import produce, { Draft, original } from 'immer'; import pluginServiceReducer, { stateRootKey as pluginServiceStateRootKey, defaultState as pluginServiceDefaultState, State as PluginServiceState } from './services/plugins/reducer'; import shareServiceReducer, { stateRootKey as shareServiceStateRootKey, defaultState as shareServiceDefaultState, State as ShareServiceState } from './services/share/reducer'; import Note from './models/Note'; import Folder from './models/Folder'; import BaseModel from './BaseModel'; import { Store } from 'redux'; import { ProfileConfig } from './services/profileConfig/types'; import * as ArrayUtils from './ArrayUtils'; import { FolderEntity } from './services/database/types'; const fastDeepEqual = require('fast-deep-equal'); const { ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID } = require('./reserved-ids'); const { createSelectorCreator, defaultMemoize } = require('reselect'); const { createCachedSelector } = require('re-reselect'); const additionalReducers: any[] = []; additionalReducers.push({ stateRootKey: pluginServiceStateRootKey, defaultState: pluginServiceDefaultState, reducer: pluginServiceReducer, }); additionalReducers.push({ stateRootKey: shareServiceStateRootKey, defaultState: shareServiceDefaultState, reducer: shareServiceReducer, }); interface StateLastSelectedNotesIds { Folder: any; Tag: any; Search: any; } interface StateClipperServer { startState: string; port: number; } interface StateDecryptionWorker { state: string; itemIndex: number; itemCount: number; decryptedItemCounts: any; decryptedItemCount: number; skippedItemCount: number; } interface StateResourceFetcher { toFetchCount: number; } export interface State { notes: any[]; noteSelectionEnabled?: boolean; notesSource: string; notesParentType: string; folders: FolderEntity[]; tags: any[]; masterKeys: any[]; notLoadedMasterKeys: string[]; searches: any[]; highlightedWords: string[]; selectedNoteIds: string[]; selectedNoteHash: string; selectedFolderId: string; selectedTagId: string; selectedSearchId: string; selectedItemType: string; selectedSmartFilterId: string; lastSelectedNotesIds: StateLastSelectedNotesIds; showSideMenu: boolean; screens: any; historyCanGoBack: boolean; syncStarted: boolean; syncReport: any; searchQuery: string; settings: any; sharedData: any; appState: string; biometricsDone: boolean; hasDisabledSyncItems: boolean; hasDisabledEncryptionItems: boolean; customCss: string; hasLegacyTemplates: boolean; collapsedFolderIds: string[]; clipperServer: StateClipperServer; decryptionWorker: StateDecryptionWorker; selectedNoteTags: any[]; resourceFetcher: StateResourceFetcher; backwardHistoryNotes: any[]; forwardHistoryNotes: any[]; pluginsLegacy: any; provisionalNoteIds: string[]; editorNoteStatuses: any; isInsertingNotes: boolean; hasEncryptedItems: boolean; needApiAuth: boolean; profileConfig: ProfileConfig; // Extra reducer keys go here: pluginService: PluginServiceState; shareService: ShareServiceState; } export const defaultState: State = { notes: [], notesSource: '', notesParentType: null, folders: [], tags: [], masterKeys: [], notLoadedMasterKeys: [], searches: [], highlightedWords: [], selectedNoteIds: [], selectedNoteHash: '', selectedFolderId: null, selectedTagId: null, selectedSearchId: null, selectedSmartFilterId: null, selectedItemType: 'note', lastSelectedNotesIds: { Folder: {}, Tag: {}, Search: {}, }, showSideMenu: false, screens: {}, historyCanGoBack: false, syncStarted: false, syncReport: {}, searchQuery: '', settings: {}, sharedData: null, appState: 'starting', biometricsDone: false, hasDisabledSyncItems: false, hasDisabledEncryptionItems: false, customCss: '', hasLegacyTemplates: false, collapsedFolderIds: [], clipperServer: { startState: 'idle', port: null, }, decryptionWorker: { state: 'idle', itemIndex: 0, itemCount: 0, decryptedItemCounts: {}, decryptedItemCount: 0, skippedItemCount: 0, }, selectedNoteTags: [], resourceFetcher: { toFetchCount: 0, }, backwardHistoryNotes: [], forwardHistoryNotes: [], // pluginsLegacy