diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
index c549a49a5..b2e2d874b 100644
--- a/.eslintignore
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -1248,6 +1248,8 @@ packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Jex.js.map
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cdfd8e903..ff65029b1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1233,6 +1233,8 @@ packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Jex.js.map
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/MdToMd.ts b/packages/app-cli/tests/MdToMd.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 31afd3cf7..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/MdToMd.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-const mdImporterService = require('@joplin/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md').default;
-const Note = require('@joplin/lib/models/Note').default;
-import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient } from '@joplin/lib/testing/test-utils';
-const importer = new mdImporterService();
-describe('InteropService_Importer_Md: importLocalImages', function() {
- beforeEach(async (done) => {
- await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
- await switchClient(1);
- done();
- });
- it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately', async function() {
- const tagNonExistentFile = '![does not exist](does_not_exist.png)';
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(2);
- const inexistentLinkUnchanged = note.body.includes(tagNonExistentFile);
- expect(inexistentLinkUnchanged).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should only create 1 resource for duplicate links, all tags should be updated', async function() {
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample-duplicate-links.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(1);
- const reg = new RegExp(items[0].id, 'g');
- const matched = note.body.match(reg);
- expect(matched.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately when link is also in alt text', async function() {
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should passthrough unchanged if no links present', async function() {
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample-no-links.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(0);
- expect(note.body).toContain('Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off.');
- });
- it('should import linked image with special characters in name', async function() {
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample-special-chars.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should import resources for files', async function() {
- const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/sample-files.md`, 'notebook');
- const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
- expect(items.length).toBe(4);
- });
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-duplicate-links.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-duplicate-links.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd622a7f..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-duplicate-links.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-![link 1](../support/photo.jpg)
-![link 2](../support/photo.jpg)
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-files.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-files.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 06454a841..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-files.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown file test
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b472c2e01..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown
-![../support/photo.jpg](../support/photo.jpg) should put resource link inside () not []
-![../support/photo.jpg]( ../support/photo.jpg ) this case (spaces before/after link but within parens) is not currently covered
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-special-chars.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-special-chars.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc1a5ed0..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-special-chars.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-![link special chars](../support/photo-åäö.jpg)
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9d36c02..000000000
--- a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown
-lorem ipsum ![alt text here](../support/photo.jpg)
-- [ ] check!
-- [ ] boxes!
-![alt text here](../support/photo-two.jpg)ipsum lorem
-**strong text**
-![does not exist](does_not_exist.png) lorem ipsum
-**some directory**
-![a directory](../support) lorem ipsum
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/photo sample.jpg b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/photo sample.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b258679de
Binary files /dev/null and b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/photo sample.jpg differ
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample spaces.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample spaces.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a31c76845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample spaces.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Test Spaces
+I hope this get's imported correctly!
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-anchor-link.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-anchor-link.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ba9171c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-anchor-link.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Section 1](./sample-no-links.md#markdown)
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-a.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-a.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..011cb4988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-a.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Markdown file test
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-b.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-b.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..395b6e5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-b.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Markdown file test
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-duplicate-links.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-duplicate-links.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8a22b27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-duplicate-links.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+![link 1](../../photo.jpg)
+![link 2](../../photo.jpg)
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-file-links.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-file-links.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a08322add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-file-links.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-files.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-files.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f69c5fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-files.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Markdown file test
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c59351fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Markdown
+![../../photo.jpg](../../photo.jpg) should put resource link inside () not []
+![../../photo.jpg]( ../../photo.jpg ) this case (spaces before/after link but within parens) is not currently covered
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-title.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-title.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51b466502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-link-title.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+![Alt text](../../photo.jpg "Scott Joplin")
+![Worst Case](<../../photo sample.jpg> "title")
+[Worst Case](<./sample spaces.md> "title")
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..023db4ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+I am here, but am I alive?
