/* eslint-disable id-denylist */ import time from '../../time'; interface Term { name: string; value: string; negated: boolean; } enum Relation { OR = 'OR', AND = 'AND', } enum Operation { UNION = 'UNION', INTERSECT = 'INTERSECT', } enum Requirement { EXCLUSION = 'EXCLUSION', INCLUSION = 'INCLUSION', } const _notebookFilter = (notebooks: string[], requirement: Requirement, conditions: string[], params: string[], withs: string[], useFts: boolean) => { if (notebooks.length === 0) return; const likes = []; for (let i = 0; i < notebooks.length; i++) { likes.push('folders.title LIKE ?'); } const relevantFolders = likes.join(' OR '); const viewName = requirement === Requirement.EXCLUSION ? 'notebooks_not_in_scope' : 'notebooks_in_scope'; const withInNotebook = ` ${viewName}(id) AS ( SELECT folders.id FROM folders WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM folders WHERE ${relevantFolders} ) UNION ALL SELECT folders.id FROM folders JOIN ${viewName} ON folders.parent_id=${viewName}.id )`; const tableName = useFts ? 'notes_normalized' : 'notes'; const where = ` AND ROWID ${requirement === Requirement.EXCLUSION ? 'NOT' : ''} IN ( SELECT ${tableName}.ROWID FROM ${viewName} JOIN ${tableName} ON ${viewName}.id=${tableName}.parent_id )`; withs.push(withInNotebook); params.push(...notebooks); conditions.push(where); }; const notebookFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], withs: string[], useFts: boolean) => { const notebooksToInclude = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'notebook' && !x.negated).map(x => x.value); _notebookFilter(notebooksToInclude, Requirement.INCLUSION, conditions, params, withs, useFts); const notebooksToExclude = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'notebook' && x.negated).map(x => x.value); _notebookFilter(notebooksToExclude, Requirement.EXCLUSION, conditions, params, withs, useFts); }; const getOperator = (requirement: Requirement, relation: Relation): Operation => { if (relation === 'AND' && requirement === 'INCLUSION') { return Operation.INTERSECT; } else { return Operation.UNION; } }; const filterByTableName = ( terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, noteIDs: string, requirement: Requirement, withs: string[], tableName: string, useFts: boolean ) => { const operator: Operation = getOperator(requirement, relation); const values = terms.map(x => x.value); let withCondition = null; if (relation === Relation.OR && requirement === Requirement.EXCLUSION) { // with_${requirement}_${tableName} is added to the names to make them unique withs.push(` all_notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName} AS ( SELECT DISTINCT note_${tableName}.note_id AS id FROM note_${tableName} )`); const notesWithoutExcludedField = ` SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM all_notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName} EXCEPT ${noteIDs} )`; const requiredNotes = []; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { requiredNotes.push(notesWithoutExcludedField); } const requiredNotesQuery = requiredNotes.join(' UNION '); // We need notes without atleast one excluded (tag/resource) withCondition = ` notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName} AS ( ${requiredNotesQuery} )`; } else { const requiredNotes = []; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { requiredNotes.push(noteIDs); } const requiredNotesQuery = requiredNotes.join(` ${operator} `); // Notes with any/all values depending upon relation and requirement withCondition = ` notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName} AS ( SELECT note_${tableName}.note_id as id FROM note_${tableName} WHERE ${operator === 'INTERSECT' ? 1 : 0} ${operator} ${requiredNotesQuery} )`; } // Get the ROWIDs that satisfy the condition so we can filter the result const targetTableName = useFts ? 'notes_normalized' : 'notes'; const whereCondition = ` ${relation} ROWID ${(relation === 'AND' && requirement === 'EXCLUSION') ? 'NOT' : ''} IN ( SELECT ${targetTableName}.ROWID FROM notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName} JOIN ${targetTableName} ON notes_with_${requirement}_${tableName}.id=${targetTableName}.id )`; withs.push(withCondition); params.push(...values); conditions.push(whereCondition); }; const resourceFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, withs: string[], useFts: boolean) => { const tableName = 'resources'; const resourceIDs = ` SELECT resources.id FROM resources WHERE resources.mime LIKE ?`; const noteIDsWithResource = ` SELECT note_resources.note_id AS id FROM note_resources WHERE note_resources.is_associated=1 AND note_resources.resource_id IN (${resourceIDs})`; const requiredResources = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'resource' && !x.negated); const excludedResources = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'resource' && x.negated); if (requiredResources.length > 0) { filterByTableName(requiredResources, conditions, params, relation, noteIDsWithResource, Requirement.INCLUSION, withs, tableName, useFts); } if (excludedResources.length > 0) { filterByTableName(excludedResources, conditions, params, relation, noteIDsWithResource, Requirement.EXCLUSION, withs, tableName, useFts); } }; const tagFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, withs: string[], useFts: boolean) => { const tableName = 'tags'; const tagIDs = ` SELECT tags.id FROM tags WHERE tags.title LIKE ?