// scrollmap is used for synchronous scrolling between Markdown Editor and Viewer. // It has the mapping information between the line numbers of a Markdown text and // the scroll positions (percents) of the elements in the HTML document transformed // from the Markdown text. // To see the detail of synchronous scrolling, refer the following design document. // Replace me! https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/5512#issuecomment-931277022 const scrollmap = { map_: null, lineCount_: 0, }; scrollmap.create = (lineCount) => { // Creates a translation map between editor's line number // and viewer's scroll percent. Both attributes (line and percent) of // the returned map are sorted respectively. // For each document change, this function should be called. // Since creating this map is costly for each scroll event, // it is cached and re-created as needed. Whenever the layout // of the document changes, it has to be invalidated by refresh(). scrollmap.lineCount_ = lineCount; scrollmap.refresh(); }; scrollmap.refresh = () => { scrollmap.map_ = null; }; scrollmap.get_ = () => { if (scrollmap.map_) return scrollmap.map_; const contentElement = document.getElementById('joplin-container-content'); if (!contentElement) return null; const height = Math.max(1, contentElement.scrollHeight - contentElement.clientHeight); // Since getBoundingClientRect() returns a relative position, // the offset of the origin is needed to get its aboslute position. const firstElem = document.getElementById('rendered-md'); if (!firstElem) return null; const offset = firstElem.getBoundingClientRect().top; // Mapping information between editor's lines and viewer's elements is // embedded into elements by the renderer. // See also renderer/MdToHtml/rules/source_map.ts. const elems = document.getElementsByClassName('maps-to-line'); if (elems.length == 0) return null; const map = { line: [0], percent: [0], viewHeight: height, lineCount: 0 }; // Each map entry is total-ordered. let last = 0; for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { const rect = elems[i].getBoundingClientRect(); const top = rect.top - offset; const line = Number(elems[i].getAttribute('source-line')); const percent = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, top / height)); if (map.line[last] < line && map.percent[last] < percent) { map.line.push(line); map.percent.push(percent); last += 1; } const bottom = rect.bottom - offset; const lineEnd = Number(elems[i].getAttribute('source-line-end')); const percentEnd = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, bottom / height)); if (map.line[last] < lineEnd && map.percent[last] < percentEnd) { map.line.push(lineEnd); map.percent.push(percentEnd); last += 1; } } const lineCount = scrollmap.lineCount_; if (lineCount) { map.lineCount = lineCount; } else { if (map.lineCount < map.line[last]) map.lineCount = map.line[last]; } if (map.percent[last] < 1) { map.line.push(lineCount || 1e10); map.percent.push(1); } else { map.line[last] = lineCount || 1e10; } scrollmap.map_ = map; return map; }; scrollmap.isPresent = () => { const map = scrollmap.get_(); return !!map; }; scrollmap.translateLV_ = (percent, l2v = true) => { // If the input is out of (0,1) or not number, it is not translated. if (!(0 < percent && percent < 1)) return percent; const map = scrollmap.get_(); if (!map || map.line.length <= 2) return percent; // No translation const lineCount = map.lineCount; const values = l2v ? map.line : map.percent; const target = l2v ? percent * lineCount : percent; // Binary search (rightmost): finds where map[r-1][field] <= target < map[r][field] let l = 1, r = values.length - 1; while (l < r) { const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2); if (target < values[m]) r = m; else l = m + 1; } const lineU = map.line[r - 1]; const lineL = Math.min(lineCount, map.line[r]); const vPercentU = map.percent[r - 1]; const vPercentL = map.percent[r]; let linInterp, result; if (l2v) { linInterp = (percent * lineCount - lineU) / (lineL - lineU); result = vPercentU + (vPercentL - vPercentU) * linInterp; } else { linInterp = (percent - vPercentU) / (vPercentL - vPercentU); result = (lineU + (lineL - lineU) * linInterp) / lineCount; } return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, result)); }; scrollmap.translateL2V = (lPercent) => { return scrollmap.translateLV_(lPercent, true); }; scrollmap.translateV2L = (vPercent) => { return scrollmap.translateLV_(vPercent, false); };