is the original plugin system, which eventually was used only for GotoAnything. // GotoAnything should be refactored to part of core and when it's done the pluginsLegacy key can // be removed. It was originally named "plugins", then renamed "pluginsLegacy" so as not to conflict // with the new "plugins" key used for the new plugin system. pluginsLegacy: {}, provisionalNoteIds: [], editorNoteStatuses: {}, isInsertingNotes: false, hasEncryptedItems: false, needApiAuth: false, profileConfig: null, pluginService: pluginServiceDefaultState, shareService: shareServiceDefaultState, }; for (const additionalReducer of additionalReducers) { (defaultState as any)[additionalReducer.stateRootKey] = additionalReducer.defaultState; } let store_: Store = null; export function setStore(v: Store) { store_ = v; } export function store(): Store { return store_; } export const MAX_HISTORY = 200; const derivedStateCache_: any = {}; // Allows, for a given state, to return the same derived // objects, to prevent unecessary updates on calling components. const cacheEnabledOutput = (key: string, output: any) => { key = `${key}_${JSON.stringify(output)}`; if (derivedStateCache_[key]) return derivedStateCache_[key]; derivedStateCache_[key] = output; return derivedStateCache_[key]; }; const createShallowArrayEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator( defaultMemoize, (prev: any[], next: any[]) => { if (prev.length !== next.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < prev.length; i++) { if (prev[i] !== next[i]) return false; } return true; } ); const selectArrayShallow = createCachedSelector( (state: any) => state.array, (array: any[]) => array )({ keySelector: (_state: any, cacheKey: any) => { return cacheKey; }, selectorCreator: createShallowArrayEqualSelector, }); class StateUtils { // Given an input array, this selector ensures that the same array is returned // if its content hasn't changed. public selectArrayShallow(props: any, cacheKey: any) { return selectArrayShallow(props, cacheKey); } public oneNoteSelected(state: State): boolean { return state.selectedNoteIds.length === 1; } public notesOrder(stateSettings: any) { if (stateSettings['notes.sortOrder.field'] === 'order') { return cacheEnabledOutput('notesOrder', [ { by: 'order', dir: 'DESC', }, { by: 'user_created_time', dir: 'DESC', }, ]); } else { return cacheEnabledOutput('notesOrder', [ { by: stateSettings['notes.sortOrder.field'], dir: stateSettings['notes.sortOrder.reverse'] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC', }, ]); } } public foldersOrder(stateSettings: any) { return cacheEnabledOutput('foldersOrder', [ { by: stateSettings['folders.sortOrder.field'], dir: stateSettings['folders.sortOrder.reverse'] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC', }, ]); } public hasNotesBeingSaved(state: State): boolean { for (const id in state.editorNoteStatuses) { if (state.editorNoteStatuses[id] === 'saving') return true; } return false; } public parentItem(state: State) { const t = state.notesParentType; let id = null; if (t === 'Folder') id = state.selectedFolderId; if (t === 'Tag') id = state.selectedTagId; if (t === 'Search') id = state.selectedSearchId; if (!t || !id) return null; return { type: t, id: id }; } public lastSelectedNoteIds(state: State): string[] { const parent = this.parentItem(state); if (!parent) return []; const output = (state.lastSelectedNotesIds as any)[parent.type][]; return output ? output : []; } public selectedNote(state: State): any { const noteId = this.selectedNoteId(state); return noteId ? BaseModel.byId(state.notes, noteId) : null; } public selectedNoteId(state: State): any { return state.selectedNoteIds.length ? state.selectedNoteIds[0] : null; } } export const stateUtils: StateUtils = new StateUtils(); function arrayHasEncryptedItems(array: any[]) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].encryption_applied) return true; } return false; } function stateHasEncryptedItems(state: State) { if (arrayHasEncryptedItems(state.notes)) return