FROM node:16-bullseye RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ python \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Enables Yarn RUN corepack enable RUN echo "Node: $(node --version)" RUN echo "Npm: $(npm --version)" RUN echo "Yarn: $(yarn --version)" ARG user=joplin RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash $user USER $user ENV NODE_ENV development WORKDIR /home/$user RUN mkdir /home/$user/logs # Install the root scripts but don't run postinstall (which would bootstrap # and build TypeScript files, but we don't have the TypeScript files at # this point) COPY --chown=$user:$user package*.json ./ COPY --chown=$user:$user .yarn ./.yarn COPY --chown=$user:$user .yarnrc.yml . COPY --chown=$user:$user yarn.lock . RUN yarn install --inline-builds --mode=skip-build # To take advantage of the Docker cache, we first copy all the package.json # and package-lock.json files, as they rarely change, and then bootstrap # all the packages. # # Note that bootstrapping the packages will run all the postinstall # scripts, which means that for packages that have such scripts, we need to # copy all the files. # # We can't run boostrap with "--ignore-scripts" because that would # prevent certain sub-packages, such as sqlite3, from being built COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/fork-sax/package*.json ./packages/fork-sax/ COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/fork-uslug/package*.json ./packages/fork-uslug/ COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/htmlpack/package*.json ./packages/htmlpack/ COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/renderer/package*.json ./packages/renderer/ COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/tools/package*.json ./packages/tools/ COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/lib/package*.json ./packages/lib/ COPY --chown=$user:$user tsconfig.json . # The following have postinstall scripts so we need to copy all the files. # Since they should rarely change this is not an issue COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/turndown ./packages/turndown COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/turndown-plugin-gfm ./packages/turndown-plugin-gfm COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/fork-htmlparser2 ./packages/fork-htmlparser2 COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/server/package*.json ./packages/server/ # Then bootstrap only, without compiling the TypeScript files RUN yarn install --inline-builds --mode=skip-build # Now copy the source files. Put lib and server last as they are more likely to change. COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/fork-sax ./packages/fork-sax COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/fork-uslug ./packages/fork-uslug COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/htmlpack ./packages/htmlpack COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/renderer ./packages/renderer COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/tools ./packages/tools COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/lib ./packages/lib COPY --chown=$user:$user packages/server ./packages/server # Finally build everything, in particular the TypeScript files. RUN yarn run build ENV RUNNING_IN_DOCKER=1 EXPOSE ${APP_PORT} CMD [ "yarn", "--prefix", "packages/server", "start" ] # Build-time metadata # ARG BUILD_DATE ARG REVISION ARG VERSION LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="$BUILD_DATE" \ org.opencontainers.image.title="Joplin Server" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="Docker image for Joplin Server" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="" \ org.opencontainers.image.revision="$REVISION" \ org.opencontainers.image.source="" \ org.opencontainers.image.version="${VERSION}"