const React = require('react'); const { AppState, View, StyleSheet } = require('react-native'); const { stateUtils } = require('@joplin/lib/reducer'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { NoteList } = require('../note-list.js'); const Folder = require('@joplin/lib/models/Folder').default; const Tag = require('@joplin/lib/models/Tag').default; const Note = require('@joplin/lib/models/Note').default; const Setting = require('@joplin/lib/models/Setting').default; const { themeStyle } = require('../global-style.js'); const { ScreenHeader } = require('../screen-header.js'); const { _ } = require('@joplin/lib/locale'); const { ActionButton } = require('../action-button.js'); const { dialogs } = require('../../utils/dialogs.js'); const DialogBox = require('react-native-dialogbox').default; const { BaseScreenComponent } = require('../base-screen.js'); const { BackButtonService } = require('../../services/back-button.js'); class NotesScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent { static navigationOptions() { return { header: null }; } constructor() { super(); this.onAppStateChange_ = async () => { // Force an update to the notes list when app state changes const newProps = Object.assign({}, this.props); newProps.notesSource = ''; await this.refreshNotes(newProps); }; this.sortButton_press = async () => { const buttons = []; const sortNoteOptions = Setting.enumOptions('notes.sortOrder.field'); const makeCheckboxText = function(selected, sign, label) { const s = sign === 'tick' ? '✓' : '⬤'; return (selected ? `${s} ` : '') + label; }; for (const field in sortNoteOptions) { if (!sortNoteOptions.hasOwnProperty(field)) continue; buttons.push({ text: makeCheckboxText(Setting.value('notes.sortOrder.field') === field, 'bullet', sortNoteOptions[field]), id: { name: 'notes.sortOrder.field', value: field }, }); } buttons.push({ text: makeCheckboxText(Setting.value('notes.sortOrder.reverse'), 'tick', `[ ${Setting.settingMetadata('notes.sortOrder.reverse').label()} ]`), id: { name: 'notes.sortOrder.reverse', value: !Setting.value('notes.sortOrder.reverse') }, }); buttons.push({ text: makeCheckboxText(Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop'), 'tick', `[ ${Setting.settingMetadata('uncompletedTodosOnTop').label()} ]`), id: { name: 'uncompletedTodosOnTop', value: !Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop') }, }); buttons.push({ text: makeCheckboxText(Setting.value('showCompletedTodos'), 'tick', `[ ${Setting.settingMetadata('showCompletedTodos').label()} ]`), id: { name: 'showCompletedTodos', value: !Setting.value('showCompletedTodos') }, }); const r = await dialogs.pop(this, Setting.settingMetadata('notes.sortOrder.field').label(), buttons); if (!r) return; Setting.setValue(, r.value); }; this.backHandler = () => { if (this.dialogbox && this.dialogbox.state && this.dialogbox.state.isVisible) { this.dialogbox.close(); return true; } return false; }; } styles() { if (!this.styles_) this.styles_ = {}; const themeId = this.props.themeId; const cacheKey = themeId; if (this.styles_[cacheKey]) return this.styles_[cacheKey]; this.styles_ = {}; const styles = { noteList: { flex: 1, }, }; this.styles_[cacheKey] = StyleSheet.create(styles); return this.styles_[cacheKey]; } async componentDidMount() { BackButtonService.addHandler(this.backHandler); await this.refreshNotes(); AppState.addEventListener('change', this.onAppStateChange_); } async componentWillUnmount() { AppState.removeEventListener('change', this.onAppStateChange_); BackButtonService.removeHandler(this.backHandler); } async componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (prevProps.notesOrder !== this.props.notesOrder || prevProps.selectedFolderId != this.props.selectedFolderId || prevProps.selectedTagId != this.props.selectedTagId || prevProps.selectedSmartFilterId != this.props.selectedSmartFilterId || prevProps.notesParentType != this.props.notesParentType) { await this.refreshNotes(this.props); } } async refreshNotes(props = null) { if (props === null) props = this.props; const options = { order: props.notesOrder, uncompletedTodosOnTop: props.uncompletedTodosOnTop, showCompletedTodos: props.showCompletedTodos, caseInsensitive: true, }; const parent = this.parentItem(props); if (!parent) return; const source = JSON.stringify({ options: options, parentId:, }); if (source == props.notesSource) return; let notes = []; if (props.notesParentType === 'Folder') { notes = await Note.previews(props.selectedFolderId, options); } else if (props.notesParentType === 'Tag') { notes = await Tag.notes(props.selectedTagId, options); } else if (props.notesParentType === 'SmartFilter') { notes = await Note.previews(null, options); } this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: notes, notesSource: source, }); } deleteFolder_onPress(folderId) { dialogs.confirm(this, _('Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.')).then(ok => { if (!ok) return; Folder.delete(folderId) .then(() => { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Notes', smartFilterId: 'c3176726992c11e9ac940492261af972', }); }) .catch(error => { alert(error.message); }); }); } editFolder_onPress(folderId) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Folder', folderId: folderId, }); } parentItem(props = null) { if (!props) props = this.props; let output = null; if (props.notesParentType == 'Folder') { output = Folder.byId(props.folders, props.selectedFolderId); } else if (props.notesParentType == 'Tag') { output = Tag.byId(props.tags, props.selectedTagId); } else if (props.notesParentType == 'SmartFilter') { output = { id: this.props.selectedSmartFilterId, title: _('All notes') }; } else { return null; // throw new Error('Invalid parent type: ' + props.notesParentType); } return output; } folderPickerOptions() { const options = { enabled: this.props.noteSelectionEnabled, mustSelect: true, }; if (this.folderPickerOptions_ && options.enabled === this.folderPickerOptions_.enabled) return this.folderPickerOptions_; this.folderPickerOptions_ = options; return this.folderPickerOptions_; } render() { const parent = this.parentItem(); const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); const rootStyle = { flex: 1, backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, }; if (!this.props.visible) { rootStyle.flex = 0.001; // This is a bit of a hack but it seems to work fine - it makes the component invisible but without unmounting it } const title = parent ? parent.title : null; if (!parent) { return ( ); } const icon = Folder.unserializeIcon(parent.icon); const iconString = icon ? `${icon.emoji} ` : ''; let buttonFolderId = this.props.selectedFolderId != Folder.conflictFolderId() ? this.props.selectedFolderId : null; if (!buttonFolderId) buttonFolderId = this.props.activeFolderId; const addFolderNoteButtons = !!buttonFolderId; const thisComp = this; const actionButtonComp = this.props.noteSelectionEnabled || !this.props.visible ? null : ; return ( {actionButtonComp} { this.dialogbox = dialogbox; }} /> ); } } const NotesScreen = connect(state => { return { folders: state.folders, tags: state.tags, activeFolderId: state.settings.activeFolderId, selectedFolderId: state.selectedFolderId, selectedNoteIds: state.selectedNoteIds, selectedTagId: state.selectedTagId, selectedSmartFilterId: state.selectedSmartFilterId, notesParentType: state.notesParentType, notes: state.notes, notesSource: state.notesSource, uncompletedTodosOnTop: state.settings.uncompletedTodosOnTop, showCompletedTodos: state.settings.showCompletedTodos, themeId: state.settings.theme, noteSelectionEnabled: state.noteSelectionEnabled, notesOrder: stateUtils.notesOrder(state.settings), }; })(NotesScreenComponent); module.exports = { NotesScreen };