true; if (arrayHasEncryptedItems(state.folders)) return true; if (arrayHasEncryptedItems(state.tags)) return true; return false; } function folderSetCollapsed(draft: Draft, action: any) { const collapsedFolderIds = draft.collapsedFolderIds.slice(); const idx = collapsedFolderIds.indexOf(; if (action.collapsed) { if (idx >= 0) return; collapsedFolderIds.push(; } else { if (idx < 0) return; collapsedFolderIds.splice(idx, 1); } draft.collapsedFolderIds = collapsedFolderIds; } function removeAdjacentDuplicates(items: any[]) { return items.filter((item: any, idx: number) => (idx >= 1) ? items[idx - 1].id !== : true); } // When deleting a note, tag or folder function handleItemDelete(draft: Draft, action: any) { const map: any = { FOLDER_DELETE: ['folders', 'selectedFolderId', true], NOTE_DELETE: ['notes', 'selectedNoteIds', false], TAG_DELETE: ['tags', 'selectedTagId', true], SEARCH_DELETE: ['searches', 'selectedSearchId', true], }; const listKey = map[action.type][0]; const selectedItemKey = map[action.type][1]; const isSingular = map[action.type][2]; const selectedItemKeys = isSingular ? [(draft as any)[selectedItemKey]] : (draft as any)[selectedItemKey]; const isSelected = selectedItemKeys.includes(; const items = (draft as any)[listKey]; const newItems = []; let newSelectedIndexes: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; if (isSelected) { // the selected item is deleted so select the following item // if multiple items are selected then just use the first one if (selectedItemKeys[0] === { newSelectedIndexes.push(newItems.length); } } else { // the selected item/s is not deleted so keep it selected if (selectedItemKeys.includes( { newSelectedIndexes.push(newItems.length); } } if ( === { continue; } newItems.push(item); } if (newItems.length === 0) { newSelectedIndexes = []; // no remaining items so no selection } else if (newSelectedIndexes.length === 0) { newSelectedIndexes.push(0); // no selection exists so select the top } else { // when the items at end of list are deleted then select the end for (let i = 0; i < newSelectedIndexes.length; i++) { if (newSelectedIndexes[i] >= newItems.length) { newSelectedIndexes = [newItems.length - 1]; break; } } } (draft as any)[listKey] = newItems; const newIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < newSelectedIndexes.length; i++) { newIds.push(newItems[newSelectedIndexes[i]].id); } (draft as any)[selectedItemKey] = isSingular ? newIds[0] : newIds; if ((newIds.length === 0) && draft.notesParentType !== 'Folder') { draft.notesParentType = 'Folder'; } } function updateOneItem(draft: Draft, action: any, keyName: string = '') { let itemsKey = null; if (keyName) { itemsKey = keyName; } else { if (action.type === 'TAG_UPDATE_ONE') itemsKey = 'tags'; if (action.type === 'FOLDER_UPDATE_ONE') itemsKey = 'folders'; if (action.type === 'MASTERKEY_UPDATE_ONE') itemsKey = 'masterKeys'; } const newItems = (draft as any)[itemsKey].slice(); const item = action.item; let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < newItems.length; i++) { const n = newItems[i]; if ( === { newItems[i] = { ...newItems[i], ...item }; found = true; break; } } if (!found) newItems.push(item); (draft as any)[itemsKey] = newItems; } function updateSelectedNotesFromExistingNotes(draft: Draft) { const newSelectedNoteIds = []; for (const selectedNoteId of draft.selectedNoteIds) { for (const n of draft.notes) { if ( === selectedNoteId) { newSelectedNoteIds.push(; } } } if (JSON.stringify(draft.selectedNoteIds) === JSON.stringify(newSelectedNoteIds)) return; draft.selectedNoteIds = newSelectedNoteIds; } function defaultNotesParentType(draft: Draft, exclusion: string) { let newNotesParentType = null; if (exclusion !== 'SmartFilter' && draft.selectedSmartFilterId) { newNotesParentType = 'SmartFilter'; } else if (exclusion !== 'Folder' && draft.selectedFolderId) { newNotesParentType = 'Folder'; } else if (exclusion !== 'Tag' && draft.selectedTagId) { newNotesParentType = 'Tag'; } else if (exclusion !