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-no-extension.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-no-extension.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c3ee8cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-no-extension.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Some Title
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-no-links.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-no-links.md
similarity index 100%
rename from packages/app-cli/tests/md_to_md/sample-no-links.md
rename to packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-no-links.md
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-special-chars.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-special-chars.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fece9888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample-special-chars.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+![link special chars](../../photo-åäö.jpg)
+[sample photo](../../photo%20sample.jpg)
+[sample special syntax](<../../photo sample.jpg>)
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.html b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddf01046d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.md b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61fb50a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/app-cli/tests/support/test_notes/md/sample.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Markdown
+lorem ipsum ![alt text here](../../photo.jpg)
+- [ ] check!
+- [ ] boxes!
+![alt text here](../../photo-two.jpg)ipsum lorem
+**strong text**
+![does not exist](does_not_exist.png) lorem ipsum
+**some directory**
+![a directory](../..) lorem ipsum
diff --git a/packages/lib/fs-driver-base.ts b/packages/lib/fs-driver-base.ts
index 9ae29331e..f9556c065 100644
--- a/packages/lib/fs-driver-base.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/fs-driver-base.ts
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export default class FsDriverBase {
return output;
- public async findUniqueFilename(name: string, reservedNames: string[] = null): Promise {
+ public async findUniqueFilename(name: string, reservedNames: string[] = null, markdownSafe: boolean = false): Promise {
if (reservedNames === null) {
reservedNames = [];
@@ -70,7 +70,11 @@ export default class FsDriverBase {
// Check if the filename does not exist in the filesystem and is not reserved
const exists = await this.exists(nameToTry) || reservedNames.includes(nameToTry);
if (!exists) return nameToTry;
- nameToTry = `${nameNoExt} (${counter})${extension}`;
+ if (!markdownSafe) {
+ nameToTry = `${nameNoExt} (${counter})${extension}`;
+ } else {
+ nameToTry = `${nameNoExt}-${counter}${extension}`;
+ }
if (counter >= 1000) {
nameToTry = `${nameNoExt} (${new Date().getTime()})${extension}`;
diff --git a/packages/lib/htmlUtils.ts b/packages/lib/htmlUtils.ts
index 4aa71fc3a..02e48cb69 100644
--- a/packages/lib/htmlUtils.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/htmlUtils.ts
@@ -45,18 +45,39 @@ class HtmlUtils {
// Returns the **encoded** URLs, so to be useful they should be decoded again before use.
- public extractImageUrls(html: string) {
+ private extractUrls(regex: RegExp, html: string) {
if (!html) return [];
const output = [];
let matches;
- while ((matches = imageRegex.exec(html))) {
+ while ((matches = regex.exec(html))) {
return output.filter(url => !!url);
+ // Returns the **encoded** URLs, so to be useful they should be decoded again before use.
+ public extractImageUrls(html: string) {
+ return this.extractUrls(imageRegex, html);
+ }
+ // Returns the **encoded** URLs, so to be useful they should be decoded again before use.
+ public extractAnchorUrls(html: string) {
+ return this.extractUrls(anchorRegex, html);
+ }
+ // Returns the **encoded** URLs, so to be useful they should be decoded again before use.