`; const noteIDsWithTag = ` SELECT note_tags.note_id AS id FROM note_tags WHERE note_tags.tag_id IN (${tagIDs})`; const requiredTags = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'tag' && !x.negated); const excludedTags = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'tag' && x.negated); if (requiredTags.length > 0) { filterByTableName(requiredTags, conditions, params, relation, noteIDsWithTag, Requirement.INCLUSION, withs, tableName, useFts); } if (excludedTags.length > 0) { filterByTableName(excludedTags, conditions, params, relation, noteIDsWithTag, Requirement.EXCLUSION, withs, tableName, useFts); } }; const genericFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, fieldName: string, useFts: boolean) => { if (fieldName === 'iscompleted' || fieldName === 'type') { // Faster query when values can only take two distinct values biConditionalFilter(terms, conditions, relation, fieldName, useFts); return; } const tableName = useFts ? 'notes_normalized' : 'notes'; const getCondition = (term: Term) => { if (fieldName === 'sourceurl') { return `${tableName}.source_url ${term.negated ? 'NOT' : ''} LIKE ?`; } else if (fieldName === 'date' && term.name === 'due') { return `todo_due ${term.negated ? '<' : '>='} ?`; } else if (fieldName === 'id') { return `id ${term.negated ? 'NOT' : ''} LIKE ?`; } else { return `${tableName}.${fieldName === 'date' ? `user_${term.name}_time` : `${term.name}`} ${term.negated ? '<' : '>='} ?`; } }; terms.forEach(term => { conditions.push(` ${relation} ( ${term.name === 'due' ? 'is_todo IS 1 AND ' : ''} ROWID IN ( SELECT ROWID FROM ${tableName} WHERE ${getCondition(term)} ))`); params.push(term.value); }); }; const biConditionalFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], relation: Relation, filterName: string, useFts: boolean) => { const getCondition = (filterName: string, value: string, relation: Relation) => { const tableName = useFts ? (relation === 'AND' ? 'notes_fts' : 'notes_normalized') : 'notes'; if (filterName === 'type') { return `${tableName}.is_todo IS ${value === 'todo' ? 1 : 0}`; } else if (filterName === 'iscompleted') { return `${tableName}.is_todo IS 1 AND ${tableName}.todo_completed IS ${value === '1' ? 'NOT 0' : '0'}`; } else { throw new Error('Invalid filter name.'); } }; const values = terms.map(x => x.value); // AND and OR are handled differently because FTS restricts how OR can be used. values.forEach(value => { if (relation === 'AND') { conditions.push(` AND ${getCondition(filterName, value, relation)}`); } if (relation === 'OR') { if (useFts) { conditions.push(` OR ROWID IN ( SELECT ROWID FROM notes_normalized WHERE ${getCondition(filterName, value, relation)} )`); } else { conditions.push(` OR ${getCondition(filterName, value, relation)}`); } } }); }; const noteIdFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const noteIdTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'id'); genericFilter(noteIdTerms, conditions, params, relation, 'id', useFts); }; const typeFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const typeTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'type'); genericFilter(typeTerms, conditions, params, relation, 'type', useFts); }; const completedFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const completedTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'iscompleted'); genericFilter(completedTerms, conditions, params, relation, 'iscompleted', useFts); }; const locationFilter = (terms: Term[], conditons: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const locationTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'latitude' || x.name === 'longitude' || x.name === 'altitude'); genericFilter(locationTerms, conditons, params, relation, 'location', useFts); }; const dateFilter = (terms: Term[], conditons: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const getUnixMs = (date: string): string => { const yyyymmdd = /^[0-9]{8}$/; const yyyymm = /^[0-9]{6}$/; const yyyy = /^[0-9]{4}$/; const smartValue = /^(day|week|month|year)(\+|-)([0-9]+)$/i; if (yyyymmdd.test(date)) { return time.formatLocalToMs(date, 'YYYYMMDD').toString(); } else if (yyyymm.test(date)) { return time.formatLocalToMs(date, 'YYYYMM').toString(); } else if (yyyy.test(date)) { return time.formatLocalToMs(date, 'YYYY').toString(); } else if (smartValue.test(date)) { const match = smartValue.exec(date); const timeUnit = match[1]; // eg. day, week, month, year const timeDirection = match[2]; // + or - const num = Number(match[3]); // eg. 1, 12, 15 if (timeDirection === '+') { return time.goForwardInTime(Date.now(), num, timeUnit); } else { return time.goBackInTime(Date.now(), num, timeUnit); } } else { throw new Error('Invalid date format!'); } }; const dateTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'created' || x.name === 'updated' || x.name === 'due'); const unixDateTerms = dateTerms.map(term => { return { ...term, value: getUnixMs(term.value) }; }); genericFilter(unixDateTerms, conditons, params, relation, 'date', useFts); }; const sourceUrlFilter = (terms: Term[], conditons: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const urlTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'sourceurl'); genericFilter(urlTerms, conditons, params, relation, 'sourceurl', useFts); }; const trimQuotes = (str: string) => str.startsWith('"') && str.endsWith('"') ? str.substr(1, str.length - 2) : str; const textFilter = (terms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation, useFts: boolean) => { const createLikeMatch = (term: Term, negate: boolean) => { const query = `${relation} ${negate ? 