import { MenuItemLocation } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/types'; import { PluginStates } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/reducer'; import SpellCheckerService from '@joplin/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; import bridge from '../../../../../services/bridge'; import { ContextMenuOptions, ContextMenuItemType } from '../../../utils/contextMenuUtils'; import { menuItems } from '../../../utils/contextMenu'; import MenuUtils from '@joplin/lib/services/commands/MenuUtils'; import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import Resource from '@joplin/lib/models/Resource'; import { TinyMceEditorEvents } from './types'; import { HtmlToMarkdownHandler, MarkupToHtmlHandler } from '../../../utils/types'; const menuUtils = new MenuUtils(CommandService.instance()); // x and y are the absolute coordinates, as returned by the context-menu event // handler on the webContent. This function will return null if the point is // not within the TinyMCE editor. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied function contextMenuElement(editor: any, x: number, y: number) { if (!editor || !editor.getDoc()) return null; const iframes = document.getElementsByClassName('tox-edit-area__iframe'); if (!iframes.length) return null; const zoom = Setting.value('windowContentZoomFactor') / 100; const xScreen = x / zoom; const yScreen = y / zoom; // We use .elementFromPoint to handle the case where a dialog is covering // part of the editor. const targetElement = document.elementFromPoint(xScreen, yScreen); if (targetElement !== iframes[0]) { return null; } const iframeRect = iframes[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const relativeX = xScreen - iframeRect.left; const relativeY = yScreen -; return editor.getDoc().elementFromPoint(relativeX, relativeY); } interface ContextMenuActionOptions { current: ContextMenuOptions; } const contextMenuActionOptions: ContextMenuActionOptions = { current: null }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied, Old code before rule was applied export default function(editor: any, plugins: PluginStates, dispatch: Function, htmlToMd: HtmlToMarkdownHandler, mdToHtml: MarkupToHtmlHandler) { useEffect(() => { if (!editor) return () => {}; const contextMenuItems = menuItems(dispatch, htmlToMd, mdToHtml); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied function onContextMenu(_event: any, params: any) { const element = contextMenuElement(editor, params.x, params.y); if (!element) return; let itemType: ContextMenuItemType = ContextMenuItemType.None; let resourceId = ''; let linkToCopy = null; if (element.nodeName === 'IMG') { itemType = ContextMenuItemType.Image; resourceId = Resource.pathToId(element.src); } else if (element.nodeName === 'A') { resourceId = Resource.pathToId(element.href); itemType = resourceId ? ContextMenuItemType.Resource : ContextMenuItemType.Link; linkToCopy = element.getAttribute('href') || ''; } else { itemType = ContextMenuItemType.Text; } contextMenuActionOptions.current = { itemType, resourceId, filename: null, mime: null, linkToCopy, textToCopy: null, htmlToCopy: editor.selection ? editor.selection.getContent() : '', insertContent: (content: string) => { editor.insertContent(content); }, isReadOnly: false, fireEditorEvent: (event: TinyMceEditorEvents) => {; }, htmlToMd, mdToHtml, }; let template = []; for (const itemName in contextMenuItems) { const item = contextMenuItems[itemName]; if (!item.isActive(itemType, contextMenuActionOptions.current)) continue; template.push({ label: item.label, click: () => { item.onAction(contextMenuActionOptions.current); }, }); } const spellCheckerMenuItems = SpellCheckerService.instance().contextMenuItems(params.misspelledWord, params.dictionarySuggestions); for (const item of spellCheckerMenuItems) { template.push(item); } template = template.concat(menuUtils.pluginContextMenuItems(plugins, MenuItemLocation.EditorContextMenu)); const menu = bridge().Menu.buildFromTemplate(template); menu.popup({ window: bridge().window() }); } bridge().window().webContents.on('context-menu', onContextMenu); return () => { if (bridge().window()?.webContents?.off) { bridge().window()'context-menu', onContextMenu); } }; }, [editor, plugins, dispatch, htmlToMd, mdToHtml]); }