import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; const { RNAlarmNotification } = NativeModules; const ReactNativeAN = {}; const parseDateString = (string) => { const splits = string.split(' '); const dateSplits = splits[0].split('-'); const timeSplits = splits[1].split(':'); const year = dateSplits[2]; const month = dateSplits[1]; const day = dateSplits[0]; const hours = timeSplits[0]; const minutes = timeSplits[1]; const seconds = timeSplits[2]; return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds); }; ReactNativeAN.scheduleAlarm = async (details) => { if (!details.fire_date || (details.fire_date && details.fire_date === '')) { throw new Error('failed to schedule alarm because fire date is missing'); } const past = parseDateString(details.fire_date); const today = new Date(); if (past < today) { throw new Error( 'failed to schedule alarm because fire date is in the past' ); } const repeatInterval = details.repeat_interval || 'hourly'; const intervalValue = details.interval_value || 1; if (isNaN(intervalValue)) { throw new Error('interval value should be a number'); } if ( repeatInterval === 'minutely' && (intervalValue < 1 || intervalValue > 59) ) { throw new Error('interval value should be between 1 and 59 minutes'); } if ( repeatInterval === 'hourly' && (intervalValue < 1 || intervalValue > 23) ) { throw new Error('interval value should be between 1 and 23 hours'); } const data = { ...details, has_button: details.has_button || false, vibrate: details.vibrate || true, play_sound: details.play_sound || true, schedule_type: details.schedule_type || 'once', repeat_interval: details.repeat_interval || 'hourly', interval_value: details.interval_value || 1, volume: details.volume || 0.5, sound_name: details.sound_name || '', snooze_interval: details.snooze_interval || 1, data: || '', }; return await RNAlarmNotification.scheduleAlarm(data); }; ReactNativeAN.sendNotification = (details) => { const data = { ...details, has_button: false, vibrate: details.vibrate || true, play_sound: details.play_sound || true, schedule_type: details.schedule_type || 'once', volume: details.volume || 0.5, sound_name: details.sound_name || '', snooze_interval: details.snooze_interval || 1, data: || '', }; RNAlarmNotification.sendNotification(data); }; ReactNativeAN.deleteAlarm = (id) => { if (!id) { throw new Error('id is required to delete alarm'); } RNAlarmNotification.deleteAlarm(id); }; ReactNativeAN.deleteRepeatingAlarm = (id) => { if (!id) { throw new Error('id is required to delete alarm'); } RNAlarmNotification.deleteRepeatingAlarm(id); }; ReactNativeAN.stopAlarmSound = () => { return RNAlarmNotification.stopAlarmSound(); }; ReactNativeAN.removeFiredNotification = (id) => { if (!id) { throw new Error('id is required to remove notification'); } RNAlarmNotification.removeFiredNotification(id); }; ReactNativeAN.removeAllFiredNotifications = () => { RNAlarmNotification.removeAllFiredNotifications(); }; ReactNativeAN.getScheduledAlarms = async () => { return await RNAlarmNotification.getScheduledAlarms(); }; // ios request permission ReactNativeAN.requestPermissions = async (permissions) => { let requestedPermissions = { alert: true, badge: true, sound: true, }; if (permissions) { requestedPermissions = { alert: !!permissions.alert, badge: !!permissions.badge, sound: !!permissions.sound, }; } return await RNAlarmNotification.requestPermissions(requestedPermissions); }; // ios check permission ReactNativeAN.checkPermissions = (callback) => { RNAlarmNotification.checkPermissions(callback); }; ReactNativeAN.parseDate = (rawDate) => { let hours; let day; let month; if (rawDate.getHours().toString().length === 1) { hours = `0${rawDate.getHours()}`; } else { hours = `${rawDate.getHours()}`; } if (rawDate.getDate().toString().length === 1) { day = `0${rawDate.getDate()}`; } else { day = `${rawDate.getDate()}`; } if (rawDate.getMonth().toString().length === 1) { month = `0${rawDate.getMonth() + 1}`; } else { month = `${rawDate.getMonth() + 1}`; } return `${day}-${month}-${rawDate.getFullYear()} ${hours}:${rawDate.getMinutes()}:${rawDate.getSeconds()}`; }; export default ReactNativeAN;