export IFS=$'\n' _|__APPNAME__|_completion() { # COMP_WORDS contains each word in the current command, the last one # being the one that needs to be completed. Convert this array # to an "escaped" line which can be passed to the joplin CLI # which will provide the possible autocompletion words. ESCAPED_LINE="" for WORD in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" do if [[ -n $ESCAPED_LINE ]]; then ESCAPED_LINE="$ESCAPED_LINE|__SEP__|" fi WORD="${WORD/\"/|__QUOTE__|}" ESCAPED_LINE="$ESCAPED_LINE$WORD" done # Call joplin with the --autocompletion flag to retrieve the autocompletion # candidates (each on its own line), and put these into COMREPLY. # echo "joplindev --autocompletion --ac-current "$COMP_CWORD" --ac-line "$ESCAPED_LINE"" > ~/test.txt COMPREPLY=() while read -r line; do COMPREPLY+=("$line") done <<< "$(|__APPNAME__| --autocompletion --ac-current "$COMP_CWORD" --ac-line "$ESCAPED_LINE")" # If there's only one element and it's empty, make COMREPLY # completely empty so that default completion takes over # (i.e. regular file completion) # https://stackoverflow.com/a/19062943/561309 if [[ -z ${COMPREPLY[0]} ]]; then COMPREPLY=() fi } complete -o default -F _|__APPNAME__|_completion |__APPNAME__|