import * as React from 'react'; import { forwardRef, Ref, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useMemo, useRef, } from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import { Props, WebViewControl } from './types'; import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'; const logger = Logger.create('ExtendedWebView'); const ExtendedWebView = (props: Props, ref: Ref) => { const dom = useMemo(() => { // Note: Adding `runScripts: 'dangerously'` to allow running inline s. // Use with caution. return new JSDOM(props.html, { runScripts: 'dangerously', pretendToBeVisual: true }); }, [props.html]); useImperativeHandle(ref, (): WebViewControl => { const result = { injectJS(js: string) { return dom.window.eval(js); }, postMessage(message: unknown) { const messageEventContent = { data: message, source: 'react-native', }; return dom.window.eval(` window.dispatchEvent( new MessageEvent('message', ${JSON.stringify(messageEventContent)}), ); `); }, }; return result; }, [dom]); const onMessageRef = useRef(props.onMessage); onMessageRef.current = props.onMessage; // Don't re-load when injected JS changes. This should match the behavior of the native webview. const injectedJavaScriptRef = useRef(props.injectedJavaScript); injectedJavaScriptRef.current = props.injectedJavaScript; useEffect(() => { // JSDOM polyfills dom.window.eval(` // Prevents the CodeMirror error "getClientRects is undefined". // See document.createRange = () => { const range = new Range(); range.getBoundingClientRect = () => {}; range.getClientRects = () => { return { length: 0, item: () => null, [Symbol.iterator]: () => {}, }; }; return range; }; `); dom.window.eval(` window.setWebViewApi = (api) => { window.ReactNativeWebView = api; }; `); dom.window.setWebViewApi({ postMessage: (message: unknown) => { logger.debug('Got message', message); onMessageRef.current({ nativeEvent: { data: message } }); }, }); dom.window.eval(injectedJavaScriptRef.current); }, [dom]); const onLoadEndRef = useRef(props.onLoadEnd); onLoadEndRef.current = props.onLoadEnd; const onLoadStartRef = useRef(props.onLoadStart); onLoadStartRef.current = props.onLoadStart; useEffect(() => { logger.debug(`DOM at ${dom.window?.location?.href} is reloading.`); onLoadStartRef.current?.(); onLoadEndRef.current?.(); }, [dom]); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- HACK: Allow wrapper testing logic to access the DOM. const additionalProps: any = { window: dom?.window }; return ( ); }; export default forwardRef(ExtendedWebView);