== 'Search' && draft.selectedSearchId) { newNotesParentType = 'Search'; } return newNotesParentType; } function changeSelectedFolder(draft: Draft, action: any, options: any = null) { if (!options) options = {}; draft.selectedFolderId = 'folderId' in action ? action.folderId :; if (!draft.selectedFolderId) { draft.notesParentType = defaultNotesParentType(draft, 'Folder'); } else { draft.notesParentType = 'Folder'; } if (options.clearSelectedNoteIds) draft.selectedNoteIds = []; } function recordLastSelectedNoteIds(draft: Draft, noteIds: string[]) { const newOnes: any = { ...draft.lastSelectedNotesIds }; const parent = stateUtils.parentItem(draft); if (!parent) return; newOnes[parent.type] = { ...newOnes[parent.type] }; newOnes[parent.type][] = noteIds.slice(); draft.lastSelectedNotesIds = newOnes; } function changeSelectedNotes(draft: Draft, action: any, options: any = null) { if (!options) options = {}; let noteIds = []; if ( noteIds = []; if (action.ids) noteIds = action.ids; if (action.noteId) noteIds = [action.noteId]; if (action.type === 'NOTE_SELECT') { if (JSON.stringify(draft.selectedNoteIds) === JSON.stringify(noteIds)) return; draft.selectedNoteIds = noteIds; draft.selectedNoteHash = action.hash ? action.hash : ''; } else if (action.type === 'NOTE_SELECT_ADD') { if (!noteIds.length) return; draft.selectedNoteIds = ArrayUtils.unique(draft.selectedNoteIds.concat(noteIds)); } else if (action.type === 'NOTE_SELECT_REMOVE') { if (!noteIds.length) return; // Nothing to unselect if (draft.selectedNoteIds.length <= 1) return; // Cannot unselect the last note const newSelectedNoteIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < draft.selectedNoteIds.length; i++) { const id = draft.selectedNoteIds[i]; if (noteIds.indexOf(id) >= 0) continue; newSelectedNoteIds.push(id); } draft.selectedNoteIds = newSelectedNoteIds; } else if (action.type === 'NOTE_SELECT_TOGGLE') { if (!noteIds.length) return; if (draft.selectedNoteIds.indexOf(noteIds[0]) >= 0) { changeSelectedNotes(draft, { type: 'NOTE_SELECT_REMOVE', id: noteIds[0] }); } else { changeSelectedNotes(draft, { type: 'NOTE_SELECT_ADD', id: noteIds[0] }); } } else { throw new Error('Unreachable'); } recordLastSelectedNoteIds(draft, draft.selectedNoteIds); } function removeItemFromArray(array: any[], property: any, value: any) { for (let i = 0; i !== array.length; ++i) { const currentItem = array[i]; if (currentItem[property] === value) { array = array.slice(); array.splice(i, 1); break; } } return array; } const getContextFromHistory = (ctx: any) => { const result: any = {}; result.notesParentType = ctx.notesParentType; if (result.notesParentType === 'Folder') { result.selectedFolderId = ctx.selectedFolderId; } else if (result.notesParentType === 'Tag') { result.selectedTagId = ctx.selectedTagId; } else if (result.notesParentType === 'Search') { result.selectedSearchId = ctx.selectedSearchId; result.searches = ctx.searches; } else if (result.notesParentType === 'SmartFilter') { result.selectedSmartFilterId = ctx.selectedSmartFilterId; } return result; }; function getNoteHistoryInfo(state: State) { const selectedNoteIds = state.selectedNoteIds; const notes = state.notes; if (selectedNoteIds && selectedNoteIds.length > 0) { const currNote = notes.find(note => === selectedNoteIds[0]); if (currNote) { return { id:, parent_id: currNote.parent_id, notesParentType: state.notesParentType, selectedFolderId: state.selectedFolderId, selectedTagId: state.selectedTagId, selectedSearchId: state.selectedSearchId, searches: state.searches, selectedSmartFilterId: state.selectedSmartFilterId, }; } } return null; } function handleHistory(draft: Draft, action: any) { const currentNote = getNoteHistoryInfo(draft); switch (action.type) { case 'HISTORY_BACKWARD': { const note = draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1]; if (currentNote && (draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length === 0 || !