If user home directory is configured to anything other than `/home/${USER}`, `Exec` command in desktop entry points to non-existing file, and desktop entry is not considered valid, thus does not appear in list of application. Standard way to get home directory is using `${HOME}` environment variable. This could also be possible root cause of https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/joplin-not-installing-completely/5669/2
Make space after '"tag_name":' optional, to avoid the whole script failing without further notice.
Co-authored-by: Laurent Cozic <laurent22@users.noreply.github.com>
* Cleaning up the install script
* New `--force` option always downloads the latest version
* New `--notes` option shows the release notes
* Actually print the version installed at the end
* Show download progress, but not extra garbage
* Blue logo
* refactor and cleanup
* Handle space, but no args
- version attribute inside `joplin.desktop` is `X-AppImage-Version` and not `X-AppImage-BuildId`
- format is `X-AppImage-Version=X.Y.Z" so we need to change `cut` parameters (split on '=' and get 2nd value)
* Don't create unused VERSION file
It will throw an error if the script is run from a non-writable directory
* Warn user if running as root
This will write files as root:root
* Clearer root warning
The script was original written for “Ubuntu – Gnome” only. I change it a little bit to support more distributions and desktop enviroments.
This script could be used to install and update Joplin at several Linux distributions. I could test this script with “Fedora 28 – Cinnamon” and “Mint LMDE 3”. There are a lot of requests how to install / start Joplin at Linux in the FAQ’s. Hopefully this could help the people