import ElectronAppWrapper from './ElectronAppWrapper'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import { _, setLocale } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; const { dirname, toSystemSlashes } = require('@joplin/lib/path-utils'); const { BrowserWindow, nativeTheme } = require('electron'); interface LastSelectedPath { file: string, directory: string, } interface LastSelectedPaths { [key:string]: LastSelectedPath, } export class Bridge { private electronWrapper_:ElectronAppWrapper; private lastSelectedPaths_:LastSelectedPaths; constructor(electronWrapper:ElectronAppWrapper) { this.electronWrapper_ = electronWrapper; this.lastSelectedPaths_ = { file: null, directory: null, }; } electronApp() { return this.electronWrapper_; } env() { return this.electronWrapper_.env(); } processArgv() { return process.argv; } window() { return this.electronWrapper_.window(); } showItemInFolder(fullPath:string) { return require('electron').shell.showItemInFolder(toSystemSlashes(fullPath)); } newBrowserWindow(options:any) { return new BrowserWindow(options); } windowContentSize() { if (!this.window()) return { width: 0, height: 0 }; const s = this.window().getContentSize(); return { width: s[0], height: s[1] }; } windowSize() { if (!this.window()) return { width: 0, height: 0 }; const s = this.window().getSize(); return { width: s[0], height: s[1] }; } windowSetSize(width:number, height:number) { if (!this.window()) return; return this.window().setSize(width, height); } openDevTools() { return this.window().webContents.openDevTools(); } closeDevTools() { return this.window().webContents.closeDevTools(); } showSaveDialog(options:any) { const { dialog } = require('electron'); if (!options) options = {}; if (!('defaultPath' in options) && this.lastSelectedPaths_.file) options.defaultPath = this.lastSelectedPaths_.file; const filePath = dialog.showSaveDialogSync(this.window(), options); if (filePath) { this.lastSelectedPaths_.file = filePath; } return filePath; } showOpenDialog(options:any) { const { dialog } = require('electron'); if (!options) options = {}; let fileType = 'file'; if ( &&'openDirectory')) fileType = 'directory'; if (!('defaultPath' in options) && this.lastSelectedPaths_[fileType]) options.defaultPath = this.lastSelectedPaths_[fileType]; if (!('createDirectory' in options)) options.createDirectory = true; const filePaths = dialog.showOpenDialogSync(this.window(), options); if (filePaths && filePaths.length) { this.lastSelectedPaths_[fileType] = dirname(filePaths[0]); } return filePaths; } // Don't use this directly - call one of the showXxxxxxxMessageBox() instead showMessageBox_(window:any, options:any):number { const { dialog } = require('electron'); if (!window) window = this.window(); return dialog.showMessageBoxSync(window, options); } showErrorMessageBox(message:string) { return this.showMessageBox_(this.window(), { type: 'error', message: message, buttons: [_('OK')], }); } showConfirmMessageBox(message:string, options:any = null) { if (options === null) options = {}; const result = this.showMessageBox_(this.window(), Object.assign({}, { type: 'question', message: message, cancelId: 1, buttons: [_('OK'), _('Cancel')], }, options)); return result === 0; } /* returns the index of the clicked button */ showMessageBox(message:string, options:any = null) { if (options === null) options = {}; const result = this.showMessageBox_(this.window(), Object.assign({}, { type: 'question', message: message, buttons: [_('OK'), _('Cancel')], }, options)); return result; } showInfoMessageBox(message:string, options:any = {}) { const result = this.showMessageBox_(this.window(), Object.assign({}, { type: 'info', message: message, buttons: [_('OK')], }, options)); return result === 0; } setLocale(locale:string) { setLocale(locale); } get Menu() { return require('electron').Menu; } get MenuItem() { return require('electron').MenuItem; } openExternal(url:string) { return require('electron').shell.openExternal(url); } openItem(fullPath:string) { return require('electron').shell.openItem(fullPath); } checkForUpdates(inBackground:boolean, window:any, logFilePath:string, options:any) { const { checkForUpdates } = require('./checkForUpdates.js'); checkForUpdates(inBackground, window, logFilePath, options); } buildDir() { return this.electronApp().buildDir(); } screen() { return require('electron').screen; } shouldUseDarkColors() { return nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors; } addEventListener(name:string, fn:Function) { if (name === 'nativeThemeUpdated') { nativeTheme.on('updated', fn); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported event: ${name}`); } } restart() { // Note that in this case we are not sending the "appClose" event // to notify services and component that the app is about to close // but for the current use-case it's not really needed. const { app } = require('electron'); if (shim.isPortable()) { const options = { execPath: process.env.PORTABLE_EXECUTABLE_FILE, }; app.relaunch(options); } else if (shim.isLinux()) { this.showInfoMessageBox(_('The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.')); } else { app.relaunch(); } app.exit(); } } let bridge_:Bridge = null; export function initBridge(wrapper:ElectronAppWrapper) { if (bridge_) throw new Error('Bridge already initialized'); bridge_ = new Bridge(wrapper); return bridge_; } export default function bridge() { if (!bridge_) throw new Error('Bridge not initialized'); return bridge_; }