import yargs = require('yargs'); import { chdir } from 'process'; import { rootDir } from './tool-utils'; import { execCommand } from '@joplin/utils'; import { fileExtension } from '@joplin/utils/path'; const supportedExtensions = ['ts', 'tsx', 'md', 'mdx']; const main = async () => { const argv = await yargs.argv; let filePaths = (argv._ as string[]) || []; const processAll = !!argv.all; filePaths = filePaths.filter(f => supportedExtensions.includes(fileExtension(f).toLowerCase())); if (!processAll && !filePaths.length) return; chdir(rootDir); let cmd = [ 'yarn', 'cspell', '--no-progress', '--no-summary', '--config', 'cspell.json', ]; if (processAll) { cmd.push(`**/*.{${supportedExtensions.join(',')}}`); } else { cmd = cmd.concat(filePaths); } try { await execCommand(cmd, { showStderr: false, showStdout: false }); } catch (error) { if (!error.stdout.trim()) return; console.error(`The following spelling mistakes were found. Please check for\ninformation on how to deal with spelling mistakes.\n\n${error.stdout}`); process.exit(1); } }; main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error'); console.error(error); process.exit(1); });