+ public extractFileUrls(html: string) {
+ return this.extractImageUrls(html).concat(this.extractAnchorUrls(html));
+ }
+ public replaceResourceUrl(html: string, urlToReplace: string, id: string) {
+ const htmlLinkRegex = `(?<=(?:src|href)=["'])${urlToReplace}(?=["'])`;
+ const htmlReg = new RegExp(htmlLinkRegex, 'g');
+ return html.replace(htmlReg, `:/${id}`);
+ }
public replaceImageUrls(html: string, callback: Function) {
return this.processImageTags(html, (data: any) => {
const newSrc = callback(data.src);
diff --git a/packages/lib/markdownUtils.ts b/packages/lib/markdownUtils.ts
index 17ad71f9c..d13c9bee8 100644
--- a/packages/lib/markdownUtils.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/markdownUtils.ts
@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ const markdownUtils = {
return output;
+ replaceResourceUrl(md: string, urlToReplace: string, id: string) {
+ const linkRegex = `(?<=\\]\\()\\${urlToReplace}\\>?(?=.*\\))`;
+ const reg = new RegExp(linkRegex, 'g');
+ return md.replace(reg, `:/${id}`);
+ },
extractImageUrls(md: string) {
return markdownUtils.extractFileUrls(md,true);
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.test.ts b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.test.ts
index b393ceb00..1c756076c 100644
--- a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.test.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.test.ts
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ describe('services_InteropService', function() {
await service.export({ path: outDir, format: 'md' });
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/生活.md`)).toBe(true);
- expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/生活 (1).md`)).toBe(true);
- expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/生活 (2).md`)).toBe(true);
+ expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/生活-1.md`)).toBe(true);
+ expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/生活-2.md`)).toBe(true);
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/Untitled.md`)).toBe(true);
- expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/Untitled (1).md`)).toBe(true);
+ expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/Untitled-1.md`)).toBe(true);
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/folder1/salut, ça roule _.md`)).toBe(true);
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${outDir}/ジョプリン/ジョプリン.md`)).toBe(true);
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts
index 149bcb5cc..94dfe6cf1 100644
--- a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default class InteropService {
format: 'md',
- fileExtensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'txt'],
+ fileExtensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'txt', 'html'],
sources: [FileSystemItem.File, FileSystemItem.Directory],
isNoteArchive: false, // Tells whether the file can contain multiple notes (eg. Enex or Jex format)
description: _('Markdown'),
@@ -401,10 +401,16 @@ export default class InteropService {
resourcePaths: {},
+ // Prepare to process each type before starting any
+ // This will allow exporters to operate on the full context
for (let typeOrderIndex = 0; typeOrderIndex < typeOrder.length; typeOrderIndex++) {
const type = typeOrder[typeOrderIndex];
await exporter.prepareForProcessingItemType(type, itemsToExport);
+ }
+ for (let typeOrderIndex = 0; typeOrderIndex < typeOrder.length; typeOrderIndex++) {
+ const type = typeOrder[typeOrderIndex];
for (let i = 0; i < itemsToExport.length; i++) {
const itemType = itemsToExport[i].type;
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.test.js b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.test.js
index c98b0216c..7b4944ab1 100644
--- a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.test.js
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.test.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const Folder = require('../../models/Folder').default;
const Resource = require('../../models/Resource').default;
const Note = require('../../models/Note').default;
const shim = require('../../shim').default;
+const { MarkupToHtml } = require('@joplin/renderer');
describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, (await Note.linkedResourceIds(note1.body))[0]);
const folder2 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder2' });
- let note3 = await Note.save({ title: 'note3', parent_id: folder2.id });
+ let note3 = await Note.save({ title: 'note3', parent_id: folder2.id, markup_language: MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note3, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
note3 = await Note.load(note3.id);
queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folder2.id);
@@ -67,7 +68,53 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
expect(Object.keys(exporter.context().notePaths).length).toBe(3, 'There should be 3 note paths in the context.');
- expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note3.id]).toBe('folder2/note3.md');
+ expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note3.id]).toBe('folder2/note3.html');
+ }));
+ it('should create resource paths and add them to context', (async () => {
+ const exporter = new InteropService_Exporter_Md();
+ await exporter.init(exportDir());
+ const itemsToExport = [];
+ const queueExportItem = (itemType, itemOrId) => {
+ itemsToExport.push({
+ type: itemType,
+ itemOrId: itemOrId,
+ });
+ };
+ const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
+ let note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note1', parent_id: folder1.id });
+ const note2 = await Note.save({ title: 'note2', parent_id: folder1.id });
+ await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
+ note1 = await Note.load(note1.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folder1.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note1);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note2);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, (await Note.linkedResourceIds(note1.body))[0]);
+ const resource1 = await Resource.load(itemsToExport[3].itemOrId);
+ const folder2 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder2' });
+ let note3 = await Note.save({ title: 'note3', parent_id: folder2.id });
+ await shim.attachFileToNote(note3, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
+ note3 = await Note.load(note3.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folder2.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note3);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, (await Note.linkedResourceIds(note3.body))[0]);
+ const resource2 = await Resource.load(itemsToExport[6].itemOrId);
+ await exporter.processItem(Folder.modelType(), folder1);
+ await exporter.processItem(Folder.modelType(), folder2);
+ await exporter.prepareForProcessingItemType(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, itemsToExport);
+ await exporter.processResource(resource1, Resource.fullPath(resource1));
+ await exporter.processResource(resource2, Resource.fullPath(resource2));
+ expect(!exporter.context() && !(exporter.context().destResourcePaths || Object.keys(exporter.context().destResourcePaths).length)).toBe(false, 'Context should be empty before processing.');
+ expect(Object.keys(exporter.context().destResourcePaths).length).toBe(2, 'There should be 2 resource paths in the context.');
+ expect(exporter.context().destResourcePaths[resource1.id]).toBe(`${exportDir()}/_resources/photo.jpg`);
+ expect(exporter.context().destResourcePaths[resource2.id]).toBe(`${exportDir()}/_resources/photo-1.jpg`);
it('should handle duplicate note names', (async () => {
@@ -94,7 +141,7 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
expect(Object.keys(exporter.context().notePaths).length).toBe(2, 'There should be 2 note paths in the context.');
- expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note1_2.id]).toBe('folder1/note1 (1).md');
+ expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note1_2.id]).toBe('folder1/note1-1.md');
it('should not override existing files', (async () => {
@@ -121,7 +168,7 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
await exporter.prepareForProcessingItemType(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, itemsToExport);
expect(Object.keys(exporter.context().notePaths).length).toBe(1, 'There should be 1 note paths in the context.');
- expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note1.id]).toBe('folder1/note1 (1).md');
+ expect(exporter.context().notePaths[note1.id]).toBe('folder1/note1-1.md');
it('should save resource files in _resource directory', (async () => {
@@ -157,8 +204,8 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
await exporter.processResource(resource1, Resource.fullPath(resource1));
await exporter.processResource(resource2, Resource.fullPath(resource2));
- expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${exportDir()}/_resources/${Resource.filename(resource1)}`)).toBe(true, 'Resource file should be copied to _resources directory.');
- expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${exportDir()}/_resources/${Resource.filename(resource2)}`)).toBe(true, 'Resource file should be copied to _resources directory.');
+ expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${exportDir()}/_resources/photo.jpg`)).toBe(true, 'Resource file should be copied to _resources directory.');
+ expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(`${exportDir()}/_resources/photo-1.jpg`)).toBe(true, 'Resource file should be copied to _resources directory.');
it('should create folders in fs', (async () => {
@@ -255,23 +302,51 @@ describe('interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md', function() {
queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note2);
const resource2 = await Resource.load((await Note.linkedResourceIds(note2.body))[0]);
