import { useRef, useState, MutableRefObject } from 'react'; import useAsyncEffect, { AsyncEffectEvent } from '@joplin/lib/hooks/useAsyncEffect'; import PdfDocument from '../PdfDocument'; import { ScaledSize } from '../types'; export interface ScaledSizeParams { pdfDocument: PdfDocument; pdfId: string; containerWidth: number; rememberScroll: boolean; anchorPage: number; container: MutableRefObject; innerContainerEl: MutableRefObject; pageGap: number; zoom: number; } const useScaledSize = ({ pdfDocument, pdfId, containerWidth, rememberScroll, anchorPage, container, innerContainerEl, pageGap, zoom }: ScaledSizeParams) => { const [scaledSize, setScaledSize] = useState(null); const currentScaleSize = useRef(scaledSize); useAsyncEffect(async (event: AsyncEffectEvent) => { if (!pdfDocument || !containerWidth) return; // console.log('scaledSize calculation triggered'); const effectiveWidth = Math.min(containerWidth - 20, 900) * (zoom || 1); const scaledSize_ = await pdfDocument.getScaledSize(null, effectiveWidth); if (event.cancelled) return; const oldScaleSize = currentScaleSize.current; const oldScrollTop = container.current.scrollTop; = `${(scaledSize_.height + pageGap) * pdfDocument.pageCount}px`; // Adjust scroll position after window resize to keep the same page visible if (oldScaleSize && container.current) { container.current.scrollTop = oldScrollTop * (scaledSize_.scale / oldScaleSize.scale); } currentScaleSize.current = scaledSize_; setScaledSize(scaledSize_); // If loading after note rerender, try to retirive the old scroll position if (rememberScroll && pdfId && !oldScaleSize && !anchorPage) { const scrollOffset = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem(`pdf.${pdfId}.scrollTop`), 10) || null; if (scrollOffset) { // Adjusting it according to the new scale container.current.scrollTop = scrollOffset * scaledSize_.scale; // console.log('scroll set',container.current.scrollTop); } } }, [pdfDocument, pdfId, rememberScroll, anchorPage, containerWidth, zoom]); return scaledSize; }; export default useScaledSize;