// In order to give access to the webview to certain functions of the main process, we need // this bridge which listens from the main process and sends to the webview and the other // way around. This is necessary after having enabled the "contextIsolation" option, which // prevents the webview from accessing low-level methods in the main process. const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer; ipcRenderer.on('setHtml', (event, html, options) => { window.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setHtml', data: { html: html, options: options } }, '*'); }); ipcRenderer.on('scrollToHash', (event, hash) => { window.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'scrollToHash', data: { hash: hash } }, '*'); }); ipcRenderer.on('setPercentScroll', (event, percent) => { window.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setPercentScroll', data: { percent: percent } }, '*'); }); ipcRenderer.on('setMarkers', (event, keywords, options) => { window.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setMarkers', data: { keywords: keywords, options: options } }, '*'); }); window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { // Here we only deal with messages that are sent from the webview to the main Electron process if (!event.data || event.data.target !== 'main') return; const callName = event.data.name; const args = event.data.args; if (args.length === 0) { ipcRenderer.sendToHost(callName); } else if (args.length === 1) { ipcRenderer.sendToHost(callName, args[0]); } else if (args.length === 2) { ipcRenderer.sendToHost(callName, args[1]); } else { throw new Error('Unsupported number of args'); } });