import buildAll from './commands/buildAll'; import editPatch from './commands/editPatch'; const yargs = require('yargs'); const build = () => { yargs .usage('$0 [args]') .command('build ', 'build all', (yargs: any) => { yargs.positional('outputDir', { type: 'string', describe: 'Path to the parent directory for built output', }); }, async (args: any) => { await buildAll(args.outputDir); process.exit(0); }) .command('patch ', 'Edit the patch file for the given plugin ID', (yargs: any) => { yargs.positional('plugin', { type: 'string', describe: 'ID of the plugin to patch', }); }, async (args: any) => { await editPatch(args.plugin, null); process.exit(0); }) .help() .argv; }; build();