import { getDisplayParentId, getTrashFolderId } from '.'; import { ModelType } from '../../BaseModel'; import Folder from '../../models/Folder'; describe('services/trash', () => { test.each([ [ { deleted_time: 0, parent_id: '1', id: 'a', }, { deleted_time: 0, id: '1', }, '1', ], [ { deleted_time: 1000, parent_id: '1', id: 'b', }, { deleted_time: 0, id: '1', }, getTrashFolderId(), ], [ { deleted_time: 1000, parent_id: '1', id: 'a', }, { deleted_time: 1000, id: '1', }, '1', ], // should show non-deleted conflicts in the conflicts folder [ { deleted_time: 0, is_conflict: 1, parent_id: Folder.conflictFolderId(), id: 'b', }, Folder.conflictFolder(), Folder.conflictFolderId(), ], // should show deleted conflicts in the trash folder [ { deleted_time: 1000, is_conflict: 1, parent_id: Folder.conflictFolderId(), id: 'someidhere', }, Folder.conflictFolder(), getTrashFolderId(), ], ])('should return the display parent ID (case %#)', (item, itemParent, expected) => { const defaultProps = { type_: ModelType.Folder }; const actual = getDisplayParentId({ ...defaultProps, ...item }, { ...defaultProps, ...itemParent }); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); });