import time from '../time'; import NoteResource from '../models/NoteResource'; import ResourceService from '../services/ResourceService'; import shim from '../shim'; import { resourceService, decryptionWorker, supportDir, encryptionService, loadEncryptionMasterKey, allSyncTargetItemsEncrypted, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, synchronizer, switchClient } from '../testing/test-utils'; import Folder from '../models/Folder'; import Note from '../models/Note'; import Resource from '../models/Resource'; import SearchEngine from '../services/searchengine/SearchEngine'; import { loadMasterKeysFromSettings, setupAndEnableEncryption } from './e2ee/utils'; describe('services/ResourceService', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(2); await switchClient(1); done(); }); it('should delete orphaned resources', (async () => { const service = new ResourceService(); const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); note1 = await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0]; const resourcePath = Resource.fullPath(resource1); await service.indexNoteResources(); await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; await Note.delete(; await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; await service.indexNoteResources(); await service.deleteOrphanResources(1000 * 60); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(resourcePath)).toBe(false); expect(!(await NoteResource.all()).length).toBe(true); })); it('should not delete resource if still associated with at least one note', (async () => { const service = new ResourceService(); const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); const note2 = await{ title: 'ma deuxième note', parent_id: }); note1 = await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0]; await service.indexNoteResources(); await Note.delete(; await service.indexNoteResources(); await{ id:, body: Resource.markdownTag(resource1) }); await service.indexNoteResources(); await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; })); // This is now handled below by more correct tests // // it('should not delete a resource that has never been associated with any note, because it probably means the resource came via sync, and associated note has not arrived yet', (async () => { // const service = new ResourceService(); // await shim.createResourceFromPath(`${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); // await service.indexNoteResources(); // await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); // expect((await Resource.all()).length).toBe(1); // })); it('should not delete resource if it is used in an IMG tag', (async () => { const service = new ResourceService(); const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); note1 = await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0]; await service.indexNoteResources(); await{ id:, body: `This is HTML: <img src=":/${}"/>` }); await service.indexNoteResources(); await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(!!(await Resource.load(; })); it('should not process twice the same change', (async () => { const service = new ResourceService(); const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); const note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); await service.indexNoteResources(); const before = (await NoteResource.all())[0]; await time.sleep(0.1); await service.indexNoteResources(); const after = (await NoteResource.all())[0]; expect(before.last_seen_time).toBe(after.last_seen_time); })); it('should not delete resources that are associated with an encrypted note', (async () => { // // // Client 1 and client 2 have E2EE setup. // // - Client 1 creates note N1 and add resource R1 to it // - Client 1 syncs // - Client 2 syncs and get N1 // - Client 2 add resource R2 to N1 // - Client 2 syncs // - Client 1 syncs // - Client 1 runs resource indexer - but because N1 hasn't been decrypted yet, it found that R1 is no longer associated with any note // - Client 1 decrypts notes, but too late // // Eventually R1 is deleted because service thinks that it was at some point associated with a note, but no longer. const masterKey = await loadEncryptionMasterKey(); await setupAndEnableEncryption(encryptionService(), masterKey, '123456'); await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(encryptionService()); const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); const note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); // R1 await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); await synchronizer().start(); expect(await allSyncTargetItemsEncrypted()).toBe(true); await switchClient(2); await synchronizer().start(); await setupAndEnableEncryption(encryptionService(), masterKey, '123456'); await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(encryptionService()); await decryptionWorker().start(); { const n1 = await Note.load(; await shim.attachFileToNote(n1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); // R2 } await synchronizer().start(); await switchClient(1); await synchronizer().start(); await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); await resourceService().deleteOrphanResources(0); // Previously, R1 would be deleted here because it's not indexed expect((await Resource.all()).length).toBe(2); })); it('should double-check if the resource is still linked before deleting it', (async () => { SearchEngine.instance().setDb(db()); // /!\ Note that we use the global search engine here, which we shouldn't but will work for now const folder1 = await{ title: 'folder1' }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); note1 = await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); const bodyWithResource = note1.body; await{ id:, body: '' }); await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); await{ id:, body: bodyWithResource }); await SearchEngine.instance().syncTables(); await resourceService().deleteOrphanResources(0); expect((await Resource.all()).length).toBe(1); // It should not have deleted the resource const nr = (await NoteResource.all())[0]; expect(!!nr.is_associated).toBe(true); // And it should have fixed the situation by re-indexing the note content })); it('should delete a resource if it is not associated with any note and has never been synced', (async () => { // - User creates a note and attaches a resource // - User deletes the note // - NoteResource service runs - the resource can be deleted // // This is because, since the resource didn't come via sync, it's // guaranteed that it is orphaned, which means it can be safely deleted. // See related test below to handle case where the resource actually // comes via sync. const note = await{}); await shim.attachFileToNote(note, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); await Note.delete(; const resource = (await Resource.all())[0]; await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); await resourceService().deleteOrphanResources(-10); expect(await Resource.load(; })); it('should NOT delete a resource if it arrived via synced, even if it is not associated with any note', (async () => { // - C1 creates Resource 1 // - C1 sync // - C2 sync // - NoteResource service runs - should find an orphan resource, but not // delete it because the associated note might come later from U1. // // At this point, C1 has the knowledge about Resource 1 so whether it's // eventually deleted or not will come from there. If it's an orphaned // resource, it will be deleted on C1 first, then the deletion will be // synced to other clients. const note = await{}); await shim.attachFileToNote(note, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); await Note.delete(; const resource = (await Resource.all())[0]; await synchronizer().start(); await switchClient(2); await synchronizer().start(); await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); await resourceService().deleteOrphanResources(0); expect(await Resource.load(; })); // it('should auto-delete resource even if the associated note was deleted immediately', (async () => { // // Previoulsy, when a resource was be attached to a note, then the // // note was immediately deleted, the ResourceService would not have // // time to quick in an index the resource/note relation. It means // // that when doing the orphan resource deletion job, those // // resources would permanently stay behing. // // // const service = new ResourceService(); // let note = await{}); // note = await shim.attachFileToNote(note, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); // const resource = (await Resource.all())[0]; // const noteIds = await NoteResource.associatedNoteIds(; // expect(noteIds[0]).toBe(; // await{ id:, body: '' }); // await resourceService().indexNoteResources(); // await service.deleteOrphanResources(0); // expect((await Resource.all()).length).toBe(0); // })); });