+ let note3 = await Note.save({ title: 'note3', parent_id: folder2.id });
+ await shim.attachFileToNote(note3, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
+ note3 = await Note.load(note3.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note3);
+ const resource3 = await Resource.load((await Note.linkedResourceIds(note3.body))[0]);
+ note3 = await Note.save({ ...note3, body: `` });
+ note3 = await Note.load(note3.id);
+ let note4 = await Note.save({ title: 'note4', parent_id: folder2.id });
+ await shim.attachFileToNote(note4, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
+ note4 = await Note.load(note4.id);
+ queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note4);
+ const resource4 = await Resource.load((await Note.linkedResourceIds(note4.body))[0]);
+ note4 = await Note.save({ ...note4, body: `![](:/${resource4.id} "title")` });
+ note4 = await Note.load(note4.id);
await exporter.processItem(Folder.modelType(), folder1);
await exporter.processItem(Folder.modelType(), folder2);
await exporter.prepareForProcessingItemType(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, itemsToExport);
+ await exporter.processResource(resource1, Resource.fullPath(resource1));
+ await exporter.processResource(resource2, Resource.fullPath(resource2));
+ await exporter.processResource(resource3, Resource.fullPath(resource3));
+ await exporter.processResource(resource4, Resource.fullPath(resource3));
const context = {
resourcePaths: {},
context.resourcePaths[resource1.id] = 'resource1.jpg';
context.resourcePaths[resource2.id] = 'resource2.jpg';
+ context.resourcePaths[resource3.id] = 'resource3.jpg';
+ context.resourcePaths[resource4.id] = 'resource3.jpg';
await exporter.processItem(Note.modelType(), note1);
await exporter.processItem(Note.modelType(), note2);
+ await exporter.processItem(Note.modelType(), note3);
+ await exporter.processItem(Note.modelType(), note4);
const note1_body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(`${exportDir()}/${exporter.context().notePaths[note1.id]}`);
const note2_body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(`${exportDir()}/${exporter.context().notePaths[note2.id]}`);
+ const note3_body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(`${exportDir()}/${exporter.context().notePaths[note3.id]}`);
+ const note4_body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(`${exportDir()}/${exporter.context().notePaths[note4.id]}`);
- expect(note1_body).toContain('](../_resources/resource1.jpg)', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
- expect(note2_body).toContain('](../../_resources/resource2.jpg)', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
+ expect(note1_body).toContain('](../_resources/photo.jpg)', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
+ expect(note2_body).toContain('](../../_resources/photo-1.jpg)', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
+ expect(note3_body).toContain('', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
+ expect(note4_body).toContain('](../../_resources/photo-3.jpg "title")', 'Resource id should be replaced with a relative path.');
it('should replace note ids with relative paths', (async () => {
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.ts b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.ts
index 0af87ea89..c15cda128 100644
--- a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Md.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ import shim from '../../shim';
import markdownUtils from '../../markdownUtils';
import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
+import { NoteEntity, ResourceEntity } from '../database/types';
import { basename, dirname, friendlySafeFilename } from '../../path-utils';
+import { MarkupToHtml } from '@joplin/renderer';
export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_Base {
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_
output = `${pathPart}/${output}`;
} else {
output = `${friendlySafeFilename(item.title, null)}/${output}`;
- if (findUniqueFilename) output = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(output);
+ if (findUniqueFilename) output = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(output, null, true);
if (!item.parent_id) return output;
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_
async replaceResourceIdsByRelativePaths_(noteBody: string, relativePathToRoot: string) {
const linkedResourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(noteBody);
- const resourcePaths = this.context() && this.context().resourcePaths ? this.context().resourcePaths : {};
+ const resourcePaths = this.context() && this.context().destResourcePaths ? this.context().destResourcePaths : {};
const createRelativePath = function(resourcePath: string) {
return `${relativePathToRoot}_resources/${basename(resourcePath)}`;
@@ -83,17 +85,18 @@ export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_
notePaths: {},
for (let i = 0; i < itemsToExport.length; i++) {
