await engine.search('c');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, encryption_applied: 1 });
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('c');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, encryption_applied: 0 });
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('c');
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should, after initial indexing, save the last change ID', (async () => {
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh' }); // 3
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd aaaaa abcd abcd' }); // 1
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await ItemChange.waitForAllSaved();
const lastChangeId = await ItemChange.lastChangeId();
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should order search results by relevance BM25', (async () => {
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
// BM25 is based on term frequency - inverse document frequency
// The tf–idf value increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document
// and is offset by the number of documents in the corpus that contain the word, which helps to adjust
// for the fact that some words appear more frequently in general.
// BM25 returns weight zero for search term which occurs in more than half the notes.
// So terms that are abundant in all notes to have zero relevance w.r.t BM25.
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh' }); // 3
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh abcd abcd' }); // 1
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd aaaaa bbbb eeee abcd' }); // 2
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
const n4 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz' });
const n5 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n6 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n7 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n8 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
let rows = await engine.search('abcd');
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
2020-08-19 04:23:28 +05:30
rows = await engine.search('abcd efgh');
expect(rows[0].id).toBe(n1.id); // shorter note; also 'efgh' is more rare than 'abcd'.
2023-10-02 10:41:30 +01:00
it('should order search results by relevance BM25 - 2', async () => {
// This simple test case didn't even work before due to a bug in the IDF
// calculation, and would just order by timestamp.
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd abcd' }); // 1
await msleep(1);
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' }); // 2
await engine.syncTables();
const rows = await engine.search('abcd');
2020-11-10 15:59:30 +00:00
// TODO: Need to update and replace jasmine.mockDate() calls with Jest
// equivalent
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
// it('should correctly weigh notes using BM25 and user_updated_time', (async () => {
2020-11-10 15:59:30 +00:00
// await mockDate(2020, 9, 30, 50);
// const noteData = [
// {
// title: 'abc test2 test2',
// updated_time: 1601425064756,
// user_updated_time: 1601425064756,
// created_time: 1601425064756,
// user_created_time: 1601425064756,
// },
// {
// title: 'foo foo',
// updated_time: 1601425064758,
// user_updated_time: 1601425064758,
// created_time: 1601425064758,
// user_created_time: 1601425064758,
// },
// {
// title: 'dead beef',
// updated_time: 1601425064760,
// user_updated_time: 1601425064760,
// created_time: 1601425064760,
// user_created_time: 1601425064760,
// },
// {
// title: 'test2 bar',
// updated_time: 1601425064761,
// user_updated_time: 1601425064761,
// created_time: 1601425064761,
// user_created_time: 1601425064761,
// },
// {
// title: 'blah blah abc',
// updated_time: 1601425064763,
// user_updated_time: 1601425064763,
// created_time: 1601425064763,
// user_created_time: 1601425064763,
// },
// ];
// const n0 = await Note.save(noteData[0], { autoTimestamp: false });
// const n1 = await Note.save(noteData[1], { autoTimestamp: false });
// const n2 = await Note.save(noteData[2], { autoTimestamp: false });
// const n3 = await Note.save(noteData[3], { autoTimestamp: false });
// const n4 = await Note.save(noteData[4], { autoTimestamp: false });
// restoreDate();
// await engine.syncTables();
// await mockDate(2020, 9, 30, 50);
// let searchString = 'abc';
// let scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
// let rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// expect(rows[0].weight).toEqual(scores[0]);
// expect(rows[1].weight).toEqual(scores[1]);
// // console.log(rows);
// // console.log(scores);
// searchString = 'test2';
// scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
// rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// // console.log(rows);
// // console.log(scores);
// expect(rows[0].weight).toEqual(scores[0]);
// expect(rows[1].weight).toEqual(scores[1]);
// searchString = 'foo';
// scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
// rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// // console.log(rows);
// // console.log(scores);
// expect(rows[0].weight).toEqual(scores[0]);
// await restoreDate();
// }));
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should tell where the results are found', (async () => {
2020-04-13 22:10:59 +00:00
const notes = [
await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh', body: 'abcd' }),
await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' }),
await Note.save({ title: 'efgh', body: 'abcd' }),
await engine.syncTables();
const testCases = [
['abcd', ['title', 'body'], ['title'], ['body']],
['efgh', ['title'], [], ['title']],
for (const testCase of testCases) {
const rows = await engine.search(testCase[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
2020-05-21 09:14:33 +01:00
const row = rows.find(row => row.id === notes[i].id);
2020-04-13 22:10:59 +00:00
const actual = row ? row.fields.sort().join(',') : '';
const expected = testCase[i + 1].sort().join(',');
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should order search results by relevance (last updated first)', (async () => {
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
let rows;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
await Note.save({ id: n1.id, title: 'abcd' });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should order search results by relevance (completed to-dos last)', (async () => {
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
let rows;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
2019-02-24 12:00:06 +00:00
await sleep(0.1);
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
await Note.save({ id: n3.id, todo_completed: Date.now() });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should supports various query types', (async () => {
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
let rows;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh ijkl', body: 'aaaa bbbb' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'iiii efgh bbbb', body: 'aaaa bbbb' });
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'Агентство Рейтер' });
const n4 = await Note.save({ title: 'Dog' });
const n5 = await Note.save({ title: 'СООБЩИЛО' });
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
await engine.syncTables();
2018-12-10 18:54:46 +00:00
rows = await engine.search('abcd ijkl');
rows = await engine.search('"abcd ijkl"');
rows = await engine.search('"abcd efgh"');
rows = await engine.search('title:abcd');
rows = await engine.search('title:efgh');
rows = await engine.search('body:abcd');
rows = await engine.search('body:bbbb');
rows = await engine.search('body:bbbb iiii');
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('Рейтер');
2019-01-13 16:05:07 +00:00
rows = await engine.search('рейтер');
