import { PluginManifest, PluginPermission, Image, Icons } from './types'; import validatePluginId from './validatePluginId'; import validatePluginPlatforms from './validatePluginPlatforms'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied export default function manifestFromObject(o: any): PluginManifest { const getString = (name: string, required = true, defaultValue = ''): string => { if (required && !o[name]) throw new Error(`Missing required field: ${name}`); if (!o[name]) return defaultValue; if (typeof o[name] !== 'string') throw new Error(`Field must be a string: ${name}`); return o[name]; }; const getNumber = (name: string, required = true): number => { if (required && !o[name]) throw new Error(`Missing required field: ${name}`); if (!o[name]) return 0; if (typeof o[name] !== 'number') throw new Error(`Field must be a number: ${name}`); return o[name]; }; const getStrings = (name: string, required = true, defaultValue: string[] = []): string[] => { if (required && !o[name]) throw new Error(`Missing required field: ${name}`); if (!o[name]) return defaultValue; if (!Array.isArray(o[name])) throw new Error(`Field must be an array: ${name}`); return o[name]; }; const getBoolean = (name: string, required = true, defaultValue = false): boolean => { if (required && !o[name]) throw new Error(`Missing required field: ${name}`); if (!o[name]) return defaultValue; if (typeof o[name] !== 'boolean') throw new Error(`Field must be a boolean: ${name}`); return o[name]; }; const getScreenshots = (defaultValue: Image[] = []): Image[] => { if (!o.screenshots) return defaultValue; return o.screenshots; }; const getPromoTile = (): Image => { return o.promo_tile || null; }; const getIcons = (): Icons => { if (!o.icons) return null; for (const size of [16, 32, 48, 128]) { if (o.icons[size as keyof Icons]) return o.icons; } return null; }; const permissions: PluginPermission[] = []; const manifest: PluginManifest = { manifest_version: getNumber('manifest_version', true), id: getString('id', true), name: getString('name', true), version: getString('version', true), app_min_version: getString('app_min_version', true), app_min_version_mobile: getString('app_min_version', false), platforms: getStrings('platforms', false), author: getString('author', false), description: getString('description', false), homepage_url: getString('homepage_url', false), repository_url: getString('repository_url', false), keywords: getStrings('keywords', false), categories: getStrings('categories', false), screenshots: getScreenshots(), permissions: permissions, icons: getIcons(), promo_tile: getPromoTile(), _recommended: getBoolean('_recommended', false, false), }; validatePluginId(; validatePluginPlatforms(manifest.platforms); if (o.permissions) { for (const p of o.permissions) { manifest.permissions.push(p); } } return manifest; }