== draft.forwardHistoryNotes[draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id)) { draft.forwardHistoryNotes = draft.forwardHistoryNotes.concat(currentNote).slice(-MAX_HISTORY); } changeSelectedFolder(draft, { ...action, type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', folderId: note.parent_id }); changeSelectedNotes(draft, { ...action, type: 'NOTE_SELECT', noteId: }); const ctx = draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1]; Object.assign(draft, getContextFromHistory(ctx)); draft.backwardHistoryNotes.pop(); break; } case 'HISTORY_FORWARD': { const note = draft.forwardHistoryNotes[draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length - 1]; if (currentNote && (draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length === 0 || !== draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id)) { draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.concat(currentNote).slice(-MAX_HISTORY); } changeSelectedFolder(draft, { ...action, type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', folderId: note.parent_id }); changeSelectedNotes(draft, { ...action, type: 'NOTE_SELECT', noteId: }); const ctx = draft.forwardHistoryNotes[draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length - 1]; Object.assign(draft, getContextFromHistory(ctx)); draft.forwardHistoryNotes.pop(); break; } case 'NOTE_SELECT': if (currentNote && !== { draft.forwardHistoryNotes = []; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.concat(currentNote).slice(-MAX_HISTORY); } // History should be free from duplicates. if (draft.backwardHistoryNotes && draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length > 0 && === draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id) { draft.backwardHistoryNotes.pop(); } break; case 'TAG_SELECT': case 'FOLDER_AND_NOTE_SELECT': case 'FOLDER_SELECT': if (currentNote) { if (draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length) draft.forwardHistoryNotes = []; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.concat(currentNote).slice(-MAX_HISTORY); } break; case 'NOTE_UPDATE_ONE': { const modNote = action.note; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = => { if ( === { return { ...note, parent_id: modNote.parent_id, selectedFolderId: modNote.parent_id }; } return note; }); draft.forwardHistoryNotes = => { if ( === { return { ...note, parent_id: modNote.parent_id, selectedFolderId: modNote.parent_id }; } return note; }); break; } case 'SEARCH_UPDATE': if (currentNote && (draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length === 0 || draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id !== { if (draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length) draft.forwardHistoryNotes = []; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.concat(currentNote).slice(-MAX_HISTORY); } break; case 'FOLDER_DELETE': draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.filter(note => note.parent_id !==; draft.forwardHistoryNotes = draft.forwardHistoryNotes.filter(note => note.parent_id !==; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = removeAdjacentDuplicates(draft.backwardHistoryNotes); draft.forwardHistoryNotes = removeAdjacentDuplicates(draft.forwardHistoryNotes); break; case 'NOTE_DELETE': { draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.filter(note => !==; draft.forwardHistoryNotes = draft.forwardHistoryNotes.filter(note => !==; draft.backwardHistoryNotes = removeAdjacentDuplicates(draft.backwardHistoryNotes); draft.forwardHistoryNotes = removeAdjacentDuplicates(draft.forwardHistoryNotes); // Fix the case where after deletion the currently selected note is also the latest in history const selectedNoteIds = draft.selectedNoteIds; if (selectedNoteIds.length && draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length && draft.backwardHistoryNotes[draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id === selectedNoteIds[0]) { draft.backwardHistoryNotes = draft.backwardHistoryNotes.slice(0, draft.backwardHistoryNotes.length - 1); } if (selectedNoteIds.length && draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length && draft.forwardHistoryNotes[draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length - 1].id === selectedNoteIds[0]) { draft.forwardHistoryNotes = draft.forwardHistoryNotes.slice(0, draft.forwardHistoryNotes.length - 1); } break; } } } const reducer = produce((draft: Draft = defaultState, action: any) => { // const reducer = (state:State = defaultState, action:any) => { // if (!