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
rows = await engine.search('Dog');
rows = await engine.search('dog');
rows = await engine.search('сообщило');
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2018-12-29 20:19:18 +01:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should support queries with or without accents', (async () => {
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
let rows;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'père noël' });
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('père')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('pere')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('noe*')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('noë*')).length).toBe(1);
2018-12-09 21:45:50 +01:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should support queries with Chinese characters', (async () => {
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
let rows;
2020-06-04 00:06:14 +08:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '我是法国人', body: '中文测试' });
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('我')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('法国人')).length).toBe(1);
2020-06-04 00:06:14 +08:00
expect((await engine.search('法国人*'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']); // usually assume that keyword was matched in body
expect((await engine.search('测试')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('测试'))[0].fields).toEqual(['body']);
expect((await engine.search('测试*'))[0].fields).toEqual(['body']);
2021-06-07 16:15:04 +02:00
expect((await engine.search('any:1 type:todo 测试')).length).toBe(1);
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should support queries with Japanese characters', (async () => {
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
let rows;
2020-06-04 00:06:14 +08:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '私は日本語を話すことができません', body: 'テスト' });
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('日本')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('できません')).length).toBe(1);
2020-06-04 00:06:14 +08:00
expect((await engine.search('できません*'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']); // usually assume that keyword was matched in body
expect((await engine.search('テスト'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body']);
2021-06-07 16:15:04 +02:00
expect((await engine.search('any:1 type:todo テスト')).length).toBe(1);
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should support queries with Korean characters', (async () => {
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
let rows;
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '이것은 한국말이다' });
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('이것은')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('말')).length).toBe(1);
2021-06-07 16:15:04 +02:00
expect((await engine.search('any:1 type:todo 말')).length).toBe(1);
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should support queries with Thai characters', (async () => {
2020-01-29 04:50:52 -08:00
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'นี่คือคนไทย' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('นี่คือค')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('ไทย')).length).toBe(1);
2021-06-07 16:15:04 +02:00
expect((await engine.search('any:1 type:todo ไทย')).length).toBe(1);
2019-04-03 07:46:41 +01:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should parse normal query strings', (async () => {
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
let rows;
const testCases = [
['abcd efgh', { _: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
['abcd efgh', { _: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
['title:abcd efgh', { _: ['efgh'], title: ['abcd'] }],
['title:abcd', { title: ['abcd'] }],
['"abcd efgh"', { _: ['abcd efgh'] }],
2023-04-23 10:03:26 +01:00
['"abcd efgh" ijkl', { _: ['abcd efgh', 'ijkl'] }],
2019-04-01 19:43:13 +00:00
['title:abcd title:efgh', { title: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const input = t[0];
const expected = t[1];
2020-09-06 17:37:00 +05:30
const actual = await engine.parseQuery(input);
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
2020-05-21 09:14:33 +01:00
const _Values = actual.terms._ ? actual.terms._.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
const titleValues = actual.terms.title ? actual.terms.title.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
const bodyValues = actual.terms.body ? actual.terms.body.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
2019-09-19 22:51:18 +01:00
expect(JSON.stringify(_Values)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected._), `Test case (_) ${i}`);
expect(JSON.stringify(titleValues)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected.title), `Test case (title) ${i}`);
expect(JSON.stringify(bodyValues)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected.body), `Test case (body) ${i}`);
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
2019-01-14 19:11:54 +00:00
2018-12-12 22:40:05 +01:00
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should handle queries with special characters', (async () => {
2019-01-31 08:35:41 +00:00
let rows;
const testCases = [
2020-04-18 12:45:54 +01:00
// "-" is considered a word delimiter so it is stripped off
// when indexing the notes. "did-not-match" is translated to
// three word "did", "not", "match"
['did-not-match', 'did not match'],
['did-not-match', '"did-not-match"'],
2019-01-31 08:35:41 +00:00
['does match', 'does match'],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const content = t[0];
const query = t[1];
const n = await Note.save({ title: content });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search(query);
2020-04-18 12:45:54 +01:00
2019-01-31 08:35:41 +00:00
await Note.delete(n.id);
2020-12-01 18:05:24 +00:00
it('should allow using basic search', (async () => {
2020-04-18 12:45:54 +01:00
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '- [ ] abcd' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: '[ ] abcd' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('"- [ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS })).length).toBe(0);
expect((await engine.search('"- [ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC })).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('"[ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC })).length).toBe(2);
2020-12-09 13:02:54 +00:00
it('should not mistake cyrillic "l" for latin "n"', (async () => {
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'latin n', body: 'n' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'cyrillic l', body: 'л' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('n')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('n'))[0].id).toBe(n1.id);
expect((await engine.search('л')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('л'))[0].id).toBe(n2.id);
2023-09-24 23:22:36 +01:00
it('should automatically add wildcards', (async () => {
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'hello1' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'hello2' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('hello')).length).toBe(0);
expect((await engine.search('hello', { appendWildCards: true })).length).toBe(2);
2023-10-25 14:41:05 +01:00
it('should search by item ID if no other result was found', (async () => {
const f1 = await Folder.save({});
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'hello1', parent_id: f1.id });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'hello2' });
await engine.syncTables();
const results = await engine.search(n1.id);
expect((await engine.search(n2.id))[0].id).toBe(n2.id);
expect(await engine.search(f1.id)).toEqual([]);
2019-07-30 09:35:42 +02:00