- const itemType = itemsToExport[i].type;
+ const it = itemsToExport[i].type;
- if (itemType !== itemType) continue;
+ if (it !== itemType) continue;
const itemOrId = itemsToExport[i].itemOrId;
const note = typeof itemOrId === 'object' ? itemOrId : await Note.load(itemOrId);
if (!note) continue;
- let notePath = `${await this.makeDirPath_(note, null, false)}${friendlySafeFilename(note.title, null)}.md`;
- notePath = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(`${this.destDir_}/${notePath}`, Object.values(context.notePaths));
+ const ext = note.markup_language === MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML ? 'html' : 'md';
+ let notePath = `${await this.makeDirPath_(note, null, false)}${friendlySafeFilename(note.title, null)}.${ext}`;
+ notePath = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(`${this.destDir_}/${notePath}`, Object.values(context.notePaths), true);
context.notePaths[note.id] = notePath;
@@ -107,6 +110,10 @@ export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_
+ private async getNoteExportContent_(modNote: NoteEntity) {
+ return await Note.replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks(await Note.serialize(modNote, ['body']));
+ }
async processItem(_itemType: number, item: any) {
if ([BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER].indexOf(item.type_) < 0) return;
@@ -124,15 +131,36 @@ export default class InteropService_Exporter_Md extends InteropService_Exporter_
const noteBody = await this.relaceLinkedItemIdsByRelativePaths_(item);
const modNote = Object.assign({}, item, { body: noteBody });
- const noteContent = await Note.serializeForEdit(modNote);
+ const noteContent = await this.getNoteExportContent_(modNote);
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(dirname(noteFilePath));
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(noteFilePath, noteContent, 'utf-8');
- async processResource(_resource: any, filePath: string) {
- const destResourcePath = `${this.resourceDir_}/${basename(filePath)}`;
+ private async findReasonableFilename(resource: ResourceEntity, filePath: string) {
+ let fileName = basename(filePath);
+ if (resource.filename) {
+ fileName = resource.filename;
+ } else if (resource.title) {
+ fileName = friendlySafeFilename(resource.title);
+ }
+ // Fall back on the resource filename saved in the users resource folder
+ return fileName;
+ }
+ async processResource(resource: ResourceEntity, filePath: string) {
+ const context = this.context();
+ if (!context.destResourcePaths) context.destResourcePaths = {};
+ const fileName = await this.findReasonableFilename(resource, filePath);
+ let destResourcePath = `${this.resourceDir_}/${fileName}`;
+ destResourcePath = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(destResourcePath, Object.values(context.destResourcePaths), true);
await shim.fsDriver().copy(filePath, destResourcePath);
+ context.destResourcePaths[resource.id] = destResourcePath;
+ this.updateContext(context);
async close() {}
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.test.ts b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1586d8ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import InteropService_Importer_Md from '../../services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md';
+import Note from '../../models/Note';
+import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, supportDir, switchClient } from '../../testing/test-utils';
+import { MarkupToHtml } from '@joplin/renderer';
+describe('InteropService_Importer_Md: importLocalImages', function() {
+ async function importNote(path: string) {
+ const importer = new InteropService_Importer_Md();
+ importer.setMetadata({ fileExtensions: ['md', 'html'] });
+ return await importer.importFile(path, 'notebook');
+ }
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
+ await switchClient(1);
+ done();
+ });
+ it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample.md`);
+ const tagNonExistentFile = '![does not exist](does_not_exist.png)';
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(2);
+ const inexistentLinkUnchanged = note.body.includes(tagNonExistentFile);
+ expect(inexistentLinkUnchanged).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should only create 1 resource for duplicate links, all tags should be updated', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-duplicate-links.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(1);
+ const reg = new RegExp(items[0].id, 'g');
+ const matched = note.body.match(reg);
+ expect(matched.length).toBe(2);
+ });
+ it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately when link is also in alt text', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-link-in-alt-text.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should passthrough unchanged if no links present', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-no-links.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(note.body).toContain('Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off.');
