import { FileApi } from '../../file-api'; import JoplinDatabase from '../../JoplinDatabase'; import Setting from '../../models/Setting'; import { State } from '../../reducer'; import { PublicPrivateKeyPair } from '../e2ee/ppk'; import { MasterKeyEntity } from '../e2ee/types'; export interface SyncInfoValueBoolean { value: boolean; updatedTime: number; } export interface SyncInfoValueString { value: string; updatedTime: number; } export interface SyncInfoValuePublicPrivateKeyPair { value: PublicPrivateKeyPair; updatedTime: number; } export async function migrateLocalSyncInfo(db: JoplinDatabase) { if (Setting.value('syncInfoCache')) return; // Already initialized // TODO: if the sync info is changed, there should be steps to migrate from // v3 to v4, v4 to v5, etc. const masterKeys = await db.selectAll('SELECT * FROM master_keys'); const masterKeyMap: Record = {}; for (const mk of masterKeys) masterKeyMap[] = mk; const syncInfo = new SyncInfo(); syncInfo.version = Setting.value('syncVersion'); syncInfo.e2ee = Setting.valueNoThrow('encryption.enabled', false); syncInfo.activeMasterKeyId = Setting.valueNoThrow('encryption.activeMasterKeyId', ''); syncInfo.masterKeys = masterKeys; // We set the timestamp to 0 because we don't know when the source setting // has been set. That way, if the parameter is changed later on in any // client, the new value will have higher priority. This is to handle this // case: // // - Client 1 upgrade local sync target info (with E2EE = false) // - Client 1 set E2EE to true // - Client 2 upgrade local sync target info (with E2EE = false) // - => If we don't set the timestamp to 0, the local value of client 2 will // have a higher timestamp and E2EE will get disabled, even though this is // most likely not what the user wants. syncInfo.setKeyTimestamp('e2ee', 0); syncInfo.setKeyTimestamp('activeMasterKeyId', 0); await saveLocalSyncInfo(syncInfo); } export async function uploadSyncInfo(api: FileApi, syncInfo: SyncInfo) { await api.put('info.json', syncInfo.serialize()); } export async function fetchSyncInfo(api: FileApi): Promise { const syncTargetInfoText = await api.get('info.json'); // Returns version 0 if the sync target is empty let output: any = { version: 0 }; if (syncTargetInfoText) { output = JSON.parse(syncTargetInfoText); if (!output.version) throw new Error('Missing "version" field in info.json'); } else { // If info.json is not present, this might be an old sync target, in // which case we can at least get the version number from version.txt const oldVersion = await api.get('.sync/version.txt'); if (oldVersion) output = { version: 1 }; } return new SyncInfo(JSON.stringify(output)); } export function saveLocalSyncInfo(syncInfo: SyncInfo) { Setting.setValue('syncInfoCache', syncInfo.serialize()); } export function localSyncInfo(): SyncInfo { return new SyncInfo(Setting.value('syncInfoCache')); } export function localSyncInfoFromState(state: State): SyncInfo { return new SyncInfo(state.settings['syncInfoCache']); } export function mergeSyncInfos(s1: SyncInfo, s2: SyncInfo): SyncInfo { const output: SyncInfo = new SyncInfo(); output.setWithTimestamp(s1.keyTimestamp('e2ee') > s2.keyTimestamp('e2ee') ? s1 : s2, 'e2ee'); output.setWithTimestamp(s1.keyTimestamp('activeMasterKeyId') > s2.keyTimestamp('activeMasterKeyId') ? s1 : s2, 'activeMasterKeyId'); output.setWithTimestamp(s1.keyTimestamp('ppk') > s2.keyTimestamp('ppk') ? s1 : s2, 'ppk'); output.version = s1.version > s2.version ? s1.version : s2.version; output.masterKeys = s1.masterKeys.slice(); for (const mk of s2.masterKeys) { const idx = output.masterKeys.findIndex(m => ===; if (idx < 0) { output.masterKeys.push(mk); } else { const mk2 = output.masterKeys[idx]; output.masterKeys[idx] = mk.updated_time > mk2.updated_time ? mk : mk2; } } return output; } export function syncInfoEquals(s1: SyncInfo, s2: SyncInfo): boolean { return s1.serialize() === s2.serialize(); } export class SyncInfo { private version_: number = 0; private e2ee_: SyncInfoValueBoolean; private activeMasterKeyId_: SyncInfoValueString; private masterKeys_: MasterKeyEntity[] = []; private ppk_: SyncInfoValuePublicPrivateKeyPair; public constructor(serialized: string = null) { this.e2ee_ = { value: false, updatedTime: 0 }; this.activeMasterKeyId_ = { value: '', updatedTime: 0 }; this.ppk_ = { value: null, updatedTime: 0 }; if (serialized) this.load(serialized); } public toObject(): any { return { version: this.version, e2ee: this.e2ee_, activeMasterKeyId: this.activeMasterKeyId_, masterKeys: this.masterKeys, ppk: this.ppk_, }; } public serialize(): string { return JSON.stringify(this.toObject(), null, '\t'); } public load(serialized: string) { const s: any = JSON.parse(serialized); this.version = 'version' in s ? s.version : 0; this.e2ee_ = 'e2ee' in s ? s.e2ee : { value: false, updatedTime: 0 }; this.activeMasterKeyId_ = 'activeMasterKeyId' in s ? s.activeMasterKeyId : { value: '', updatedTime: 0 }; this.masterKeys_ = 'masterKeys' in s ? s.masterKeys : []; this.ppk_ = 'ppk' in s ? s.ppk : { value: null, updatedTime: 0 }; } public setWithTimestamp(fromSyncInfo: SyncInfo, propName: string) { if (!(propName in (this as any))) throw new Error(`Invalid prop name: ${propName}`); (this as any)[propName] = (fromSyncInfo as any)[propName]; this.setKeyTimestamp(propName, fromSyncInfo.keyTimestamp(propName)); } public get version(): number { return this.version_; } public set version(v: number) { if (v === this.version_) return; this.version_ = v; } public get ppk() { return this.ppk_.value; } public set ppk(v: PublicPrivateKeyPair) { if (v === this.ppk_.value) return; this.ppk_ = { value: v, updatedTime: }; } public get e2ee(): boolean { return this.e2ee_.value; } public set e2ee(v: boolean) { if (v === this.e2ee) return; this.e2ee_ = { value: v, updatedTime: }; } public get activeMasterKeyId(): string { return this.activeMasterKeyId_.value; } public set activeMasterKeyId(v: string) { if (v === this.activeMasterKeyId) return; this.activeMasterKeyId_ = { value: v, updatedTime: }; } public get masterKeys(): MasterKeyEntity[] { return this.masterKeys_; } public set masterKeys(v: MasterKeyEntity[]) { if (JSON.stringify(v) === JSON.stringify(this.masterKeys_)) return; this.masterKeys_ = v; } public keyTimestamp(name: string): number { if (!(`${name}_` in (this as any))) throw new Error(`Invalid name: ${name}`); return (this as any)[`${name}_`].updatedTime; } public setKeyTimestamp(name: string, timestamp: number) { if (!(`${name}_` in (this as any))) throw new Error(`Invalid name: ${name}`); (this as any)[`${name}_`].updatedTime = timestamp; } } // --------------------------------------------------------- // Shortcuts to simplify the refactoring // --------------------------------------------------------- export function getEncryptionEnabled() { return localSyncInfo().e2ee; } export function setEncryptionEnabled(v: boolean, activeMasterKeyId: string = '') { const s = localSyncInfo(); s.e2ee = v; if (activeMasterKeyId) s.activeMasterKeyId = activeMasterKeyId; saveLocalSyncInfo(s); } export function getActiveMasterKeyId() { return localSyncInfo().activeMasterKeyId; } export function setActiveMasterKeyId(id: string) { const s = localSyncInfo(); s.activeMasterKeyId = id; saveLocalSyncInfo(s); } export function getActiveMasterKey(s: SyncInfo = null): MasterKeyEntity | null { s = s || localSyncInfo(); if (!s.activeMasterKeyId) return null; return s.masterKeys.find(mk => === s.activeMasterKeyId); } export function setMasterKeyEnabled(mkId: string, enabled: boolean = true) { const s = localSyncInfo(); const idx = s.masterKeys.findIndex(mk => === mkId); if (idx < 0) throw new Error(`No such master key: ${mkId}`); // Disabled for now as it's needed to disable even the main master key when the password has been forgotten // // // if (mkId === getActiveMasterKeyId() && !enabled) throw new Error('The active master key cannot be disabled'); s.masterKeys[idx] = { ...s.masterKeys[idx], enabled: enabled ? 1 : 0, updated_time:, }; saveLocalSyncInfo(s); } export function masterKeyEnabled(mk: MasterKeyEntity): boolean { if ('enabled' in mk) return !!mk.enabled; return true; } export function addMasterKey(syncInfo: SyncInfo, masterKey: MasterKeyEntity) { // Sanity check - because shouldn't happen if (syncInfo.masterKeys.find(mk => === throw new Error('Master key is already present'); syncInfo.masterKeys.push(masterKey); saveLocalSyncInfo(syncInfo); } export function setPpk(ppk: PublicPrivateKeyPair) { const syncInfo = localSyncInfo(); syncInfo.ppk = ppk; saveLocalSyncInfo(syncInfo); } export function masterKeyById(id: string) { return localSyncInfo().masterKeys.find(mk => === id); }