(function() { if (window.jopext_hasRun) return; window.jopext_hasRun = true; console.info('jopext: Loading content script'); let browser_ = null; if (typeof browser !== 'undefined') { browser_ = browser; browserSupportsPromises_ = true; } else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { browser_ = chrome; browserSupportsPromises_ = false; } function absoluteUrl(url) { if (!url) return url; const protocol = url.toLowerCase().split(':')[0]; if (['http', 'https', 'file'].indexOf(protocol) >= 0) return url; if (url.indexOf('//') === 0) { return location.protocol + url; } else if (url[0] === '/') { return location.protocol + '//' + location.host + url; } else { return baseUrl() + '/' + url; } } function pageTitle() { const titleElements = document.getElementsByTagName("title"); if (titleElements.length) return titleElements[0].text.trim(); return document.title.trim(); } function pageLocationOrigin() { // location.origin normally returns the protocol + domain + port (eg. https://example.com:8080) // but for file:// protocol this is browser dependant and in particular Firefox returns "null" // in this case. if (location.protocol === 'file:') { return 'file://'; } else { return location.origin; } } function baseUrl() { let output = pageLocationOrigin() + location.pathname; if (output[output.length - 1] !== '/') { output = output.split('/'); output.pop(); output = output.join('/'); } return output; } function getImageSizes(element, forceAbsoluteUrls = false) { const images = element.getElementsByTagName('img'); const output = {}; for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { const img = images[i]; if (img.classList && img.classList.contains('joplin-clipper-hidden')) continue; let src = imageSrc(img); src = forceAbsoluteUrls ? absoluteUrl(src) : src; if (!output[src]) output[src] = []; output[src].push({ width: img.width, height: img.height, naturalWidth: img.naturalWidth, naturalHeight: img.naturalHeight, }); } return output; } function getAnchorNames(element) { const anchors = element.getElementsByTagName('a'); const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { const anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.id) { output.push(anchor.id); } else if (anchor.name) { output.push(anchor.name); } } return output; } // In general we should use currentSrc because that's the image that's currently displayed, // especially within tags or with srcset. In these cases there can be multiple // sources and the best one is probably the one being displayed, thus currentSrc. function imageSrc(image) { if (image.currentSrc) return image.currentSrc; return image.src; } // Cleans up element by removing all its invisible children (which we don't want to render as Markdown) // And hard-code the image dimensions so that the information can be used by the clipper server to // display them at the right sizes in the notes. function cleanUpElement(element, imageSizes, imageIndexes) { const childNodes = element.childNodes; const hiddenNodes = []; for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { const node = childNodes[i]; const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const isHidden = node && node.classList && node.classList.contains('joplin-clipper-hidden'); if (isHidden) { hiddenNodes.push(node); } else { // If the data-joplin-clipper-value has been set earlier, create a new DIV element // to replace the input or text area, so that it can be exported. if (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value')) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = node.getAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value'); node.parentNode.insertBefore(div, node.nextSibling); element.removeChild(node); } if (nodeName === 'img') { const src = absoluteUrl(imageSrc(node)); node.setAttribute('src', src); if (!(src in imageIndexes)) imageIndexes[src] = 0; const imageSize = imageSizes[src][imageIndexes[src]]; imageIndexes[src]++; if (imageSize) { node.width = imageSize.width; node.height = imageSize.height; } } cleanUpElement(node, imageSizes, imageIndexes); } } for (const hiddenNode of hiddenNodes) { if (!hiddenNode.parentNode) continue; hiddenNode.parentNode.remove(hiddenNode); } } // When we clone the document before cleaning it, we lose some of the information that might have been set via CSS or // JavaScript, in particular whether an element was hidden or not. This function pre-process the document by // adding a "joplin-clipper-hidden" class to all currently hidden elements in the current document. // This class is then used in cleanUpElement() on the cloned document to find an element should be visible or not. function preProcessDocument(element) { const childNodes = element.childNodes; for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const node = childNodes[i]; const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const nodeParent = node.parentNode; const nodeParentName = nodeParent ? nodeParent.nodeName.toLowerCase() : ''; let isVisible = node.nodeType === 1 ? window.getComputedStyle(node).display !== 'none' : true; if (isVisible && ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'select', 'option', 'button'].indexOf(nodeName) >= 0) isVisible = false; // If it's a text input or a textarea and it has a value, save // that value to data-joplin-clipper-value. This is then used // when cleaning up the document to export the value. if (['input', 'textarea'].indexOf(nodeName) >= 0) { isVisible = !!node.value; if (nodeName === 'input' && node.getAttribute('type') !== 'text') isVisible = false; if (isVisible) node.setAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value', node.value); } if (nodeName === 'script') { const a = node.getAttribute('type'); if (a && a.toLowerCase().indexOf('math/tex') >= 0) isVisible = true; } if (nodeName === 'source' && nodeParentName === 'picture') { isVisible = false } if (node.nodeType === 8) { // Comments are just removed since we can't add a class node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } else if (!isVisible) { node.classList.add('joplin-clipper-hidden'); } else { preProcessDocument(node); } } } // This sets the PRE elements computed style to the style attribute, so that // the info can be exported and later processed by the htmlToMd converter // to detect code blocks. function hardcodePreStyles(doc) { const preElements = doc.getElementsByTagName('pre'); for (const preElement of preElements) { const fontFamily = getComputedStyle(preElement).getPropertyValue('font-family'); const fontFamilyArray = fontFamily.split(',').map(f => f.toLowerCase().trim()); if (fontFamilyArray.indexOf('monospace') >= 0) { preElement.style.fontFamily = fontFamily; } } } // Given a document, return a