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2019-06-05 18:07:11 +01:00
{"To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Etiketa ezabatzeko, kendu etiketa duten oharrei","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Aurretik aukeratu ezabatzeko oharra edo koadernoa, mesedez.","Press Ctrl+D or type \"exit\" to exit the application":"Sakatu Ktrl+D edo idatzi \"exit\" aplikaziotik irteteko","More than one item match \"%s\". Please narrow down your query.":"Elementu bat baino gehiago bat dator \"%s\" bilaketarekin. Mugatu zure bilaketa, mesedez.","No notebook selected.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta","No notebook has been specified.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","Y":"B","n":"e","N":"E","y":"b","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Atzeko sinkronizazioa uzten... Mesedez itxaron.","No such command: %s":"Ez dago komandorik: %s","The command \"%s\" is only available in GUI mode":"\"%s\" komandoa soilik eskuragarri GUI moduan","Cannot change encrypted item":"Ezinezkoa zifratutako itema aldatzea","Missing required argument: %s":"Beharrezko argumentua faltan: %s","%s: %s":"%s: %s","Your choice: ":"Zure aukera:","Invalid answer: %s":"Erantzun baliogabea: %s","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Erantsi fitxategia notan","Cannot find \"%s\".":"Ezin aurkitu \"%s\"","Displays the given note.":"Oharra erakutsi","Displays the complete information about note.":"Erakutsi oharrari buruzko informazio guztia.","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Konfigurazio balioa hartu edo ezartzen du. Baldin eta [balioa] ez bada ematen, [izena]ren balioa erakutsiko du. Ez bada ematen [izena] ez [balioa], oraingo konfigurazioaren zerrenda erakutsiko da.","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Ezkutuko edo zehaztu gabeko konfigurazio aldagaiak ere erakusten ditu.","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s = %s":"%s = %s","Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"<oharra>rekin bat datozen oharrak [koaderno]ra kopiatzen ditu. Koadernorik ez bada zehazten, oharra oraingo koadernoan bikoiztuko da","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markatu zeregina egindakotzat.","Note is not a to-do: \"%s\"":"Oharra ez da zeregina: \"%s\"","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file` and `target-status`.":"Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file` and `target-status`.","Enter master password:":"Sartu pasahitz nagusia:","Operation cancelled":" Eragiketa utzita","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Deszifratzearen hasiera... Mesedez itxaron, prozesua luzea izan daiteke, zenbat dagoen prozesatzeko.","Completed decryption.":"Deszifratuta.","Enabled":"Gaituta","Disabled":"Desgaituta","Encryption is: %s":"Zifratzea da: %s","Edit note.":"Oharra editatu.","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor <editor-path>`":"Testu editorerik ez dago definituta. Egin hau erabilita, mesedez: `config editor <editorearen-helbidea>`","No active notebook.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","Note does not exist: \"%s\". Create it?":"Ez dago oharrik: \"%s\". Sortu?","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"Oharra editatzearen hasiera. Itxi editorea prompt-era bueltatzeko.","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Errorea editorean oharra zabaltzean: %s","Note has been saved.":"Oharra gorde da.","Exits the application.":"Irten aplikaziotik.","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.","Destination format: %s":"Destination format: %s","Exports only the given note.":"Esportatu emandako oharra soilik.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Esportatu emandako koade