'NOT' : ''} ( ${(term.name === 'text' || term.name === 'body') ? 'notes.body LIKE ? ' : ''} ${term.name === 'text' ? 'OR' : ''} ${(term.name === 'text' || term.name === 'title') ? 'notes.title LIKE ? ' : ''})`; conditions.push(query); const param = `%${trimQuotes(term.value).replace(/\*/, '%')}%`; params.push(param); if (term.name === 'text') params.push(param); }; const addExcludeTextConditions = (excludedTerms: Term[], conditions: string[], params: string[], relation: Relation) => { if (useFts) { const type = excludedTerms[0].name === 'text' ? '' : `.${excludedTerms[0].name}`; if (relation === 'AND') { conditions.push(` AND ROWID NOT IN ( SELECT ROWID FROM notes_fts WHERE notes_fts${type} MATCH ? )`); params.push(excludedTerms.map(x => x.value).join(' OR ')); } if (relation === 'OR') { excludedTerms.forEach(term => { conditions.push(` OR ROWID IN ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROWID FROM notes_fts EXCEPT SELECT ROWID FROM notes_fts WHERE notes_fts${type} MATCH ? ) )`); params.push(term.value); }); } } else { excludedTerms.forEach(term => { createLikeMatch(term, true); }); } }; const allTerms = terms.filter(x => x.name === 'title' || x.name === 'body' || x.name === 'text'); const includedTerms = allTerms.filter(x => !x.negated); if (includedTerms.length > 0) { if (useFts) { conditions.push(`${relation} notes_fts MATCH ?`); const termsToMatch = includedTerms.map(term => { if (term.name === 'text') return term.value; else return `${term.name}:${term.value}`; }); const matchQuery = (relation === 'OR') ? termsToMatch.join(' OR ') : termsToMatch.join(' '); params.push(matchQuery); } else { includedTerms.forEach(term => { createLikeMatch(term, false); }); } } const excludedTextTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'text' && x.negated); const excludedTitleTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'title' && x.negated); const excludedBodyTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'body' && x.negated); if ((excludedTextTerms.length > 0)) { addExcludeTextConditions(excludedTextTerms, conditions, params, relation); } if (excludedTitleTerms.length > 0) { addExcludeTextConditions(excludedTitleTerms, conditions, params, relation); } if (excludedBodyTerms.length > 0) { addExcludeTextConditions(excludedBodyTerms, conditions, params, relation); } }; const getDefaultRelation = (terms: Term[]): Relation => { const anyTerm = terms.find(term => term.name === 'any'); if (anyTerm) { return (anyTerm.value === '1') ? Relation.OR : Relation.AND; } return Relation.AND; }; const getConnective = (terms: Term[], relation: Relation): string => { const notebookTerm = terms.find(x => x.name === 'notebook'); return (!notebookTerm && (relation === 'OR')) ? 'ROWID=-1' : '1'; // ROWID=-1 acts as 0 (something always false) }; export default function queryBuilder(terms: Term[], useFts: boolean) { const queryParts: string[] = []; const params: string[] = []; const withs: string[] = []; const relation: Relation = getDefaultRelation(terms); const tableName = useFts ? 'notes_fts' : 'notes'; queryParts.push(` SELECT ${tableName}.id, ${tableName}.title, ${useFts ? 'offsets(notes_fts) AS offsets, matchinfo(notes_fts, \'pcnalx\') AS matchinfo,' : ''} ${tableName}.user_created_time, ${tableName}.user_updated_time, ${tableName}.is_todo, ${tableName}.todo_completed, ${tableName}.parent_id FROM ${tableName} WHERE ${getConnective(terms, relation)}`); noteIdFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); notebookFilter(terms, queryParts, params, withs, useFts); tagFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, withs, useFts); resourceFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, withs, useFts); textFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); typeFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); completedFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); dateFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); locationFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); sourceUrlFilter(terms, queryParts, params, relation, useFts); let query; if (withs.length > 0) { if (terms.find(x => x.name === 'notebook') && terms.find(x => x.name === 'any')) { // The notebook filter should be independent of the any filter. // So we're first finding the OR of other filters and then combining them with the notebook filter using AND // in-required-notebook AND (condition #1 OR condition #2 OR ... ) const queryString = `${queryParts.slice(0, 2).join(' ')} AND ROWID IN ( SELECT ROWID FROM notes_fts WHERE 1=0 ${queryParts.slice(2).join(' ')})`; query = ['WITH RECURSIVE', withs.join(','), queryString].join(' '); } else { query = ['WITH RECURSIVE', withs.join(','), queryParts.join(' ')].join(' '); } } else { query = queryParts.join(' '); } return { query, params }; }