import { EmojiButton } from '@joeattardi/emoji-button'; import { useEffect, useState, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import useAsyncEffect, { AsyncEffectEvent } from '@joplin/lib/hooks/useAsyncEffect'; import { loadScript } from '../utils/loadScript'; import Button from '../Button/Button'; import { FolderIcon } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; export interface ChangeEvent { value: FolderIcon; } type ChangeHandler = (event: ChangeEvent)=> void; interface Props { onChange: ChangeHandler; icon: FolderIcon | null; } export const IconSelector = (props: Props) => { const [emojiButtonClassReady, setEmojiButtonClassReady] = useState(false); const [picker, setPicker] = useState(); const buttonRef = useRef(null); useAsyncEffect(async (event: AsyncEffectEvent) => { const loadScripts = async () => { // The emoji-button lib is annoying to load as it only comes as an // ES module. So we first need to load the lib, then load a loader // script, which will copy the class to the window object. await loadScript({ id: 'emoji-button-lib', src: 'node_modules/@joeattardi/emoji-button/dist/index.js', attrs: { type: 'module', }, }); if (event.cancelled) return; await loadScript({ id: 'emoji-button-lib-loader', src: 'gui/EditFolderDialog/loadEmojiLib.js', attrs: { type: 'module', }, }); if (event.cancelled) return; setEmojiButtonClassReady(true); }; void loadScripts(); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!emojiButtonClassReady) return () => {}; const p: EmojiButton = new (window as any).EmojiButton({ zIndex: 10000, }); const onEmoji = (selection: FolderIcon) => { props.onChange({ value: selection }); }; p.on('emoji', onEmoji); setPicker(p); return () => {'emoji', onEmoji); }; }, [emojiButtonClassReady, props.onChange]); const onClick = useCallback(() => { picker.togglePicker(buttonRef.current); }, [picker]); const buttonText = props.icon ? props.icon.emoji : '...'; return (