// This script can be used to simulate a running production environment, by // having multiple users in parallel changing notes and synchronising. // // To get it working: // // - Run the Postgres database -- `sudo docker-compose --file docker-compose.db-dev.yml up` // - Update the DB parameters in ~/joplin-credentials/server.env to use the dev // database // - Run the server - `JOPLIN_IS_TESTING=1 npm run start-dev` // - Then run this script - `node populateDatabase.js` // // Currently it doesn't actually create the users, so that should be done using: // // curl --data '{"action": "createTestUsers", "count": 400, "fromNum": 1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://api.joplincloud.local:22300/api/debug // // That will create n users with email `user@example.com` import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { homedir } from 'os'; import { execCommand2 } from '@joplin/tools/tool-utils'; import { chdir } from 'process'; const minUserNum = 1; const maxUserNum = 400; const cliDir = `${__dirname}/..`; const tempDir = `${__dirname}/temp`; function randomInt(min: number, max: number) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } const processing_: Record = {}; const processUser = async (userNum: number) => { if (processing_[userNum]) { console.info(`User already being processed: ${userNum} - skipping`); return; } processing_[userNum] = true; try { const userEmail = `user${userNum}@example.com`; const userPassword = 'hunter1hunter2hunter3'; const commandFile = `${tempDir}/populateDatabase-${userNum}.txt`; const profileDir = `${homedir()}/.config/joplindev-populate/joplindev-testing-${userNum}`; const commands: string[] = []; const jackpot = Math.random() >= 0.95 ? 100 : 1; commands.push(`testing createRandomNotes ${randomInt(1, 500 * jackpot)}`); commands.push(`testing updateRandomNotes ${randomInt(1, 1500 * jackpot)}`); commands.push(`testing deleteRandomNotes ${randomInt(1, 200 * jackpot)}`); commands.push('config keychain.supported 0'); commands.push('config sync.target 10'); commands.push(`config sync.10.username ${userEmail}`); commands.push(`config sync.10.password ${userPassword}`); commands.push('sync'); await fs.writeFile(commandFile, commands.join('\n'), 'utf8'); await chdir(cliDir); await execCommand2(['npm', 'run', 'start-no-build', '--', '--profile', profileDir, 'batch', commandFile]); } catch (error) { console.error(`Could not process user ${userNum}:`, error); } finally { delete processing_[userNum]; } }; const waitForProcessing = (count: number) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const iid = setInterval(() => { if (Object.keys(processing_).length <= count) { clearInterval(iid); resolve(null); } }, 100); }); }; const main = async () => { await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); // Build the app once before starting, because we'll use start-no-build to // run the scripts (faster) await execCommand2(['npm', 'run', 'build']); const focusUserNum = 0; while (true) { let userNum = randomInt(minUserNum, maxUserNum); if (focusUserNum && Math.random() >= .7) userNum = focusUserNum; void processUser(userNum); await waitForProcessing(10); } }; main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error', error); process.exit(1); });