import Logger from './Logger'; import Setting from './models/Setting'; import shim from './shim'; const SyncTargetRegistry = require('./SyncTargetRegistry.js'); class Registry { private syncTargets_: any = {}; private logger_: Logger = null; private schedSyncCalls_: boolean[] = []; private waitForReSyncCalls_: boolean[]= []; private setupRecurrentCalls_: boolean[] = []; private timerCallbackCalls_: boolean[] = []; private showErrorMessageBoxHandler_: any; private scheduleSyncId_: any; private recurrentSyncId_: any; private db_: any; private isOnMobileData_ = false; logger() { if (!this.logger_) { // console.warn('Calling logger before it is initialized'); return new Logger(); } return this.logger_; } setLogger(l: Logger) { this.logger_ = l; } setShowErrorMessageBoxHandler(v: any) { this.showErrorMessageBoxHandler_ = v; } showErrorMessageBox(message: string) { if (!this.showErrorMessageBoxHandler_) return; this.showErrorMessageBoxHandler_(message); } // If isOnMobileData is true, the doWifiConnectionCheck is not set // and the sync.mobileWifiOnly setting is true it will cancel the sync. setIsOnMobileData(isOnMobileData: boolean) { this.isOnMobileData_ = isOnMobileData; } resetSyncTarget(syncTargetId: number = null) { if (syncTargetId === null) syncTargetId = Setting.value(''); delete this.syncTargets_[syncTargetId]; } syncTargetNextcloud() { return this.syncTarget(SyncTargetRegistry.nameToId('nextcloud')); } syncTarget = (syncTargetId: number = null) => { if (syncTargetId === null) syncTargetId = Setting.value(''); if (this.syncTargets_[syncTargetId]) return this.syncTargets_[syncTargetId]; const SyncTargetClass = SyncTargetRegistry.classById(syncTargetId); if (!this.db()) throw new Error('Cannot initialize sync without a db'); const target = new SyncTargetClass(this.db()); target.setLogger(this.logger()); this.syncTargets_[syncTargetId] = target; return target; }; // This can be used when some data has been modified and we want to make // sure it gets synced. So we wait for the current sync operation to // finish (if one is running), then we trigger a sync just after. waitForSyncFinishedThenSync = async () => { this.waitForReSyncCalls_.push(true); try { const synchronizer = await this.syncTarget().synchronizer(); await synchronizer.waitForSyncToFinish(); await this.scheduleSync(0); } finally { this.waitForReSyncCalls_.pop(); } }; scheduleSync = async (delay: number = null, syncOptions: any = null, doWifiConnectionCheck: boolean = false) => { this.schedSyncCalls_.push(true); try { if (delay === null) delay = 1000 * 10; if (syncOptions === null) syncOptions = {}; let promiseResolve: Function = null; const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { promiseResolve = resolve; }); if (this.scheduleSyncId_) { shim.clearTimeout(this.scheduleSyncId_); this.scheduleSyncId_ = null; } if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev' && delay !== 0) { this.logger().info('Schedule sync DISABLED!!!'); return; } this.logger().debug('Scheduling sync operation...', delay); const timeoutCallback = async () => { this.timerCallbackCalls_.push(true); try { this.scheduleSyncId_ = null; this.logger().info('Preparing scheduled sync'); if (doWifiConnectionCheck && Setting.value('sync.mobileWifiOnly') && this.isOnMobileData_) { this.logger().info('Sync cancelled because we\'re on mobile data'); promiseResolve(); return; } const syncTargetId = Setting.value(''); if (!(await this.syncTarget(syncTargetId).isAuthenticated())) { this.logger().info('Synchroniser is missing credentials - manual sync required to authenticate.'); promiseResolve(); return; } try { const sync = await this.syncTarget(syncTargetId).synchronizer(); const contextKey = `sync.${syncTargetId}.context`; let context = Setting.value(contextKey); try { context = context ? JSON.parse(context) : {}; } catch (error) { // Clearing the context is inefficient since it means all items are going to be re-downloaded // however it won't result in duplicate items since the synchroniser is going to compare each // item to the current state. this.logger().warn(`Could not parse JSON sync context ${contextKey}:`, context); this.logger().info('Clearing context and starting from scratch'); context = null; } try { this.logger().info('Starting scheduled sync'); const options = Object.assign({}, syncOptions, { context: context }); if (!options.saveContextHandler) { options.saveContextHandler = (newContext: any) => { Setting.setValue(contextKey, JSON.stringify(newContext)); }; } const newContext = await sync.start(options); Setting.setValue(contextKey, JSON.stringify(newContext)); } catch (error) { if (error.code == 'alreadyStarted') { this.logger().info(error.message); } else { promiseResolve(); throw error; } } } catch (error) { this.logger().info('Could not run background sync:'); this.logger().info(error); } this.setupRecurrentSync(); promiseResolve(); } finally { this.timerCallbackCalls_.pop(); } }; if (delay === 0) { void timeoutCallback(); } else { this.scheduleSyncId_ = shim.setTimeout(timeoutCallback, delay); } return promise; } finally { this.schedSyncCalls_.pop(); } }; setupRecurrentSync() { this.setupRecurrentCalls_.push(true); try { if (this.recurrentSyncId_) { shim.clearInterval(this.recurrentSyncId_); this.recurrentSyncId_ = null; } if (!Setting.value('sync.interval')) { this.logger().debug('Recurrent sync is disabled'); } else { this.logger().debug(`Setting up recurrent sync with interval ${Setting.value('sync.interval')}`); if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') { this.logger().info('Recurrent sync operation DISABLED!!!'); return; } this.recurrentSyncId_ = shim.setInterval(() => { this.logger().info('Running background sync on timer...'); void this.scheduleSync(0, null, true); }, 1000 * Setting.value('sync.interval')); } } finally { this.setupRecurrentCalls_.pop(); } } setDb = (v: any) => { this.db_ = v; }; db() { return this.db_; } cancelTimers_() { if (this.recurrentSyncId_) { shim.clearInterval(this.recurrentSyncId_); this.recurrentSyncId_ = null; } if (this.scheduleSyncId_) { shim.clearTimeout(this.scheduleSyncId_); this.scheduleSyncId_ = null; } } cancelTimers = async () => { this.logger().info('Cancelling sync timers'); this.cancelTimers_(); return new Promise((resolve) => { shim.setInterval(() => { // ensure processing complete if (!this.setupRecurrentCalls_.length && !this.schedSyncCalls_.length && !this.timerCallbackCalls_.length && !this.waitForReSyncCalls_.length) { this.cancelTimers_(); resolve(null); } }, 100); }); }; } const reg = new Registry(); // eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export export { reg };