import app from '../app';
import { AppState, AppStateDialog } from '../app.reducer';
import MainScreen from './MainScreen/MainScreen';
import ConfigScreen from './ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen';
import StatusScreen from './StatusScreen/StatusScreen';
import OneDriveLoginScreen from './OneDriveLoginScreen';
import DropboxLoginScreen from './DropboxLoginScreen';
import ErrorBoundary from './ErrorBoundary';
import { themeStyle } from '@joplin/lib/theme';
import { Size } from './ResizableLayout/utils/types';
import MenuBar from './MenuBar';
import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
const React = require('react');
const { render } = require('react-dom');
const { connect, Provider } = require('react-redux');
import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim';
import ClipperServer from '@joplin/lib/ClipperServer';
import DialogTitle from './DialogTitle';
import DialogButtonRow, { ButtonSpec, ClickEvent, ClickEventHandler } from './DialogButtonRow';
import Dialog from './Dialog';
import SyncWizardDialog from './SyncWizard/Dialog';
import MasterPasswordDialog from './MasterPasswordDialog/Dialog';
import EditFolderDialog from './EditFolderDialog/Dialog';
import StyleSheetContainer from './StyleSheets/StyleSheetContainer';
const { ImportScreen } = require('./ImportScreen.min.js');
const { ResourceScreen } = require('./ResourceScreen.js');
const { Navigator } = require('./Navigator.min.js');
const WelcomeUtils = require('@joplin/lib/WelcomeUtils');
const { ThemeProvider, StyleSheetManager, createGlobalStyle } = require('styled-components');
const bridge = require('@electron/remote').require('./bridge').default;

interface Props {
	themeId: number;
	appState: string;
	dispatch: Function;
	size: Size;
	zoomFactor: number;
	needApiAuth: boolean;
	dialogs: AppStateDialog[];

interface ModalDialogProps {
	themeId: number;
	message: string;
	buttonSpecs: ButtonSpec[];
	onClick: ClickEventHandler;

interface RegisteredDialogProps {
	themeId: number;
	key: string;
	dispatch: Function;

interface RegisteredDialog {
	render: (props: RegisteredDialogProps, customProps: any)=> any;

const registeredDialogs: Record<string, RegisteredDialog> = {
	syncWizard: {
		render: (props: RegisteredDialogProps, customProps: any) => {
			return <SyncWizardDialog key={props.key} dispatch={props.dispatch} themeId={props.themeId} {...customProps}/>;

	masterPassword: {
		render: (props: RegisteredDialogProps, customProps: any) => {
			return <MasterPasswordDialog key={props.key} dispatch={props.dispatch} themeId={props.themeId} {...customProps}/>;

	editFolder: {
		render: (props: RegisteredDialogProps, customProps: any) => {
			return <EditFolderDialog key={props.key} dispatch={props.dispatch} themeId={props.themeId} {...customProps}/>;

const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
	* {
		box-sizing: border-box;

	div, span, a {
		/*color: ${(props: any) => props.theme.color};*/
		/*font-size: ${(props: any) => props.theme.fontSize}px;*/
		font-family: ${(props: any) => props.theme.fontFamily};

let wcsTimeoutId_: any = null;

async function initialize() {
	bridge().window().on('resize', function() {
		if (wcsTimeoutId_) shim.clearTimeout(wcsTimeoutId_);

		wcsTimeoutId_ = shim.setTimeout(() => {
				size: bridge().windowContentSize(),
			wcsTimeoutId_ = null;
		}, 10);

	// Need to dispatch this to make sure the components are
	// displayed at the right size. The windowContentSize is
	// also set in the store default state, but at that point
	// the window might not be at its final size.
		size: bridge().windowContentSize(),

		panes: Setting.value('noteVisiblePanes'),

class RootComponent extends React.Component<Props, any> {
	public async componentDidMount() {
		if (this.props.appState == 'starting') {
				type: 'APP_STATE_SET',
				state: 'initializing',

			await initialize();

				type: 'APP_STATE_SET',
				state: 'ready',

		await WelcomeUtils.install(this.props.dispatch);

	private renderModalMessage(props: ModalDialogProps) {
		if (!props) return null;

		const renderContent = () => {
			return (
					<DialogTitle title={_('Confirmation')}/>

		return <Dialog renderContent={renderContent}/>;

	private modalDialogProps(): ModalDialogProps {
		if (!this.props.needApiAuth) return null;

		let message = '';
		const buttonSpecs: ButtonSpec[] = [];
		let onClick: ClickEventHandler = null;

		if (this.props.needApiAuth) {
			message = _('The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.');
			buttonSpecs.push({ name: 'ok', label: _('Grant authorisation') });
			buttonSpecs.push({ name: 'cancel', label: _('Reject') });
			onClick = (event: ClickEvent) => {
				ClipperServer.instance().api.acceptAuthToken(event.buttonName === 'ok');
		} else {
			return null;

		return {
			themeId: this.props.themeId,

	private renderDialogs() {
		const props: Props = this.props;

		if (!props.dialogs.length) return null;

		const output: any[] = [];
		for (const dialog of props.dialogs) {
			const md = registeredDialogs[];
			if (!md) throw new Error(`Unknown dialog: ${}`);
				themeId: props.themeId,
				dispatch: props.dispatch,
			}, dialog.props));
		return output;

	public render() {
		const navigatorStyle = {
			width: this.props.size.width / this.props.zoomFactor,
			height: this.props.size.height / this.props.zoomFactor,

		const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId);

		const screens = {
			Main: { screen: MainScreen },
			OneDriveLogin: { screen: OneDriveLoginScreen, title: () => _('OneDrive Login') },
			DropboxLogin: { screen: DropboxLoginScreen, title: () => _('Dropbox Login') },
			Import: { screen: ImportScreen, title: () => _('Import') },
			Config: { screen: ConfigScreen, title: () => _('Options') },
			Resources: { screen: ResourceScreen, title: () => _('Note attachments') },
			Status: { screen: StatusScreen, title: () => _('Synchronisation Status') },

		return (
			<StyleSheetManager disableVendorPrefixes>
				<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
					<StyleSheetContainer themeId={this.props.themeId}></StyleSheetContainer>
					<Navigator style={navigatorStyle} screens={screens} />

const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState) => {
	return {
		size: state.windowContentSize,
		zoomFactor: state.settings.windowContentZoomFactor / 100,
		appState: state.appState,
		themeId: state.settings.theme,
		needApiAuth: state.needApiAuth,
		dialogs: state.dialogs,

const Root = connect(mapStateToProps)(RootComponent);

const store = app().store();

	<Provider store={store}>
			<Root />