import * as React from 'react'; import { themeStyle } from '@joplin/lib/theme'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import NoteTextViewer from './NoteTextViewer'; import HelpButton from './HelpButton'; import BaseModel from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel'; import Revision from '@joplin/lib/models/Revision'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import RevisionService from '@joplin/lib/services/RevisionService'; import { MarkupToHtml } from '@joplin/renderer'; import time from '@joplin/lib/time'; import bridge from '../services/bridge'; import markupLanguageUtils from '../utils/markupLanguageUtils'; import { NoteEntity, RevisionEntity } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; import { AppState } from '../app.reducer'; const urlUtils = require('@joplin/lib/urlUtils'); const ReactTooltip = require('react-tooltip'); const { urlDecode } = require('@joplin/lib/string-utils'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); import shared from '@joplin/lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared'; interface Props { themeId: number; noteId: string; onBack: Function; customCss: string; } interface State { note: NoteEntity; revisions: RevisionEntity[]; currentRevId: string; restoring: boolean; } class NoteRevisionViewerComponent extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> { private viewerRef_: any; private helpButton_onClick: Function; public constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { revisions: [], currentRevId: '', note: null, restoring: false, }; this.viewerRef_ = React.createRef(); this.viewer_domReady = this.viewer_domReady.bind(this); this.revisionList_onChange = this.revisionList_onChange.bind(this); this.importButton_onClick = this.importButton_onClick.bind(this); this.backButton_click = this.backButton_click.bind(this); this.webview_ipcMessage = this.webview_ipcMessage.bind(this); } public style() { const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); const style = { root: { backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, display: 'flex', flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', }, titleInput: Object.assign({}, theme.inputStyle, { flex: 1 }), revisionList: Object.assign({}, theme.dropdownList, { marginLeft: 10, flex: 0.5 }), }; return style; } private async viewer_domReady() { // this.viewerRef_.current.openDevTools(); const revisions = await Revision.allByType(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, this.props.noteId); this.setState( { revisions: revisions, currentRevId: revisions.length ? revisions[revisions.length - 1].id : '', }, () => { void this.reloadNote(); } ); } private async importButton_onClick() { if (!this.state.note) return; this.setState({ restoring: true }); await RevisionService.instance().importRevisionNote(this.state.note); this.setState({ restoring: false }); alert(RevisionService.instance().restoreSuccessMessage(this.state.note)); } private backButton_click() { if (this.props.onBack) this.props.onBack(); } private revisionList_onChange(event: any) { const value =; if (!value) { if (this.props.onBack) this.props.onBack(); } else { this.setState( { currentRevId: value, }, () => { void this.reloadNote(); } ); } } public async reloadNote() { let noteBody = ''; let markupLanguage = MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN; if (!this.state.revisions.length || !this.state.currentRevId) { noteBody = _('This note has no history'); this.setState({ note: null }); } else { const revIndex = BaseModel.modelIndexById(this.state.revisions, this.state.currentRevId); const note = await RevisionService.instance().revisionNote(this.state.revisions, revIndex); if (!note) return; noteBody = note.body; markupLanguage = note.markup_language; this.setState({ note: note }); } const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); const markupToHtml = markupLanguageUtils.newMarkupToHtml({}, { resourceBaseUrl: `file://${Setting.value('resourceDir')}/`, customCss: this.props.customCss ? this.props.customCss : '', }); const result = await markupToHtml.render(markupLanguage, noteBody, theme, { codeTheme: theme.codeThemeCss, resources: await shared.attachedResources(noteBody), postMessageSyntax: 'ipcProxySendToHost', }); this.viewerRef_.current.send('setHtml', result.html, { // cssFiles: result.cssFiles, pluginAssets: result.pluginAssets, }); } private async webview_ipcMessage(event: any) { // For the revision view, we only suppport a minimal subset of the IPC messages. // For example, we don't need interactive checkboxes or sync between viewer and editor view. // We try to get most links work though, except for internal (joplin://) links. const msg = ? : ''; // const args = event.args; // if (msg !== 'percentScroll')`Got ipc-message: ${msg}`, args); try { if (msg.indexOf('joplin://') === 0) { throw new Error(_('Unsupported link or message: %s', msg)); } else if (urlUtils.urlProtocol(msg)) { if (msg.indexOf('file://') === 0) { void require('electron').shell.openExternal(urlDecode(msg)); } else { void require('electron').shell.openExternal(msg); } } else if (msg.indexOf('#') === 0) { // This is an internal anchor, which is handled by the WebView so skip this case } else { console.warn(`Unsupported message in revision view: ${msg}`); } } catch (error) { console.warn(error); bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } } public render() { const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); const style =; const revisionListItems = []; const revs = this.state.revisions.slice().reverse(); for (let i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) { const rev = revs[i]; const stats = Revision.revisionPatchStatsText(rev); revisionListItems.push( <option key={} value={}> {`${time.formatMsToLocal(rev.item_updated_time)} (${stats})`} </option> ); } const restoreButtonTitle = _('Restore'); const helpMessage = _('Click "%s" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named "%s". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.', restoreButtonTitle, RevisionService.instance().restoreFolderTitle()); const titleInput = ( <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 10, borderWidth: 1, borderBottomStyle: 'solid', borderColor: theme.dividerColor, paddingBottom: 10 }}> <button onClick={this.backButton_click} style={Object.assign({}, theme.buttonStyle, { marginRight: 10, height: theme.inputStyle.height })}> <i style={theme.buttonIconStyle} className={'fa fa-chevron-left'}></i>{_('Back')} </button> <input readOnly type="text" style={style.titleInput} value={this.state.note ? this.state.note.title : ''} /> <select disabled={!this.state.revisions.length} value={this.state.currentRevId} style={style.revisionList} onChange={this.revisionList_onChange}> {revisionListItems} </select> <button disabled={!this.state.revisions.length || this.state.restoring} onClick={this.importButton_onClick} style={Object.assign({}, theme.buttonStyle, { marginLeft: 10, height: theme.inputStyle.height })}> {restoreButtonTitle} </button> <HelpButton tip={helpMessage} id="noteRevisionHelpButton" onClick={this.helpButton_onClick} /> </div> ); const viewer = <NoteTextViewer themeId={this.props.themeId} viewerStyle={{ display: 'flex', flex: 1, borderLeft: 'none' }} ref={this.viewerRef_} onDomReady={this.viewer_domReady} onIpcMessage={this.webview_ipcMessage} />; return ( <div style={style.root as any}> {titleInput} {viewer} <ReactTooltip place="bottom" delayShow={300} className="help-tooltip" /> </div> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState) => { return { themeId: state.settings.theme, }; }; const NoteRevisionViewer = connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteRevisionViewerComponent); export default NoteRevisionViewer;