+ });
+ it('should import linked image with special characters in name', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-special-chars.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(3);
+ const noteIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(note.body);
+ expect(noteIds.length).toBe(1);
+ const spaceSyntaxLeft = note.body.includes('<../../photo sample.jpg>');
+ expect(spaceSyntaxLeft).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it('should import resources and notes for files', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-files.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(3);
+ const noteIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(note.body);
+ expect(noteIds.length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should gracefully handle reference cycles in notes', async function() {
+ const importer = new InteropService_Importer_Md();
+ importer.setMetadata({ fileExtensions: ['md'] });
+ const noteA = await importer.importFile(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-a.md`, 'notebook');
+ const noteB = await importer.importFile(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-cycles-b.md`, 'notebook');
+ const noteAIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(noteA.body);
+ expect(noteAIds.length).toBe(1);
+ const noteBIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(noteB.body);
+ expect(noteBIds.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(noteAIds[0]).toEqual(noteB.id);
+ expect(noteBIds[0]).toEqual(noteA.id);
+ });
+ it('should not import resources from file:// links', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-file-links.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(note.body).toContain('![sample](file://../../photo.jpg)');
+ });
+ it('should attach resources that are missing the file extension', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-no-extension.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should attach resources that include anchor links', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-anchor-link.md`);
+ const itemIds = await Note.linkedItemIds(note.body);
+ expect(itemIds.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(note.body).toContain(`[Section 1](:/${itemIds[0]}#markdown)`);
+ });
+ it('should attach resources that include a title', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample-link-title.md`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(3);
+ const noteIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(note.body);
+ expect(noteIds.length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should import notes with html file extension as html', async function() {
+ const note = await importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/md/sample.html`);
+ const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body);
+ expect(items.length).toBe(3);
+ const noteIds = await Note.linkedNoteIds(note.body);
+ expect(noteIds.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(note.markup_language).toBe(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML);
+ const preservedAlt = note.body.includes('alt="../../photo.jpg"');
+ expect(preservedAlt).toBe(true);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.ts b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.ts
index e572f19d3..654077dc0 100644
--- a/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.ts
+++ b/packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.ts
@@ -4,14 +4,18 @@ import { _ } from '../../locale';
import InteropService_Importer_Base from './InteropService_Importer_Base';
import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
-const { basename, filename, rtrimSlashes, fileExtension, dirname } = require('../../path-utils');
+import { NoteEntity } from '../database/types';
+import { basename, filename, rtrimSlashes, fileExtension, dirname } from '../../path-utils';
import shim from '../../shim';
import markdownUtils from '../../markdownUtils';
+import htmlUtils from '../../htmlUtils';
const { unique } = require('../../ArrayUtils');
const { pregQuote } = require('../../string-utils-common');
-const { MarkupToHtml } = require('@joplin/renderer');
+import { MarkupToHtml } from '@joplin/renderer';
export default class InteropService_Importer_Md extends InteropService_Importer_Base {
+ private importedNotes: Record = {};
async exec(result: ImportExportResult) {
let parentFolderId = null;
@@ -59,52 +63,100 @@ export default class InteropService_Importer_Md extends InteropService_Importer_
+ private trimAnchorLink(link: string) {
+ if (link.indexOf('#') <= 0) return link;
+ const splitted = link.split('#');
+ splitted.pop();
+ return splitted.join('#');
+ }
* Parse text for links, attempt to find local file, if found create Joplin resource
* and update link accordingly.
