import { unique } from '@joplin/lib/ArrayUtils'; import htmlUtils from '@joplin/renderer/htmlUtils'; const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities; const htmlentities = new Entities().encode; const htmlparser2 = require('@joplin/fork-htmlparser2'); const trimHtml = (content: string) => { return content .replace(/\n/g, '') .replace(/^(&tab;)+/i, '') .replace(/^( )+/i, '') .replace(/(&tab;)+$/i, '') .replace(/( )+$/i, '') .replace(/^\t+/, '') .replace(/\t+$/, ''); }; const findTranslation = (englishString: string, translations: Record<string, string>): string => { const stringsToTry = unique([ englishString, englishString.replace(/<br\/>/gi, '<br>'), englishString.replace(/<br \/>/gi, '<br>'), englishString .replace(/'/gi, '\'') .replace(/"/gi, '"'), ]) as string[]; for (const stringToTry of stringsToTry) { if (translations[stringToTry]) return translations[stringToTry]; } return englishString; }; const encodeHtml = (decodedText: string): string => { return htmlentities(decodedText) .replace(/	/gi, '\t') .replace(/{{> /gi, '{{> '); // Don't break Mustache partials }; export default (html: string, _languageCode: string, translations: Record<string, string>) => { const output: string[] = []; interface State { // When inside a block that needs to be translated, this array // accumulates the opening tags. For example, this text: // // <div translate>Hello <b>world</b></div> // // will have the tags ['div', 'b'] // // This is used to track when we've processed all the content, including // HTML content, within a translatable block. Once that stack is empty, // we reached the end, and can translate the string that we got. translateStack: string[]; // Keep a reference to the opening tag. For example in: // // <div translate>Hello <b>world</b></div> // // The opening tag is "div". currentTranslationTag: string[]; // Once we finished processing the translable block, this will contain // the string to be translated. It may contain HTML. currentTranslationContent: string[]; // Tells if we're at the beginning of a translable block. translateIsOpening: boolean; inScript: boolean; } const state: State = { translateStack: [], currentTranslationTag: [], currentTranslationContent: [], translateIsOpening: false, inScript: false, }; const pushContent = (state: State, content: string) => { if (state.translateStack.length) { if (state.translateIsOpening) { state.currentTranslationTag.push(content); } else { state.currentTranslationContent.push(content); } } else { output.push(content); } }; const parser = new htmlparser2.Parser({ onopentag: (name: string, attrs: any) => { if (name === 'script') state.inScript = true; if ('translate' in attrs) { if (state.translateStack.length) throw new Error(`Cannot have a translate block within another translate block. At tag "${name}" attrs: ${JSON.stringify(attrs)}`); state.translateStack.push(name); state.currentTranslationContent = []; state.currentTranslationTag = []; state.translateIsOpening = true; } else if (state.translateStack.length) { state.translateStack.push(name); } let attrHtml = htmlUtils.attributesHtml(attrs); if (attrHtml) attrHtml = ` ${attrHtml}`; const closingSign = htmlUtils.isSelfClosingTag(name) ? '/>' : '>'; pushContent(state, `<${name}${attrHtml}${closingSign}`); state.translateIsOpening = false; }, ontext: (decodedText: string) => { const encodedText = state.inScript ? decodedText : encodeHtml(decodedText); pushContent(state, encodedText); }, onclosetag: (name: string) => { if (state.translateStack.length) { state.translateStack.pop(); if (!state.translateStack.length) { const stringToTranslate = trimHtml(state.currentTranslationContent.join('')); const translation = findTranslation(stringToTranslate, translations); output.push(state.currentTranslationTag[0]); output.push(translation); } } if (name === 'script') state.inScript = false; if (htmlUtils.isSelfClosingTag(name)) return; pushContent(state, `</${name}>`); }, }, { decodeEntities: true }); parser.write(html); parser.end(); return output.join('\n'); };