const { PushNotificationIOS } = require('react-native'); class AlarmServiceDriver { constructor() { this.hasPermission_ = null; this.inAppNotificationHandler_ = null; PushNotificationIOS.addEventListener('localNotification', (instance) => { if (!this.inAppNotificationHandler_) return; if (!instance || !instance._data || ! { console.warn('PushNotificationIOS.addEventListener: Did not receive a proper notification instance'); return; } const id =; this.inAppNotificationHandler_(id); }); } hasPersistentNotifications() { return true; } notificationIsSet(alarmId) { throw new Error('Available only for non-persistent alarms'); } setInAppNotificationHandler(v) { this.inAppNotificationHandler_ = v; } async hasPermissions(perm = null) { if (perm !== null) return perm.alert && perm.badge && perm.sound; if (this.hasPermission_ !== null) return this.hasPermission_; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { PushNotificationIOS.checkPermissions(async (perm) => { const ok = await this.hasPermissions(perm); this.hasPermission_ = ok; resolve(ok); }); }); } async requestPermissions() { const newPerm = await PushNotificationIOS.requestPermissions({ alert:1, badge:1, sound:1, }); this.hasPermission_ = null; return this.hasPermissions(newPerm); } async clearNotification(id) { PushNotificationIOS.cancelLocalNotifications({ id: id + '' }); } async scheduleNotification(notification) { if (!(await this.hasPermissions())) { const ok = await this.requestPermissions(); if (!ok) return; } // ID must be a string and userInfo must be supplied otherwise cancel won't work const iosNotification = { id: + '', alertTitle: notification.title, fireDate:, userInfo: { id: + '' }, }; if ('body' in notification) iosNotification.alertBody = notification.body; PushNotificationIOS.scheduleLocalNotification(iosNotification); } } module.exports = AlarmServiceDriver;