- async importLocalFiles(filePath: string, md: string) {
+ async importLocalFiles(filePath: string, md: string, parentFolderId: string) {
let updated = md;
- const fileLinks = unique(markdownUtils.extractFileUrls(md));
+ const markdownLinks = markdownUtils.extractFileUrls(md);
+ const htmlLinks = htmlUtils.extractFileUrls(md);
+ const fileLinks = unique(markdownLinks.concat(htmlLinks));
await Promise.all(fileLinks.map(async (encodedLink: string) => {
const link = decodeURI(encodedLink);
- const attachmentPath = filename(`${dirname(filePath)}/${link}`, true);
- const pathWithExtension = `${attachmentPath}.${fileExtension(link)}`;
+ // Handle anchor links appropriately
+ const trimmedLink = this.trimAnchorLink(link);
+ const attachmentPath = filename(`${dirname(filePath)}/${trimmedLink}`, true);
+ const pathWithExtension = `${attachmentPath}.${fileExtension(trimmedLink)}`;
const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(pathWithExtension);
const isDir = stat ? stat.isDirectory() : false;
if (stat && !isDir) {
- const resource = await shim.createResourceFromPath(pathWithExtension);
- // NOTE: use ](link) in case the link also appears elsewhere, such as in alt text
- const linkPatternEscaped = pregQuote(`](${link})`);
- const reg = new RegExp(linkPatternEscaped, 'g');
- updated = updated.replace(reg, `](:/${resource.id})`);
+ const supportedFileExtension = this.metadata().fileExtensions;
+ const resolvedPath = shim.fsDriver().resolve(pathWithExtension);
+ let id: string = '';
+ // If the link looks like a note, then import it
+ if (supportedFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension(trimmedLink).toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
+ // If the note hasn't been imported yet, do so now
+ if (!this.importedNotes[resolvedPath]) {
+ await this.importFile(resolvedPath, parentFolderId);
+ }
+ id = this.importedNotes[resolvedPath].id;
+ } else {
+ const resource = await shim.createResourceFromPath(pathWithExtension);
+ id = resource.id;
+ }
+ // The first is a normal link, the second is supports the and []() syntax
+ // Only opening patterns are consider in order to cover all occurances
+ // We need to use the encoded link as well because some links (link's with spaces)
+ // will appear encoded in the source. Other links (unicode chars) will not
+ const linksToReplace = [this.trimAnchorLink(link), this.trimAnchorLink(encodedLink)];
+ for (let j = 0; j < linksToReplace.length; j++) {
+ const linkToReplace = pregQuote(linksToReplace[j]);
+ // Markdown links
+ updated = markdownUtils.replaceResourceUrl(updated, linkToReplace, id);
+ // HTML links
+ updated = htmlUtils.replaceResourceUrl(updated, linkToReplace, id);
+ }
return updated;
async importFile(filePath: string, parentFolderId: string) {
- const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(filePath);
- if (!stat) throw new Error(`Cannot read ${filePath}`);
- const title = filename(filePath);
- const body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(filePath);
- let updatedBody;
- try {
- updatedBody = await this.importLocalFiles(filePath, body);
- } catch (error) {
- // console.error(`Problem importing links for file ${filePath}, error:\n ${error}`);
- }
+ const resolvedPath = shim.fsDriver().resolve(filePath);
+ if (this.importedNotes[resolvedPath]) return this.importedNotes[resolvedPath];
+ const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(resolvedPath);
+ if (!stat) throw new Error(`Cannot read ${resolvedPath}`);
+ const ext = fileExtension(resolvedPath);
+ const title = filename(resolvedPath);
+ const body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(resolvedPath);
const note = {
parent_id: parentFolderId,
title: title,
- body: updatedBody || body,
+ body: body,
updated_time: stat.mtime.getTime(),
created_time: stat.birthtime.getTime(),
user_updated_time: stat.mtime.getTime(),
user_created_time: stat.birthtime.getTime(),
- markup_language: MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN,
+ markup_language: ext === 'html' ? MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML : MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN,
+ this.importedNotes[resolvedPath] = await Note.save(note, { autoTimestamp: false });
- return Note.save(note, { autoTimestamp: false });
+ try {
+ const updatedBody = await this.importLocalFiles(resolvedPath, body, parentFolderId);
+ const updatedNote = {
+ ...this.importedNotes[resolvedPath],
+ body: updatedBody || body,
+ };
+ this.importedNotes[resolvedPath] = await Note.save(updatedNote, { isNew: false });
+ } catch (error) {
+ // console.error(`Problem importing links for file ${resolvedPath}, error:\n ${error}`);
+ }
+ return this.importedNotes[resolvedPath];