// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is used to build the plugin file (.jpl) and plugin info (.json). It // is recommended not to edit this file as it would be overwritten when updating // the plugin framework. If you do make some changes, consider using an external // JS file and requiring it here to minimize the changes. That way when you // update, you can easily restore the functionality you've added. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* eslint-disable no-console */ const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); const WebpackOnBuildPlugin = require('on-build-webpack'); const tar = require('tar'); const glob = require('glob'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const rootDir = path.resolve(__dirname); const userConfigFilename = './plugin.config.json'; const userConfigPath = path.resolve(rootDir, userConfigFilename); const distDir = path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist'); const srcDir = path.resolve(rootDir, 'src'); const publishDir = path.resolve(rootDir, 'publish'); const userConfig = { extraScripts: [], ...(fs.pathExistsSync(userConfigPath) ? require(userConfigFilename) : {}) }; const manifestPath = `${srcDir}/manifest.json`; const packageJsonPath = `${rootDir}/package.json`; const manifest = readManifest(manifestPath); const pluginArchiveFilePath = path.resolve(publishDir, `${manifest.id}.jpl`); const pluginInfoFilePath = path.resolve(publishDir, `${manifest.id}.json`); function validatePackageJson() { const content = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf8')); if (!content.name || content.name.indexOf('joplin-plugin-') !== 0) { console.warn(chalk.yellow(`WARNING: To publish the plugin, the package name should start with "joplin-plugin-" (found "${content.name}") in ${packageJsonPath}`)); } if (!content.keywords || content.keywords.indexOf('joplin-plugin') < 0) { console.warn(chalk.yellow(`WARNING: To publish the plugin, the package keywords should include "joplin-plugin" (found "${JSON.stringify(content.keywords)}") in ${packageJsonPath}`)); } if (content.scripts && content.scripts.postinstall) { console.warn(chalk.yellow(`WARNING: package.json contains a "postinstall" script. It is recommended to use a "prepare" script instead so that it is executed before publish. In ${packageJsonPath}`)); } } function fileSha256(filePath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath); return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(content).digest('hex'); } function currentGitInfo() { try { let branch = execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', { stdio: 'pipe' }).toString().trim(); const commit = execSync('git rev-parse HEAD', { stdio: 'pipe' }).toString().trim(); if (branch === 'HEAD') branch = 'master'; return `${branch}:${commit}`; } catch (error) { const messages = error.message ? error.message.split('\n') : ['']; console.info(chalk.cyan('Could not get git commit (not a git repo?):', messages[0].trim())); console.info(chalk.cyan('Git information will not be stored in plugin info file')); return ''; } } function readManifest(manifestPath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf8'); const output = JSON.parse(content); if (!output.id) throw new Error(`Manifest plugin ID is not set in ${manifestPath}`); return output; } function createPluginArchive(sourceDir, destPath) { const distFiles = glob.sync(`${sourceDir}/**/*`, { nodir: true }) .map(f => f.substr(sourceDir.length + 1)); if (!distFiles.length) throw new Error('Plugin archive was not created because the "dist" directory is empty'); fs.removeSync(destPath); tar.create( { strict: true, portable: true, file: destPath, cwd: sourceDir, sync: true, }, distFiles ); console.info(chalk.cyan(`Plugin archive has been created in ${destPath}`)); } function createPluginInfo(manifestPath, destPath, jplFilePath) { const contentText = fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf8'); const content = JSON.parse(contentText); content._publish_hash = `sha256:${fileSha256(jplFilePath)}`; content._publish_commit = currentGitInfo(); fs.writeFileSync(destPath, JSON.stringify(content, null, '\t'), 'utf8'); } function onBuildCompleted() { try { fs.removeSync(path.resolve(publishDir, 'index.js')); createPluginArchive(distDir, pluginArchiveFilePath); createPluginInfo(manifestPath, pluginInfoFilePath, pluginArchiveFilePath); validatePackageJson(); } catch (error) { console.error(chalk.red(error.message)); } } const baseConfig = { mode: 'production', target: 'node', stats: 'errors-only', module: { rules: [ { test: /\.tsx?$/, use: 'ts-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, }, ], }, }; const pluginConfig = { ...baseConfig, entry: './src/index.ts', resolve: { alias: { api: path.resolve(__dirname, 'api'), }, extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js'], }, output: { filename: 'index.js', path: distDir, }, plugins: [ new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: '**/*', context: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), to: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), globOptions: { ignore: [ // All TypeScript files are compiled to JS and // already copied into /dist so we don't copy them. '**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx', ], }, }, ], }), ] }; const extraScriptConfig = { ...baseConfig, resolve: { alias: { api: path.resolve(__dirname, 'api'), }, extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js'], } }; const createArchiveConfig = { stats: 'errors-only', entry: './dist/index.js', output: { filename: 'index.js', path: publishDir, }, plugins: [new WebpackOnBuildPlugin(onBuildCompleted)], }; function resolveExtraScriptPath(name) { const relativePath = `./src/${name}`; const fullPath = path.resolve(`${rootDir}/${relativePath}`); if (!fs.pathExistsSync(fullPath)) throw new Error(`Could not find extra script: "${name}" at "${fullPath}"`); const s = name.split('.'); s.pop(); const nameNoExt = s.join('.'); return { entry: relativePath, output: { filename: `${nameNoExt}.js`, path: distDir, library: 'default', libraryTarget: 'commonjs', libraryExport: 'default', }, }; } function buildExtraScriptConfigs(userConfig) { if (!userConfig.extraScripts.length) return []; const output = []; for (const scriptName of userConfig.extraScripts) { const scriptPaths = resolveExtraScriptPath(scriptName); output.push({ ...extraScriptConfig, entry: scriptPaths.entry, output: scriptPaths.output }); } return output; } function main(processArgv) { const yargs = require('yargs/yargs'); const argv = yargs(processArgv).argv; const configName = argv['joplin-plugin-config']; if (!configName) throw new Error('A config file must be specified via the --joplin-plugin-config flag'); // Webpack configurations run in parallel, while we need them to run in // sequence, and to do that it seems the only way is to run webpack multiple // times, with different config each time. const configs = { // Builds the main src/index.ts and copy the extra content from /src to // /dist including scripts, CSS and any other asset. buildMain: [pluginConfig], // Builds the extra scripts as defined in plugin.config.json. When doing // so, some JavaScript files that were copied in the previous might be // overwritten here by the compiled version. This is by design. The // result is that JS files that don't need compilation, are simply // copied to /dist, while those that do need it are correctly compiled. buildExtraScripts: buildExtraScriptConfigs(userConfig), // Ths config is for creating the .jpl, which is done via the plugin, so // it doesn't actually need an entry and output, however webpack won't // run without this. So we give it an entry that we know is going to // exist and output in the publish dir. Then the plugin will delete this // temporary file before packaging the plugin. createArchive: [createArchiveConfig], }; // If we are running the first config step, we clean up and create the build // directories. if (configName === 'buildMain') { fs.removeSync(distDir); fs.removeSync(publishDir); fs.mkdirpSync(publishDir); } return configs[configName]; } let exportedConfigs = []; try { exportedConfigs = main(process.argv); } catch (error) { console.error(chalk.red(error.message)); process.exit(1); } if (!exportedConfigs.length) { // Nothing to do - for example where there are no external scripts to // compile. process.exit(0); } module.exports = exportedConfigs;