import { execCommand2, rootDir, completeReleaseWithChangelog } from './tool-utils'; const appDir = `${rootDir}/packages/app-cli`; const changelogPath = `${rootDir}/readme/`; // Start with node Tools/release-cli.js --changelog-from cli-v1.0.126 // to specify from where the changelog should be created async function main() { process.chdir(appDir); await execCommand2('git pull'); const newVersion = (await execCommand2('yarn version patch')).trim();`Building ${newVersion}...`); const newTag = `cli-${newVersion}`; await execCommand2('touch app/main.js'); await execCommand2('yarn run build'); await execCommand2('cp ../../ build/'); process.chdir(`${appDir}/build`); await execCommand2('yarn publish'); await completeReleaseWithChangelog(changelogPath, newVersion, newTag, 'CLI', false); } main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error'); console.error(error); console.error(''); console.error('If the app cannot auto-detect the previous tag name, specify it using --changelog-from TAG_NAME'); process.exit(1); });