['SIDE_MENU_OPEN_PERCENT'].includes(action.type))'Action', action.type, action); // let newState = state; // NOTE_DELETE requires post processing if (action.type !== 'NOTE_DELETE') { handleHistory(draft, action); } try { switch (action.type) { case 'NOTE_SELECT': case 'NOTE_SELECT_ADD': case 'NOTE_SELECT_REMOVE': case 'NOTE_SELECT_TOGGLE': changeSelectedNotes(draft, action); break; case 'NOTE_SELECT_EXTEND': { if (!draft.selectedNoteIds.length) { draft.selectedNoteIds = []; } else { const selectRangeId1 = draft.selectedNoteIds[draft.selectedNoteIds.length - 1]; const selectRangeId2 =; if (selectRangeId1 === selectRangeId2) { // Nothing } else { const newSelectedNoteIds = draft.selectedNoteIds.slice(); let selectionStarted = false; for (let i = 0; i < draft.notes.length; i++) { const id = draft.notes[i].id; if (!selectionStarted && (id === selectRangeId1 || id === selectRangeId2)) { selectionStarted = true; if (newSelectedNoteIds.indexOf(id) < 0) newSelectedNoteIds.push(id); continue; } else if (selectionStarted && (id === selectRangeId1 || id === selectRangeId2)) { if (newSelectedNoteIds.indexOf(id) < 0) newSelectedNoteIds.push(id); break; } if (selectionStarted && newSelectedNoteIds.indexOf(id) < 0) { newSelectedNoteIds.push(id); } } draft.selectedNoteIds = newSelectedNoteIds; } } } break; case 'NOTE_SELECT_ALL': draft.selectedNoteIds = any) =>; break; case 'NOTE_SELECT_ALL_TOGGLE': { const allSelected = draft.notes.every((n: any) => draft.selectedNoteIds.includes(; if (allSelected) { draft.selectedNoteIds = []; } else { draft.selectedNoteIds = =>; } break; } case 'SMART_FILTER_SELECT': draft.notesParentType = 'SmartFilter'; draft.selectedSmartFilterId =; break; case 'FOLDER_SELECT': changeSelectedFolder(draft, action, { clearSelectedNoteIds: true }); break; case 'FOLDER_AND_NOTE_SELECT': { changeSelectedFolder(draft, action); const noteSelectAction = { ...action, type: 'NOTE_SELECT' }; changeSelectedNotes(draft, noteSelectAction); } break; case 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL': draft.settings = action.settings; break; case 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE': { const newSettings = { ...draft.settings }; newSettings[action.key] = action.value; draft.settings = newSettings; } break; case 'NOTE_PROVISIONAL_FLAG_CLEAR': { const newIds = ArrayUtils.removeElement(draft.provisionalNoteIds,; if (newIds !== draft.provisionalNoteIds) { draft.provisionalNoteIds = newIds; } } break; // Replace all the notes with the provided array case 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL': draft.notes = action.notes; draft.notesSource = action.notesSource; updateSelectedNotesFromExistingNotes(draft); break; // Insert the note into the note list if it's new, or // update it within the note array if it already exists. case 'NOTE_UPDATE_ONE': { const modNote = action.note; const isViewingAllNotes = (draft.notesParentType === 'SmartFilter' && draft.selectedSmartFilterId === ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID); const isViewingConflictFolder = draft.notesParentType === 'Folder' && draft.selectedFolderId === Folder.conflictFolderId(); const noteIsInFolder = function(note: any, folderId: string) { if (note.is_conflict && isViewingConflictFolder) return true; if (!('parent_id' in modNote) || note.parent_id === folderId) return true; return false; }; let movedNotePreviousIndex = 0; let noteFolderHasChanged = false; let newNotes = draft.notes.slice(); let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < newNotes.length; i++) { const n = newNotes[i]; if ( === { if (n.is_conflict && !modNote.is_conflict) { // Note was a conflict but was moved outside of // the conflict folder newNotes.splice(i, 1); noteFolderHasChanged = true; movedNotePreviousIndex = i; } else if (isViewingAllNotes || noteIsInFolder(modNote, n.parent_id)) { // Note is still in the same folder // Merge the properties that have changed (in modNote) into // the object we already have. newNotes[i] = { ...newNotes[i] }; for (const n in modNote) { if (!modNote.