it('should throw an error with the name of the provider when an unsupported provider path is provided',()=>{
expect(()=>checkProviderIsSupported('')).toThrowError('The WebDAV implementation of pcloud is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is no longer supported. Please use a different sync method.');
expect(()=>checkProviderIsSupported('')).toThrowError('The WebDAV implementation of pcloud is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is no longer supported. Please use a different sync method.');
// expect(() => checkProviderIsSupported('')).toThrowError('The WebDAV implementation of pcloud is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is no longer supported. Please use a different sync method.');
// expect(() => checkProviderIsSupported('?param=pcloud')).toThrowError('The WebDAV implementation of pcloud is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is no longer supported. Please use a different sync method.');