/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const { splitCommandBatch } = require('./string-utils'); const StringUtils = require('./string-utils'); describe('StringUtils', () => { it('should surround keywords with strings', (async () => { const testCases = [ [[], 'test', 'a', 'b', null, 'test'], [['test'], 'test', 'a', 'b', null, 'atestb'], [['test'], 'Test', 'a', 'b', null, 'aTestb'], [['te[]st'], 'Te[]st', 'a', 'b', null, 'aTe[]stb'], // [['test1', 'test2'], 'bla test1 blabla test1 bla test2 not this one - test22', 'a', 'b', 'bla atest1b blabla atest1b bla atest2b not this one - test22'], [['test1', 'test2'], 'bla test1 test1 bla test2', '<span class="highlighted-keyword">', '</span>', null, 'bla <span class="highlighted-keyword">test1</span> <span class="highlighted-keyword">test1</span> bla <span class="highlighted-keyword">test2</span>'], // [[{ type:'regex', value:'test.*?'}], 'bla test1 test1 bla test2 test tttest', 'a', 'b', 'bla atest1b atest1b bla atest2b atestb tttest'], [['test'], 'testTest', 'a', 'b', { escapeHtml: true }, 'atestbaTestb'], [['test'], 'test test Test', 'a', 'b', { escapeHtml: true }, 'atestb atestb aTestb'], [['d'], 'dfasdf', '[', ']', { escapeHtml: true }, '[d]fas[d]f'], [[{ scriptType: 'en', type: 'regex', value: 'd*', valueRegex: 'd[^ \t\n\r,\\.,\\+\\-\\*\\?\\!\\=\\{\\}\\<\\>\\|\\:"\'\\(\\)\\[\\]]*?' }], 'dfasdf', '[', ']', { escapeHtml: true }, '[d]fas[d]f'], [['zzz'], 'zzz<img src=q onerror=eval("require(\'child_process\').exec(\'mate-calc\');");>', 'a', 'b', { escapeHtml: true }, 'azzzb<img src=q onerror=eval("require('child_process').exec('mate-calc');");>'], ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const t = testCases[i]; const keywords = t[0]; const input = t[1]; const prefix = t[2]; const suffix = t[3]; const options = t[4]; const expected = t[5]; const actual = StringUtils.surroundKeywords(keywords, input, prefix, suffix, options); expect(actual).toBe(expected, `Test case ${i}`); } })); it('should find the next whitespace character', (async () => { const testCases = [ ['', [[0, 0]]], ['Joplin', [[0, 6], [3, 6], [6, 6]]], ['Joplin is a free, open source\n note taking and *to-do* application', [[0, 6], [12, 17], [23, 29], [48, 54]]], ]; testCases.forEach((t, i) => { const str = t[0]; t[1].forEach((pair, j) => { const begin = pair[0]; const expected = pair[1]; const actual = StringUtils.nextWhitespaceIndex(str, begin); expect(actual).toBe(expected, `Test string ${i} - case ${j}`); }); }); })); it('should split the command batch by newlines not inside quotes', (async () => { const eol = '\n'; const testCases = [ ['', ['']], ['command1', ['command1']], ['command1 arg1 arg2 arg3', ['command1 arg1 arg2 arg3']], [`command1 arg1 'arg2${eol}continue' arg3`, [`command1 arg1 'arg2${eol}continue' arg3`]], [`command1 arg1 'arg2${eol}continue'${eol}command2${eol}command3 'arg1${eol}continue${eol}continue' arg2 arg3`, [`command1 arg1 'arg2${eol}continue'`, 'command2', `command3 'arg1${eol}continue${eol}continue' arg2 arg3`]], [`command1 arg\\1 'arg2${eol}continue\\'continue' arg3`, [`command1 arg\\1 'arg2${eol}continue\\'continue' arg3`]], ]; testCases.forEach((t) => { expect(splitCommandBatch(t[0])).toEqual(t[1]); }); })); });