/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */ import { readFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { normalize } from 'path'; import yargs = require('yargs'); import { dirname } from './tool-utils'; export const findInvalidImportPaths = (baseDir: string, fileContent: string): string[] => { const output: string[] = []; // We expect the code to be in a specific format, as formatted by eslint. So // checkLibPath must only be called after the linter hook. const regexes = [ /^import .* from '(.*\.\.\/lib\/.*)'/gm, /^import .* = require\('(.*\.\.\/lib\/.*)'\)/gm, /^const .* = require\('(.*\.\.\/lib\/.*)'\)/gm, /^import .* from '(.*\.\.\/renderer\/.*)'/gm, /^import .* = require\('(.*\.\.\/renderer\/.*)'\)/gm, /^const .* = require\('(.*\.\.\/renderer\/.*)'\)/gm, ]; for (const regex of regexes) { while (true) { const matches = regex.exec(fileContent); if (!matches) break; const [line, packagePath] = matches; const fullPath = normalize(`${baseDir}/${packagePath}`); if (fullPath.includes('packages/lib/') || fullPath.includes('packages/renderer/')) output.push(line); } } return output; }; const main = async () => { const argv = await yargs.argv; const filePaths = argv._ as string[]; if (!filePaths || !filePaths.length) return; for (const filePath of filePaths) { const content = await readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); const invalidImportPaths = findInvalidImportPaths(dirname(filePath), content); if (invalidImportPaths.length) throw new Error(`Invalid lib import paths in ${filePath}: ${invalidImportPaths.join(' / ')}`); } }; if (require.main === module) { main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); }