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; newNotes[i][n] = modNote[n]; } } else { // Note has moved to a different folder newNotes.splice(i, 1); noteFolderHasChanged = true; movedNotePreviousIndex = i; } found = true; break; } } // Note was not found - if the current folder is the same as the note folder, // add it to it. if (!found) { if (isViewingAllNotes || noteIsInFolder(modNote, draft.selectedFolderId)) { newNotes.push(modNote); } } // newNotes = Note.sortNotes(newNotes, draft.notesOrder, draft.settings.uncompletedTodosOnTop); newNotes = Note.sortNotes(newNotes, stateUtils.notesOrder(draft.settings), draft.settings.uncompletedTodosOnTop); draft.notes = newNotes; if (noteFolderHasChanged) { let newIndex = movedNotePreviousIndex; if (newIndex >= newNotes.length) newIndex = newNotes.length - 1; if (!newNotes.length) newIndex = -1; draft.selectedNoteIds = newIndex >= 0 ? [newNotes[newIndex].id] : []; } if (!action.ignoreProvisionalFlag) { let newProvisionalNoteIds = draft.provisionalNoteIds; if (action.provisional) { newProvisionalNoteIds = newProvisionalNoteIds.slice(); newProvisionalNoteIds.push(; } else { const idx = newProvisionalNoteIds.indexOf(; if (idx >= 0) { newProvisionalNoteIds = newProvisionalNoteIds.slice(); newProvisionalNoteIds.splice(idx, 1); } } draft.provisionalNoteIds = newProvisionalNoteIds; } } break; case 'NOTE_DELETE': { handleItemDelete(draft, action); const idx = draft.provisionalNoteIds.indexOf(; if (idx >= 0) { const t = draft.provisionalNoteIds.slice(); t.splice(idx, 1); draft.provisionalNoteIds = t; } } break; case 'NOTE_IS_INSERTING_NOTES': if (draft.isInsertingNotes !== action.value) { draft.isInsertingNotes = action.value; } break; case 'TAG_DELETE': handleItemDelete(draft, action); draft.selectedNoteTags = removeItemFromArray(draft.selectedNoteTags, 'id',; break; case 'FOLDER_UPDATE_ALL': draft.folders = action.items; break; case 'FOLDER_SET_COLLAPSED': folderSetCollapsed(draft, action); break; case 'FOLDER_TOGGLE': if (draft.collapsedFolderIds.indexOf( >= 0) { folderSetCollapsed(draft, { collapsed: false, ...action }); } else { folderSetCollapsed(draft, { collapsed: true, ...action }); } break; case 'FOLDER_SET_COLLAPSED_ALL': draft.collapsedFolderIds = action.ids.slice(); break; case 'TAG_UPDATE_ALL': if (!fastDeepEqual(original(draft.tags), action.items)) { draft.tags = action.items; } break; case 'TAG_SELECT': if (draft.selectedTagId !== || draft.notesParentType !== 'Tag') { draft.selectedTagId =; if (! { draft.notesParentType = defaultNotesParentType(draft, 'Tag'); } else { draft.notesParentType = 'Tag'; } draft.selectedNoteIds = []; } break; case 'TAG_UPDATE_ONE': { // We only want to update the selected note tags if the tag belongs to the currently open note const selectedNoteHasTag = !!draft.selectedNoteTags.find(tag => ===; updateOneItem(draft, action); if (selectedNoteHasTag) updateOneItem(draft, action, 'selectedNoteTags'); } break; case 'NOTE_TAG_REMOVE': { updateOneItem(draft, action, 'tags'); const tagRemoved = action.item; draft.selectedNoteTags = removeItemFromArray(draft.selectedNoteTags, 'id',; } break; case 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_SET': { draft.editorNoteStatuses[] = action.status; } break; case 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_REMOVE': { delete draft.editorNoteStatuses[]; } break; case 'FOLDER_UPDATE_ONE': case 'MASTERKEY_UPDATE_ONE': updateOneItem(draft, action); break; case 'FOLDER_DELETE': handleItemDelete(draft, action); break; // case 'MASTERKEY_UPDATE_ALL': // draft.masterKeys = action.items; // break; case 'MASTERKEY_SET_NOT_LOADED': draft.notLoadedMasterKeys = action.ids; break; case 'MASTERKEY_ADD_NOT_LOADED': { if (draft.notLoadedMasterKeys.indexOf( < 0) { const keys = draft.notLoadedMasterKeys.slice(); keys.push(; draft.notLoadedMasterKeys = keys; } } break; case 'MASTERKEY_REMOVE_NOT_LOADED': { const ids = ? [] : action.ids; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { const id = ids[i]; const index = draft.notLoadedMasterKeys.indexOf(id); if (index >= 0) { const keys = draft.notLoadedMasterKeys.slice(); keys.splice(index, 1); draft.notLoadedMasterKeys = keys; } } } break; case 'CONTAINS_LEGACY_TEMPLATES': draft.hasLegacyTemplates = true; break; case 'SYNC_STARTED': draft.syncStarted = true; break; case 'SYNC_COMPLETED': draft.syncStarted = false; break; case 'SYNC_REPORT_UPDATE': draft.syncReport =; break; case 'SEARCH_QUERY': draft.searchQuery = action.query.trim(); break; case 'SEARCH_ADD': { const searches = draft.searches.slice(); searches.push(; draft.searches = searches; } break; case 'SEARCH_UPDATE': { const searches = draft.searches.slice(); let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < searches.length; i++) { if (searches[i].id === { searches[i] = { }; found = true; break; } } if (!found) searches.push(; draft.notesParentType = 'Search'; draft.searches = searches; } break; case 'SEARCH_DELETE': handleItemDelete(draft, action); break; case 'SEARCH_SELECT': draft.selectedSearchId =; if (! { draft.notesParentType = defaultNotesParentType(draft, 'Search'); } else { draft.notesParentType = 'Search'; } draft.selectedNoteIds = []; break; case 'SET_HIGHLIGHTED': draft.highlightedWords = action.words; break; case 'APP_STATE_SET': draft.appState = action.state; break; case 'BIOMETRICS_DONE_SET': draft.biometricsDone = action.value; break; case 'SYNC_HAS_DISABLED_SYNC_ITEMS': draft.hasDisabledSyncItems = true; break; case 'ENCRYPTION_HAS_DISABLED_ITEMS': draft.hasDisabledEncryptionItems = action.value; break; case 'CLIPPER_SERVER_SET': { const clipperServer = { ...draft.clipperServer }; if ('startState' in action) clipperServer.startState = action.startState; if ('port' in action) clipperServer.port = action.port; draft.clipperServer = clipperServer; } break; case 'DECRYPTION_WORKER_SET': { const decryptionWorker = { ...draft.decryptionWorker }; for (const n in action) { if (!action.hasOwnProperty(n) || n === 'type') continue; (decryptionWorker as any)[n] = action[n]; } draft.decryptionWorker = decryptionWorker; } break; case 'RESOURCE_FETCHER_SET': { const rf = { ...action }; delete rf.type; draft.resourceFetcher = rf; } break; case 'CUSTOM_CSS_APPEND': draft.customCss += action.css; break; case 'SET_NOTE_TAGS': if (!fastDeepEqual(original(draft.selectedNoteTags), action.items)) { draft.selectedNoteTags = action.items; } break; case 'PLUGINLEGACY_DIALOG_SET': { if (!action.pluginName) throw new Error('action.pluginName not specified'); const newPluginsLegacy = { ...draft.pluginsLegacy }; const newPlugin = draft.pluginsLegacy[action.pluginName] ? { ...draft.pluginsLegacy[action.pluginName] } : {}; if ('open' in action) newPlugin.dialogOpen =; if ('userData' in action) newPlugin.userData = action.userData; newPluginsLegacy[action.pluginName] = newPlugin; draft.pluginsLegacy = newPluginsLegacy; } break; case 'API_NEED_AUTH_SET': draft.needApiAuth = action.value; break; case 'PROFILE_CONFIG_SET': draft.profileConfig = action.value; break; } } catch (error) { error.message = `In reducer: ${error.message} Action: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`; throw error; } if (action.type.indexOf('NOTE_UPDATE') === 0 || action.type.indexOf('FOLDER_UPDATE') === 0 || action.type.indexOf('TAG_UPDATE') === 0) { draft.hasEncryptedItems = stateHasEncryptedItems(draft); } if (action.type === 'NOTE_DELETE') { handleHistory(draft, action); } for (const additionalReducer of additionalReducers) { additionalReducer.reducer(draft, action); } // if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') { // return Object.freeze(newState); // } else { // return newState; // } }); export default reducer;