const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); const { GeolocationReact } = require('lib/geolocation-react.js'); const { PoorManIntervals } = require('lib/poor-man-intervals.js'); const RNFetchBlob = require('rn-fetch-blob').default; const { generateSecureRandom } = require('react-native-securerandom'); const FsDriverRN = require('lib/fs-driver-rn.js').FsDriverRN; const urlValidator = require('valid-url'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { Linking } = require('react-native'); const mimeUtils = require('lib/mime-utils.js').mime; const { basename, fileExtension } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const { uuid } = require('lib/uuid.js'); const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource'); const injectedJs = { webviewLib: require('lib/rnInjectedJs/webviewLib'), }; const cssToJs = { 'hljs-atom-one-dark-reasonable.css': require('lib/csstojs/hljs-atom-one-dark-reasonable.css.js'), 'hljs-atom-one-light.css': require('lib/csstojs/hljs-atom-one-light.css.js'), }; function shimInit() { shim.Geolocation = GeolocationReact; shim.setInterval = PoorManIntervals.setInterval; shim.clearInterval = PoorManIntervals.clearInterval; shim.sjclModule = require('lib/vendor/sjcl-rn.js'); shim.fsDriver = () => { if (!shim.fsDriver_) shim.fsDriver_ = new FsDriverRN(); return shim.fsDriver_; } shim.randomBytes = async (count) => { const randomBytes = await generateSecureRandom(count); let temp = []; for (let n in randomBytes) { if (!randomBytes.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; temp.push(randomBytes[n]); } return temp; } shim.fetch = async function(url, options = null) { // The native fetch() throws an uncatable error that crashes the app if calling it with an // invalid URL such as '//.resource' or "http://ocloud. de" so detect if the URL is valid beforehand // and throw a catchable error. // Bug: const validatedUrl = urlValidator.isUri(url); if (!validatedUrl) throw new Error('Not a valid URL: ' + url); return shim.fetchWithRetry(() => { return fetch(validatedUrl, options); }, options); } shim.fetchBlob = async function(url, options) { if (!options || !options.path) throw new Error('fetchBlob: target file path is missing'); let headers = options.headers ? options.headers : {}; let method = options.method ? options.method : 'GET'; const overwrite = 'overwrite' in options ? options.overwrite : true; let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs; let localFilePath = options.path; if (localFilePath.indexOf('/') !== 0) localFilePath = dirs.DocumentDir + '/' + localFilePath; if (!overwrite) { if (await shim.fsDriver().exists(localFilePath)) { return { ok: true }; } } delete options.path; delete options.overwrite; const doFetchBlob = () => { return RNFetchBlob.config({ path: localFilePath }).fetch(method, url, headers); } try { const response = await shim.fetchWithRetry(doFetchBlob, options); // Returns an object that's roughtly compatible with a standard Response object let output = { ok: response.respInfo.status < 400, path:, text: response.text, json: response.json, status: response.respInfo.status, headers: response.respInfo.headers, }; return output; } catch (error) { throw new Error('fetchBlob: ' + method + ' ' + url + ': ' + error.toString()); } } shim.uploadBlob = async function(url, options) { if (!options || !options.path) throw new Error('uploadBlob: source file path is missing'); const headers = options.headers ? options.headers : {}; const method = options.method ? options.method : 'POST'; try { let response = await RNFetchBlob.fetch(method, url, headers, RNFetchBlob.wrap(options.path)); // Returns an object that's roughtly compatible with a standard Response object return { ok: response.respInfo.status < 400, data:, text: response.text, json: response.json, status: response.respInfo.status, headers: response.respInfo.headers, }; } catch (error) { throw new Error('uploadBlob: ' + method + ' ' + url + ': ' + error.toString()); } } shim.readLocalFileBase64 = async function(path) { return RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(path, 'base64') } shim.stringByteLength = function(string) { return Buffer.byteLength(string, 'utf-8'); } shim.Buffer = Buffer; shim.openUrl = (url) => { Linking.openURL(url); } shim.waitForFrame = () => { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { resolve(); }); }); } // NOTE: This is a limited version of createResourceFromPath - unlike the Node version, it // only really works with images. It does not resize the image either. shim.createResourceFromPath = async function(filePath, defaultProps = null) { defaultProps = defaultProps ? defaultProps : {}; const resourceId = ? : uuid.create(); const ext = fileExtension(filePath); let mimeType = mimeUtils.fromFileExtension(ext); if (!mimeType) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; let resource =; = resourceId; resource.mime = mimeType; resource.title = basename(filePath); resource.file_extension = ext; let targetPath = Resource.fullPath(resource); await shim.fsDriver().copy(filePath, targetPath); if (defaultProps) { resource = Object.assign({}, resource, defaultProps); } const itDoes = await shim.fsDriver().waitTillExists(targetPath); if (!itDoes) throw new Error('Resource file was not created: ' + targetPath); const fileStat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(targetPath); resource.size = fileStat.size; resource = await, { isNew: true }); return resource; } shim.injectedJs = function(name) { if (!(name in injectedJs)) throw new Error('Cannot find injectedJs file (add it to "injectedJs" object): ' + name); return injectedJs[name]; } shim.loadCssFromJs = function(name) { if (!(name in cssToJs)) throw new Error('Cannot find csstojs file (add it to "cssToJs" object): ' + name); return cssToJs[name]; } } module.exports = { shimInit };