const slugify = require('slugify'); // "source" is the framework current version. // "dest" is the user existing version. function mergePackageKey(parentKey, source, dest) { const output = Object.assign({}, dest); for (const k in source) { if (k === 'keywords' && !Array.isArray(output[k])) { // Fix an earlier bugs where keywords were set to an empty object output[k] = source[k]; } else if (k === 'keywords') { // For keywords, make sure to add the "joplin-plugin" one if (!output['keywords']) output['keywords'] = []; if (output['keywords'].indexOf('joplin-plugin') < 0) output['keywords'].push('joplin-plugin'); } else if (!(k in output)) { // If the key doesn't exist in the destination, add it output[k] = source[k]; } else if (parentKey === 'devDependencies') { // If we are dealing with the dependencies, overwrite with the // version from source. Note that it can be a problem if the user // prefers a specific package version but it is hard to avoid, // otherwise it's not possible to upgrade the dependencies when the // framework changes. output[k] = source[k]; } else if (typeof source[k] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(source[k]) && source[k] !== null) { // If it's an object, recursively process it output[k] = mergePackageKey(k, source[k], output[k]); } else if (parentKey === 'scripts' && ['dist', 'prepare', 'update'].includes(k)) { // When merging scripts, we need to take certain keys from source // because if they aren't right, the plugin might not build // correctly. output[k] = source[k]; } else { // Otherwise, the default is to preserve the destination key output[k] = dest[k]; } } return output; } function mergeIgnoreFile(source, dest) { const output = dest.trim().split(/\r?\n/).concat(source.trim().split(/\r?\n/)); return `${output.filter(function(item, pos) { if (!item) return true; // Leave blank lines return output.indexOf(item) === pos; }).join('\n').trim()}\n`; } function packageNameFromPluginName(pluginName) { let output = pluginName; // Replace all special characters with '-' output = output.replace(/[*+~.()'"!:@[\]]/g, '-'); // Slugify to replace non-alphabetical characters by letters output = slugify(output, { lower: true }); // Trim any remaining "-" from beginning of string output = output.replace(/^[-]+/, ''); if (!output) throw new Error(`This plugin name cannot be converted to a package name: ${pluginName}`); // Add prefix output = `joplin-plugin-${output}`; // Package name is limited to 214 characters output = output.substr(0, 214); // Trim any remaining "-" from end of string output = output.replace(/[-]+$/, ''); return output; } module.exports = { mergePackageKey, mergeIgnoreFile, packageNameFromPluginName };