import { RecognizeResult, RecognizeResultBoundingBox, RecognizeResultLine, RecognizeResultWord } from '../utils/types'; import { Worker, WorkerOptions, createWorker, RecognizeResult as TesseractRecognizeResult, OEM } from 'tesseract.js'; import OcrDriverBase from '../OcrDriverBase'; import { Minute } from '@joplin/utils/time'; import shim from '../../../shim'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; const logger = Logger.create('OcrDriverTesseract'); interface Tesseract { createWorker: typeof createWorker; } interface WorkerWrapper { id: number; busy: boolean; instance: Worker; } let workerId_ = 1; const formatTesseractBoundingBox = (boundingBox: Tesseract.Bbox): RecognizeResultBoundingBox => { return [boundingBox.x0, boundingBox.x1, boundingBox.y0, boundingBox.y1]; }; // Empirically, it seems anything below 70 is not usable. Between 70 and 75 it's // hit and miss, but often it's good enough that we should keep the result. // Above this is usually reliable. const minConfidence = 70; export default class OcrDriverTesseract extends OcrDriverBase { private tesseract_: Tesseract = null; private workerPath_: string|null = null; private corePath_: string|null = null; private workers_: Record = {}; public constructor(tesseract: Tesseract, workerPath: string|null = null, corePath: string|null = null) { super(); this.tesseract_ = tesseract; this.workerPath_ = workerPath; this.corePath_ = corePath; } private async acquireWorker(language: string) { if (!this.workers_[language]) this.workers_[language] = []; const existingWorker = this.workers_[language].find(w => !w.busy); if (existingWorker) { existingWorker.busy = true; return existingWorker; } const createWorkerOptions: Partial = { workerBlobURL: false, }; if (this.workerPath_) createWorkerOptions.workerPath = this.workerPath_; if (this.corePath_) createWorkerOptions.corePath = this.corePath_; const worker = await this.tesseract_.createWorker(language, OEM.LSTM_ONLY, createWorkerOptions); const output: WorkerWrapper = { id: workerId_++, instance: worker, busy: true, };`Created worker: ${}`); this.workers_[language].push(output); return output; } public async dispose() { for (const [language, workers] of Object.entries(this.workers_)) { for (const w of workers) { await w.instance.terminate(); } this.workers_[language] = []; } } private async terminateWorker(id: number) { for (const [, workers] of Object.entries(this.workers_)) { const idx = workers.findIndex(w => === id); if (idx < 0) continue; await workers[idx].instance.terminate(); workers.splice(idx, 1); break; } } private async releaseWorker(worker: WorkerWrapper) { worker.busy = false; } public async recognize(language: string, filePath: string): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor -- can't think of any way to handle the timeout without using `new Promise` return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const worker = await this.acquireWorker(language); let hasTimedOut = false; const terminateTimeout_ = shim.setTimeout(async () => { await this.terminateWorker(; hasTimedOut = true; reject(new Error(`Recognize operation timed out on: ${filePath}`)); }, 10 * Minute); let result: TesseractRecognizeResult = null; try { result = await worker.instance.recognize(filePath, {}, { text: false, blocks: true, hocr: false, tsv: false, }); } catch (error) { error.message = `Recognition failed on: ${filePath}: ${error.message}`; if (!hasTimedOut) reject(error); return; } if (hasTimedOut) return; shim.clearTimeout(terminateTimeout_); await this.releaseWorker(worker); interface GoodParagraph { text: string; } const goodParagraphs: GoodParagraph[] = []; let goodLines: RecognizeResultLine[] = []; for (const paragraph of { const lines: RecognizeResultLine[] = []; for (const line of paragraph.lines) { // If the line confidence is above the threshold we keep the // whole text. The confidence of individual words will vary and // may be below the treshold, but there's a chance they will // still be correct if the line as a whole is well recognised. if (line.confidence < minConfidence) continue; const goodWords: RecognizeResultWord[] = => { const output: RecognizeResultWord = { t: w.text, bb: formatTesseractBoundingBox(w.bbox), }; if (w.baseline && w.baseline.has_baseline) = formatTesseractBoundingBox(w.baseline); return output; }); lines.push({ words: goodWords, }); } goodParagraphs.push({ text: => => w.t).join(' ')).join('\n'), }); goodLines = goodLines.concat(lines); } resolve({ // Note that Tesseract provides a `.text` property too, but it's the // concatenation of all lines, even those with a low confidence // score, so we recreate it here based on the good lines. text: => p.text).join('\n'), lines: goodLines, }); }); } }